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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Every Update for SE is CC content. Paid mod content, basically https://bethesda.net/en/article/1yMbSt5VvaAMkYxUJlqtjv/skyrim-special-edition-creation-club-sneak-peek-2019 You dont need it (unless you care about CC content that is), just wait for everything to be updated to the new version and then update
  2. Im still having issues understanding what you mean I tried it with my usual (rather low) sensitivity and a pretty high one but couldnt see any slowdown in camera movement But then again, Im not using the vanilla first person camera. Im using net script's IPFV https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21294?tab=description You need to scroll through the comment section to find the version thats working with V1.5.8, the one on the download page is outdated. IPFV uses a modified 3rd person camera, so perhaps that fixes your problem. Alternatively theres also Improved Camera Beta 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/aorqpj/mod_improved_camera_beta_1/ Beta 3/4: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/cae3x2/mod_improved_camera_beta_3/ This one just alters the first person camera I used both of them and dont remember any issues with camera movement. Theyre both just an SKSE plugin, so no additional .esp I dont know of any 1st person camera overhauls that are about "making 1st person more fluid" so thats all I can offer (and my pardon for the late answer)
  3. UUNP isnt "officially" supportes for SE If you want to get physics to work properly you need some special config files that can be found on loverslab I know that there are files to get UUNP physics working, I saw some when scamming through threads but I dont know how well they work nor where exactly I saw them I would start scamming the CBPC or HDT SMP thread there (depending on what physics you want to use) or create a thread yourself if you dont mind creating an account there
  4. ..having a hard time getting a decent looking one tho Racemenu doesnt exactly offer much sliders for one (I believe its just the vanilla sliders?) Cant find any decent hair or eyes .. or basically anything to make a Khajiit that looks less.. plain Any help would be nice :) I also take LE mods as long as theyre easily convertable Thanks in advance
  5. No clue what youre talking about but as for 3rd person camera, Id suggest using those: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18515 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12201 Perhaps I dont know what youre talking about because one of them already fixes your issue *shrug
  6. That can happen when you changed your race midgame Especially when youre using a transformation (WW or VL) It mixes up stats and skill progression. Perhaps the Legendary thing is a consequence caused by the mixed up smithing skill ..all assuming you switched your race midgame Theres a reason why the facesculpter in the original game only changes your appearance - and not your race - and only when youre not a vampire
  7. UNP has some flaws that bother me quite a lot UUNP could fix them but why would I bother about fixing flaws that arent present for CBBE just to bother with converting a bunch of outfits from CBBE to UUNP. UUNP has almost no support in SE in general. All that for a few bones that Im not using anyway? Yea sure So.. you guessed it. CBBE it is. I dont really care about realism too much (dont get the whole realism thing anyway) and CBBE allows you to got into much more detail when creating a body to your liking Also SunJeong and doctuere only create/convert outfits for CBBE
  8. ..You know.. I've never tried to rob her. To be fair, pickpocket is the skill I use the least Out of all the skills in Skyrim pickpocket is probably the most flawed anyway and theres no easy way to fix that You can edit some values of how pickpocket is calculated but it stays the same from a gameplay perspective. It doesnt really reward you for doing it, so unless you "want" to play a pure thief-assassin (reverse pickpocket poison as primary weapon) theres no point in even bothering about it Lockpicking does all the things pickpocket does but better and lets be real here.. there are easier ways to kill a target than craft a strong poison and sneak up on someone to place it just to realize that that person is imune to poison - not to mention majority of enemies in the game cant be pickpocketed .. so even if you want to you "cant" play a pure thief-assassin, you "need" some sort of secondary weapon that has nothing to do with your pickpocket and alchemy skill Hope in TES6 (if it ever becomes a thing) pickpocket & alchemy will become a viable.. combat style. So far I find it pretty fun to pickpocket everyone and break out of prisons (altough Im still looking for a mod that makes a getaway more intresting than lockpicking (<- not pickpocketing a gurad, there you go again. Pickpocket is useless) the lock and kill 2 guards and then run away).. ... Nonetheless, its something diffrent that you usually dont experience in your game
  9. I also like her She always carries some stuff thats worth coin around with her :)
  10. So even with no mods enabled your transformation bugs out? Thats great because you now know why its bugging out Unfortunately, I dont know if theres anything you can do at this point then. My pardon .. Good thing is you can keep your mods.. I guess?
  11. Im using a custom headmesh for my character - I mean one thats manually edited. Sometimes I get some pretty weird results when I change races due to that editing (I guess). E.g. Best races: The jaw is pulled through the skull and does a curve, piercing the back of my character so that the teeth stands out from the belly. Its pretty weird Anyway, I never found a way to fix this other than starting a new game to reset the settings to their default (or overriding the previous sculpt in racemenu, but that doesnt exactly "fix" the issue) I have no idea if the same thing can happen to a body, but I guess its worth a try Try starting a new game and see if the issue presists, use "player.addspell 00092c48" to get the beastform transformation (or if youre using moonlight tales, the ring you get also has the option of granting you the beastform ability). Try without mods first
  12. You should be able to simply deactivate them yes. If something "lingers" you should try reloading your character (load a diffrent cell or save & kill yourself or load up Racemenu) and try transforming again I would however first check if the issue is with a mod in first place. I highly expect it to be but first deactivate all your mods and see if it fixes your issue after that do as you suggest. Make suer to backup your current progress Good hunting, may Hircine be watching
  13. There are shoulders? I cant see any shoulders The collarbone looks slightly off tho, but that might be the camera position on your screen The right leg seems to have the same issue as your hand yes The werewolf mesh is simliar to the Vampiremesh treated as a "clothing" you "put over your original character". . looking at it that way it makes sense that the werewolf appearance is also influenced by changing things in Racemenu I tried a bit around myself and I couldnt find a setting that would recreate your problem. I guess you have a mod that alters the skeleton of your werewolf or humanoid character that causes this issue. At least I cant think of much else right now
  14. No, kids are .. well.. not exactly the most intresting targets for illusion spells They are imune to them, just running away if you cast a spell and since they cant be pickpocket either I cant place a frenzy poison into their pockets Perhaps if you use a mod like killable children
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