a 4 core cpu without smt support is definitely far below min. specs. it will not work. even a 6 core without smt will not be sufficient for that game.
you need at least a 6/12 core cpu with full smt support and high ipc to play this game without or low stutter.
i can recommend mo2 for fallout 3 and 4 and also skyrim se. only oblivion still runs on old mo1.
the most stable experience i`ve ever had and no reason to ever test vortex since 2015.
also there are no hard link related disk drive dependencies you might get into using vortex and hard links.
no starfield experience here.
the weapon debris bug is known since turing cards exists. i posted a mod years ago as i encountered this bug with my rtx 2080. i don't know what the purpose of the last official update apart from breaking mods was. it did not solve any major bug or performance issue.
the update was clearly focused on consoles. so omitting this one as a pc gamer was out of question. the only reason to install this update on pc is to beta-test it for bethesda and to confirm that the bug situation has not changed and got probably even worse due to broken mods - as expected.
i play fo4 with a 100 fps setting and it loads faster as with a "steady" 60fps setting (same save, tested), physics fix mod installed. loading times get really worse below 40 fps in my setup. i deactivated autosave.