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  1. This is a bit of an Oracle vs Google. It's a re-implementation of SkyUI from scratch, in a different context.. Its not a perfect analogy but these ideas are on a knife edge.
  2. I want to import a .bto generated by DynDOLOD into Blender 2.78 to use as a guide for creating a new model (It has to fit into the shape of a mountain). So far my attempts to import it using the Blender nif plugin have failed as it does not recognize BSSubIndexTriShape. Is there a way to convert this using NifScope into a Blender friendly format? I also cannot export it to .obj using NifScope which was my first plan.
  3. In response to post #57207131. #57207521, #57209031, #57209301, #57209331 are all replies on the same post. I think this post can be awarded over statement of the year. Aside from a few annoyances the new Nexus layout is fine. It's not like the old one was perfect.
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