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  1. Recommended mods for neccesary tweeks/fixes but no game breakers.- Complete Crafting Overhaul Smithing Perks Overhaul Weapon and Armor Fixes These three mods fix most if not all issues concerning Crafting and Smithing http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8003/? The links for Smithing and Weapon/Armor Fixes are provided in the Description for Complete Crafting Overhaul. Flora Respawn Fix- Like the above three but fixes the problems with harvesting plants. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31268/? RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard- For if you ever start playing custom races or use custom companions. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24168/? ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer When you start using modded hair, races, eyes, war paint, etc. This one is a giant neccesity for tweeking things like eye color and hair styles. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526/? Better MessageBox http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28170/? Wish you could navigate ALL dialouge boxes with the movement keys like in the 99% of video games out there? Well now you can with this mod. Proper Aiming- Makes the gane's Crosshair an actul Crosshair for Archers and Spell Casters. This mod may come of as a 'cheat/game breaker' but it isn't. Weapon and Magic damage are still the same. It just fixes the 'off center aiming' issue. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13652/? Shadow Striping Fix- Fixes quite a lot of the messed up shadows. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27418/? The Choice Is Yours- Cuts down on being forced to automatically accept quests. Doesn't affect the Main Quest. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26359/? Visual Improvments- Book of SIlence Improves the looks of weapons, armor, and certain monsters. The nice thing about this mod is that you can do everything or pick and choose what class of stuff you want to replace. I use BoS for Monsters and Weapons but not Armor. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24909 ApachiiSkyHair- A lot more hairstyles for both genders and races. If you use this one, then install ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168/? Enhanced Character Edit- Want to make your character look much older or maybe make his/her cheeks a little puffier or give your Norn some Elf Ears, then this the mod to use. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/ SkyJubsInvisible Helmets- Hate looking at helmets, problem solved!(1) Has a lot of options. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18250/? Superior Lore-Friendly Hair- Makes Vanilla Hairstyles(both genders) look a heck of a lot nicer. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36510/? Hale - Iridum Eyes- More eye color/design choices. All races. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30823/? Question - "HEY, where's the reccomended adult/mature stuff!" Answer - "Find those mods yourself!"
  2. What the OP said about Home Mods - There are a lot things done right and frankly too much done very wrong- Right - Ease of accessibility. (Goodsprings, Primm, and places not near a frickin' Deathclaw Nest or somethin'!) Decent size and being able to move around the house without banging into stuff. Navmesh Scripted stuff that works(water purifers, trophey walls, etc) Actually completing the mod 100%(be surprised at the number of incomplete homes) VERY SMALL quests that help the player get into the spirit of owning or taking care of the Home. Wrong - The opposite of what listed in the Right list. Can't be helped- Homes mods that are about two years old and the authors are no longer around to add or fix things. My biggest complaint about modding- Mods that have four or more seperate 'fix mods'. Case in point is a Type 3 armor replacer I just saw. There almost six seperate 'fixes' to go with the main mod. When the numbers of fixes are that high, then the modder should start putting those files into the main mod instead of forcing players to download fixes as seperate files.
  3. I take it Charisma Stat doesn't help that much(I reduce it to 1 and put those points in other stats during Character Creation every time.) What I do when I don't want Companions to fight is put them in Passive/Melee Mode. With Veronica I throw in 'Keep Back' for good measure. Most of the time I just keep them in some town unless I know there's going to be a troublesome fight and I need a meat shield or a part of a Companion Quest needs to be done. The only reasons to actually use Companions- 1) The XP from their Character Quests. 2) Free Perks. 3) Meat Shield(Non-Hardcore) 4) Inventory Mules. I also don't take Companions into Faction ran areas that I know they hate - Powder Gangers, Great Khans, and Legion. . . especially the Legion. I save the 'Screwing Over Certain Factions' for after I milked them for all the XP and Karma I can get.
  4. For memory issues there is this- http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262/? (1) Skyrim also has a similar one so check it out at the Skyrim section of Nexusmod. I don't know what ENB to suggest to you but here are some mods that are highly recommend for graphic changes(non-adult)- Mission Mojave - Must have because its a giant bug fix. Readius - Completely changes the look of Pipboy.(Requires NVSE - http://nvse.silverlock.org/ (1) Nevada Skies MIssion Nevada - Personally I don't use it but its practically the highest endorsed Mod on the sites and from what I've seen on its Description Page there is quite a lot of graphical improvements especially with weapon sights. EVE - Ramps up the blood a bit. Mikoto - A lot of better hair/eyes for both genders. (Always make sure its ESP file is always last in the load file. For some reason the custom hair won't show up in game if the ESP isn't last all the time.)(2) HQ Beards -Better beards for male character) Shiloh - Gets rid of the Lines in the Pipboy and other options. HoloBoy4000 - Makes the Vanilla Pipboy look like a holograph. There is a whole bunch of mods to improve the looks of just about everything in New Vegas. The best thing to do is go to the NV Nexus Mod section and search through each Category(Models and Textures, Head/Faces, etc) and sort by Most Endorsed and experiment with the various stuff. (1) NVSE and 4GB are EXE files so only one can be used to run New Vegas. . .yeah, that sucks I know. I use NVSE and haven't had a crash because of memory issues though. (2) To prevent game crashes, the following instructions must be done when selecting custom eyes and hair during Character Creation- 1 - Pick character's race and face. 2 - Go to Hair Selection and pick another Vanilla Hairstyle. 3 - Go to Eye Color and pick the Custom Eye you want. 4 - Last select the Custom Hair and Hair Color and you're all set and don't have to worry about game crashes. Nobody knows why a crash happens if you pick a Custom Eye before selecting another Vanilla Hairstyle first but it happens.
