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Posts posted by prod80

  1. It's a Magic OnHit effect which is attached to the player camera during foggy weather... no scripts or anything. Much like the vanilla fog effect, or blowing leaves which are triggered during certain weathers. The weather form allows for this to be attached on a per weather basis in the CK with a start/end time during weather transitions... to bad it doesn't fade in/out though, but I can life with that...

  2. For this mod: Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch - Fog Rain Overcast ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39799/ )


    More specific, the camera attached volumetric fog effect ( current beta )


    The problem is that the fog vanishes after opening world map and doesn't re-appear when returning to game. Looking over vanilla meshes I cant seem to figure out why. I have tried to do an autoplay, loop, fadeout on it ( as that seems to be the only difference ), which works on an experimental version, but the fog still goes away after opening map ( it's also visible on world map, the fog that is ). Another problem is that the fog suddenly vanishes when weather transitions out, but I suppose that's related to not having a fadeout(?).


    If anyone has some insight in this as to why vanilla camera attached meshes do not suffer from this and mine does, please feel free to drop me a message.


    At this point I can safely say I am stuck as all my attempts so far have failed.


    Thank you in advance for any help, hints or suggestions!





  3. Hello!


    So I have this mod (signature) in which I want to place volumetric fog. I have the nif file, which works great in the CK and all... BUT I do not want to manually place this nif in the whole world (obviously) and besides, that would hit performance so hard that the game probably becomes unplayable.


    So I have had some contact with MannyGT and he advised me to create an activator, attach the nif, and use a script to activate it and spawn the activators around the player...


    Now I do not know if that will give the desired effect, and probably will require tweaking on the model and the script... but the main problem right now is that I have absolutely no idea how to write that script :D Believe me I tried and failed :\


    What it needs to do is this;


    1. Create some global variable that checks for active weather name (somehow). I suppose this is done by creating an array (again, somehow) that holds the names of the weather to check... when the active weather matches a value preset in the array; the variable should be set to 1, if not, 0
    2. Check the variable, if 1 then
    3. Check if player is interior, if false then
    4. Place 3 meshes in N, E, W positions of player (can be out quite a bit (spawn area is 4096, so they shouldnt spawn at the feet)
    5. This script needs to rerun itself every ~3 seconds or so until the global variable = 0 or player goes interior or player uses fast travel
    6. When it reruns the placed meshes have to fade out first and then be deleted and 3 new meshes have to be placed
    7. If possible I would like to be able to reduce spawning based on traveling speed... eg, standing still = no spawn, walking is lower spawn rate, running is normal rate, and sprinting the fastest... but I don't have a clue if that's possible...


    Of course this all needs to happen cleanly in regards to save game bloat and when someone uninstalls the mod (as much as possible)


    I do not mind the use of SKSE if required



    I could even do to activate the system on the player, if that's easier and just spawn a max size box on it... which will pretty much cover half the tundra around Whiterun...


    If anyone can help me out, or point me to a person that might be willing to help me out scripting it, I would be very happy and people would get real nice volumetric fog in their game :wink:


    Example screenshot from CK (this fog is animated (particle system) so it moves around)


  4. the ENB warning you can ignore, it just that it knows you run SweetFX as well... so when you have problems with it, you first need to disable the Proxy library in enblocal.ini (but don't do that now)


    VideoMemorySizeMb you need to change to 9216, see if that helps


    The formula to calculate it is RAM + VRAM - 2048

  5. I need to create some meshes, and I need Blender for it... Now I could install an old version and the import/export Nif files would work, but I need a later version for some functionalities.


    How can I get Nif support on the newer version of Blender? I cannot seem to get this working :\


    I just ended up making some meshes that I cannot export, crap.


    Anyone with some info, would be awesome :)

  6. you need to set the correct values in enblocal.ini and use the correct dll/.exe as well.

