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Everything posted by Trickai

  1. nope...that was in fact still in FOOK...I am talking about this one http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/12.7mm_pistol I honestly can't figure it out, I was working with a bunch of mods, 12.7 was there. Installed a new mod and it was not what I wanted. Deleted it. So that means I was back to all my original mods. But I uninstalled reinstalled them all just to be sure ya know. After that no matter what I did 12.7 wouldn't show up. After playing around and uninstalling everything but FOOK and it still not showing up I decided to reinstall game...but in the process lost all the mods I had due to my own stupidity (frustration). So that means I can't give a list of the mods I was using. sorry...I know this is actually a pretty hopeless question...it's just my own frustration. I think it must be the order I am putting them in or something.
  2. I was playing, with FOOK, and gave myself some ammo for my 12.7mm gun which I had also given to myself in FOOK. Now later I was adding some mods and decided to do a clean install of all my mods. When I was finished, FOOK was working but there were no 12.7mm guns in FOOK. Does Project Nevada or AWOP or any mod really change the names of guns? Or completely remove guns? There were other guns that used the 12.7 bullets but no weapon called 12.7 pistol. Couldn't figure out if it was renamed or somehow taken out of the game. Sadly I was fooling around trying to figure it out and deleted all my mods so I have no idea which mods I had even installed. I am going to have to start from scratch, which is not a huge deal really, but was hoping that it was a known mod that does this to weapons...renames or deletes.
  3. Okay so I went to the doctor and bought all the implants, the 7 special plus the dt one, so eight total, my endurance is 8. But I can only seem to install 4, 2 in head and 2 in body. The arms and legs won't take any implants at all for some reason. I am level 3 (yes I cheated to get there and buy the implants) but not sure why I can't have more than 4 implants and only in head and torso...any help?
  4. Thanks for even more mods suggestions. Prone mode is aweseom. I had already found interiors and am very happy with it. I tried Fellout, but I have poor eyesight and it made it nearly unplayable for me, hehehehe, too much tv as a kid (don't sit so close you'll go blind). The armor and weapons I will look into as well. Radar mod and nevada skies are brilliant of course and I have both installed. Fook is nice to use and wme is also just awesome. I have looked over each mod suggested and probably about 90 percent I have started to use. A couple I had found on my own but the suggestions just helped confirm them for me. Only a couple were of no interest to me but I thank you for the suggestions anyway because really...I mean how is another person supposed to know what I would like. So thanks for every single suggestion, it has made my experience playing SO much better.
  5. It can be found here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43732 and I just wondered if anyone has played with it and how it is. Easier, harder, the same only different. I haven't played it yet but am very tempted. It has two traits that I would actually take (I don't take any traits normally) the precision and the targeting seem really cool with the downsides being very minimal. Although that also brings up one of my concerns and that is healing...it seems like healing as a robot is considerably more difficult. I am loving FNV but find there is just so much to see and do and so many mods that I haven't really gone too much past Goodsprings and Primm. So again, I think my main concern is if the robot race mod makes things more difficult, particularly healing....because if not then I might just go ahead and play it just for fun. Thanks ahead of time for any comments, and for putting up with a newbie.
  6. well thanks VERY much for the info, I am just not going to even pick it up any more then actually I am going to search for an auto loot mod that will not pick up that junk at all.......
  7. so you don't use food at all? I mean I have just started playing but have been wary of dropping or selling any food because I figure I will need it as heals later on, but if it is really not used that often then yeah, I am just gonna sell it all and just keep a couple pieces
  8. Okay I find I am hauling around way way too much food and stuff to make food. (I contemplated using the robot race mod so I coudl avoid food all together) My question is this...is there a food or a couple of foods/drinks that I should/can carry from the start of the game right through...and therefore just dump or sell the other stuff. For example some of the meat that is made into steaks...are those a decent food item to carry so I can just dump the rest? How do you manage your food stuffs?
  9. So I have been trolling the mods and come up with a few that I want to add Project Nevada A World of Pain Goodsprings Fillers Afterschool Special Couriers Cache Some things I want and am still looking for which one to use are A radar type mod that will show enemies Something to clean up the Pipboy so it isn't so hard to read More zone/worldplaces/quests I was having problems figuring out in what order to install things, particularly with Project Nevada but will figure it out eventually. So...what else would you recommend to make things better...not easier just better. I have seen a couple things to make areas greener...Goodsprings I think. Also ones that sort of makes things neater, picking up trash and stuff. And also ones that change the sky and lighting. And finally, is it possible to have too many mods? Have I already got too many in my list to add...should I cut a few out? Or does it not matter as long as I get the installs right?
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