  5. Mission Mojave (Project dedicated to fixing all the bugs possible) http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45104/?"]http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45104/? There's also a compatibility file so it'll work with Project Nevada. Also make sure Nevada Skies is loaded after Mission Mojave.
  6. The Courier should send a letter to the NCR, the Legion, and BOS whoever else was a giant thorn the Courier's/Wasteland's side,- To NCR/BoS/Legion/Whoever: Hi, its me the Courier. The same Courier that sent you packing out of the Wastelands one way or another. Right now you are creating a bunch of revenge scenarios against me, trying to raise an army to once again invade the Wastelands, or both. Now I'm going to tell you why that's the stupidest mistake you'll ever make in your life if you ever try to follow through on any of it. All it took was one Courier to put you down hard. What kind of damage do you think two Couriers would do to you? Or three? Or maybe a few hundred? A thousand? I'm going to let that sink in for a moment and if you have any intelligence at all you will stop whatever plans you are making right here and now. For anyone that thinks I'm bluffing or exaggerating, I'll explain further. I will use all the influence I have to unite the Mojave Express into a temporary fighting force to fight against you. You will not be warring against just me. . .you will be warring against a countless number of people who are EXACTLY. . .LIKE. . .ME! You will not survive that war and we will literally deliver a #@$#storm to your front step! We will kill every one of you if you try to get revenge against me or try to invade the Wastelands again! You want to be stupid, go somewhere else and do it! You want to war, find somewhere to wage it! Leave me and the Wastelands the hell alone or you will die! This is your first, last, and only warning on the matter! Signed, Courier 6 ********* The point would be make the survivors of any factions scared witless to the point they will be too busy being afraid to actually try anything.
  7. One way to look at it - Maybe Mojave Express/Couriers are not the kind of people one messes with- 1) The various factions talk about wiping out their rivals/taking over the Wasteland. . .yet the Express/Couriers, while can be considered a Faction of sorts isn't in anybody's equations about revenge or conquest. Maybe there is a bit of a 'Leave us alone(Couriers/Express) and we'll leave you alone(everyone else)'. Between Benny and couple of other character who 'forces' the Courier to do one thing or another gets the Courier involved in major events he/she would normally not bother with. 2) Ancient Tradition/Real Life History Lesson - Once read that in ancient Greece, the Greeks would be fighting an enemy. Then during a battle a Messenger(Courier) would be seen running near the battlefield on a job. Both sides would STOP FIGHTING until the Messenger was safely and far enough away from the battlefield. When the Messenger was safely away, the battle would resume. Yeah, a Courier's route can run through a Legion Camp with no problem as long as Point Number 1 is in affect. This is the same Legion who has no problem razing a town to the ground while forcing a hellish lottery on people. So the Legion for the most part keeps the ancient tradition of 'Do not interfere with a Messenger(Courier)'. 3) The expressions on the faces of the two Khans in the intro movie show that what Benny was going to do and did do(shoot the Courier) was a really, REALLY bad idea. These are the same two Khans(one of them anyway) who had no problem kidnapping a couple of NCR soldiers which pissed off other NCR soldiers just to force a stalemate. Yet when the Courier shows up, the Khan in question freaks out that the Courier did in fact survive a bullet to the head and is actually more scared of the Courier than the NCR. 4) The Samus Aran Effect. Ever play a game where your character starts out uber-strong only to have something happen to lose all that power and you have to start from scratch and regain it all? The same thing can be said of the Courier by means of getting a bullet in the brain. That kind of damage has to play havoc on what makes up the SPECIAL including Charisma(which in part is the ability to properly speak) on top of the other physical and mental(Intelligence) stuff. I don't think one of the Great Khans simply ran up to the Courier from behind and knocked him/her out that fast. I think there was a small fierce battle beforehand and someone eventually go the knockout blow in. So what does this have to do with the Courier's original route that no other sane person would take? Simply put the Deathclaws in the area were about as much as a threat to the Courier as some idiot mugger hopped up on Jet flinging his/her arms around without even Hand Bandages to use as a weapon would be. However getting a bullet to the brain took all those abilities and skills away forcing the Courier to take the longer route to Vegas.(Number 4) Now all that does seem like a giant exaggeration and it may well be but here are some other possibilities - 1) The Courier needed to stock up on fresh supplies and that meant fresh water. The Courier went to the Goodsprings Water Supply(where Sunny takes the Courier to kill Geckos) to get some fresh water.