    This feel like an issue with your enblocal.ini


    Try and set this for your system:




    Calculate VideoMemorySizeMB using this logic;


    VideoMemorySizeMB = RAM + VRAM - 2048

  7. hey thanks for your research... just to make it clear... I'm referring to these clouds... same pic as above but circled the clouds



    these do not seem to want to react to set colors, but rather change color to whatever is set on the nif emission light (glow map, basically)... which is either white or amber from the ones I checked (didn't check all the nifs)


    Perhaps I'll have to redo all those nifs and go for an implementation like Real Clouds has done... that should give some nice results ;)

  8. I think they are the little floating clouds Skyrim automatically puts... so not the sky textures... but those lower hanging clouds... on the screenshot you see a few in the foreground hanging around. Not sure if it's wise to edit them... lot of work, and can run into a billion problems as I don't know in what extend these things are copied over in weather adjusting mods.

  9. they are not textures m8, otherwise it would not be an issue at all.


    They are located here (example): Sky\CloudDistant01.nif


    As far as I see there's no texture connected to that mesh with colors, it runs some particle effect or whatever on it to create clouds. It's basically the same system that Real Clouds mod is using (or is going to use) soon.


    Edit: Its the glow map on the meshes :\ argh... 150 meshes to do

  10. Hi there...

    I have this patch for Climates of Tamriel (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39799/), which I'd love to expand into more weather systems... but I am running into an issue related to static clouds placed in the sky that refuse to react to color...


    Take this screenshot for example (its just an example), in which I changed the sky and cloud colors




    Now this is all well and great... but there are these static clouds hanging around that are not reacting to Cloud layer colors... or any colors actually.


    Does anyone know how I can get them to react properly instead of not at all... as far as I can tell these are the default static sky meshes from the .bsa, and not part of CoT in any way. If I can get them to react to colors I can modify a lot of weathers... currently they are holding stuff back


    Very grateful for your help :smile:

  11. Hi there...

    I have this patch for Climates of Tamriel (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39799/), which I'd love to expand into more weather systems... but I am running into an issue related to static clouds placed in the sky that remove to react to color...


    That this screenshot for example, in which I changed the sky and cloud colors




    Now this is all well and great... but there are these static clouds hanging around that are not reacting to Cloud layer colors... or any colors actually.


    Does anyone know how I can get them to react properly instead of not at all... as far as I can tell these are the default static meshes from the .bsa, and not part of CoT in any way.


    Very grateful for your help :smile:

  12. Its not your 'rig' being the limit, its the game engine + 32-bit application + directx9 which limits it.

    Reduce textures. Don't optimize 4/8K textures to 2K... download 2K textures instead... believe it or not, a native 2K texture uses less memory than a downscaled 4K texture because the 2K one generally comes with 1K normal maps, and the downscaled 4K one will have 2K normal maps.


    You cannot use Ultra textures if you wanna change all textures. Use 2K textures on environment and trees and use 1K textures on objects. People and armor you generally want higher res, so going 4K of them is fine. If you have Skyrim Ultra HD and combined with all textures overhauls and city overhauls you have to downscale Skyrim Ultra HD to 1K from the 4K it normally is as the author refuses to upload a 512/1K version while 512x512 is more than enough for a bucket texture (this is because City overhauls generally place >1000 new objects in cities which are covered by that mod).

  13. Hi guys,

    Using Climates of Tamriel (who isn't - awesome mod)? Good... How do you like your bad weathers? Rain, Overcast, Fog? Not so satisfied with them when you compare them to the spectacular Cloudy and Clear weathers? Go check this out for some fresh breath on these weathers...


    Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch (Fog, Rain, Overcast)



    Some images here:











  14. That would be extremely hard to pinpoint... since it's so much time between crashes... 20 minutes, ok, 4 hours... yea... impossible... you can run tests disabling mods, but if that takes 4 hours to confirm it probably isn't worth it. Perhaps play with Skyrim Performance Monitor so you can at least rule your system resources out of the picture (3.1GB RAM limit)



    Perhaps this:


    Phenderix's Magic Evolved No Perks.esp Active

    • Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version, Phenderix's Magic Evolved - Cleaned.
    • Note: Reported about some versions of this plugin cause frequent crashes. Use with caution and update to latest version. If You don't see frequent crashes in your game then ignore this message.




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