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Everything posted by AlisaLara

  1. I can't decipher this CTD error. I actually can save everywhere. However, I start having this problem upon saving inside Wyrmstooth Temple/Barrow (Main Quest). Even if I exit the place to save elsewhere, I still have the lingering CTD. EDIT: I fixed the issue after putting "uiCompression=1" at Skyrim.ini EDIT 2: It does not work as my save will CTD upon loading it. I have SSE Engines Fixes and Bug Fixes at the same time.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22469 I am trying to emulate the functions of this mod into my custom npcs as a minor feature. However, I can't extract the .pex files to compile the new scripts. It keeps giving me weird errors, and I am tired of trying to fix them. If anyone can extract those .pex files or know the code, please post them in the pastebin. I need to study how to script my npcs.
  3. Elder Scrolls will win!!! Shout with me!
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