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About GigaRat

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    United States
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    Enderal, Skyrim, Mass Effect, FO, etc.

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  1. Just thought I'd drop a little updated post since I've done some upgrading and renovating over the past several months. :) Storm Watters (GigaRat, DasGigaRat) Age: 38 Gender: Female Race: Caucasian Last Updated: 11-1-17 Active Member: Yes Playable Races: Just about anything, specializing in elderly and beast races. Experience: Various independent games and mods over 2-3 years including Enderal, The Forgotten City, Beyond Skyrim, De-Void, Witanlore, etc. Skills: I've done a little modding, myself, so I'm familiar with the format and quality you'll need for the CK. About Me: I'm a full time courtroom clerk by day, somewhat mild mannered voice talent after 6pm. I volunteer voices for mods on my spare time because I love the modding community and love to play their awesome creations. I do have a busy schedule, but can accommodate most rush requests if needed. Just let me know so I can prioritize my work. :wink: Voice Samples: https://www.voicesbystorm.com
  2. OMG I'm so going to download that when it's finished. :D
  3. I usually just lurk and offer to lend a hand wherever I spot something I might be able to help with, but I figured I'd go ahead and leave this here, finally. :D Storm Watters (GigaRat, DasGigaRat) Age: 37 Gender: Female Race: Caucasian Last Updated: 9-23-16 Active Member: Yes Playable Races: Just about anything, specializing in elderly and beast races. Experience: Various mods over 2-3 years including Enderal, The Forgotten City, Beyond Skyrim, and a recently released indie game called De-Void. Skills: I've done a little modding, myself, so I'm familiar with the format and quality you'll need for the CK. About Me: I'm a full time courtroom clerk, I help out with voices for mods on my spare time. I do have a busy schedule, but can accommodate most rush requests if needed. Just let me know so I can prioritize my work. :wink: Voice Samples: https://www.voicesbystorm.com
  4. It was definitely a blast and a privilege! Mind is still blown. No rest for the wicked... moar projects, pls! ;)
  5. Hi there! I just happened to stumble into a post that indicated you might still be looking for a few more voices for your project. If you're still in need of another female voice, I'd be happy to lend a hand if you find my voice type suitable. https://soundcloud.com/gigarat/sets Either way, I look forward to being able to download this once it's completed! :D
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