(1) Benny and the Khans tracked the Courier there and when the Courier began drawing water, that's when the ambush happened. Then Benny and Khans dragged the Courier to the Graveyard where events were set in motion. 2) The Courier's original plan was to evade the Deathclaws but also that town the Legion razed to the ground near Primm(forgot its name). That town was considered a cesspool by everyone who mentions it and the majority of people wanted nothing to do with it. Its probably so bad that Couriers don't go there unless they have no choice like a job. There are other possible routes, although longer, that evade both Deathclaws and that town. One of the possible routes took the Courier to Goodsprings at night where the ambush happened. (1) Always felt the Courier suffered partial amnesia from the bullet to the head. Granted things have to be spelled out for the players(especially new players) so they'll know what is going on, but story wise, the Courier oddly didn't know the kind of things one would expect him/her to know. In this case not knowing Goodsprings getting its name from having a radiation free water supply which an experience traveler like a Courier should know.
  8. Yeah but Mr. NV just keeps talking like everyone loves him or something. I mean how old do you have to be to be a Wayne Newton fan? What I find irritating is that Bethsida/Obsidian kind of messed up. The lack of proper news updates, too much repetition with New Vegas Radio. . .when you have someone as iconic as Wayne Newton doing something for your game, you better not screw things up.
  9. I take it Triggerman and Joshua being the in the same room is a bad idea. . .
  10. Mine was a 'good guy' turned 'sociopath' - once knew the difference between right and wrong. . .now didn't give a damn. . .funny how a BULLET TO THE HEAD can screw up a person. No longer a 'nice person', he showed Benny and everyone else what Chronic Backstabbing Disorder it all about. CBD - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChronicBackstabbingDisorder
  11. Caeser's Legion - Oh HELL no unless I'm an 'evil mood' just to see how things play out like siding with the Powder Gangers against Goodsprings and so on. Mister House - If he kept his business strictly in New Vegas, then fine. NCR - Frankly the 'regular people' in the Mojave or anywhere else aren't ready for it. If they want a centralized government like the Old US or NCR, then they should make the decision for themselves, not by 'outsiders' like the Legion/NCR. Right now small independent towns and villages are better. Also the human population isn't big enough to justify a central government and the Legion/NCR wants what used to the whole of the United States. A puny population and a whole bunch of empty land. . .right, that makes sense. Then there is the impact the NCR being in charge would have on the Couriers/Mojave Express - there would be no more 'freedom' a Courier has. A Courier represents a 'Free Spirit'. They are not tied down by Government Regulation or worse(to them) Predetermined Routes for everyone(a Courier can only work between Goodsprings and Primm but can never deliever something to New Vegas). As long as the Package gets delievered, distance and how the job gets done doesn't matter. The NCR would frankly ruin the Freedom the Couriers all have. It only took a few hours to destroy known civilization. . .it will take centuries to return to some sembalence(and hopefully better) of the pre-war civilization.
  12. Old World Blues has color video screens for certain cut scenes. . .of course IT IS Old World Blues so take it for what its worth. . .
  13. There was once a Sheriff who had a 'no gun policy' in the town he watched over. Anyone who entered his town had to give up their gun while within the town. A day a person came into town and was of course told to hand over his gun. Now this visitor was no saint by any means of the word, but he was not causing any trouble either and in any other town he would have gone into town without trouble. He got into an argument with the Sheriff and as is the case sometimes, there was a brief shootout and the visitor was killed. Of course word got back to the visitor's friends and family and they wanted blood and were going to the town to take out the sheriff. The sheriff caught wind and formed his own group to fight back. This led to one of the most infamous gun fights within the US - The Shootout at the OK Corral. Believe it or not, the most violent places in the Old/Wild West were places that had no gun policies and the safest places were those that had everyone from the sheriff to ranch hands carrying a gun.
  14. darkus37 - A) He started out as an experienced gambler but played it smart. Instead of standing, he kept his head down and slowly and surely amassed his fortune over the years. Deciding he was 'rich enough to retire', he got out of New Vegas before he drew the attention of Mr. House or The Kings. Finding a small out of the way(but not too far out of the way), he claimed a chunk of land for himself and his family. He used his amassed fortune to build a fortress/house, paid guards, and other things to have a relatively good life in the Wasteland. Although I think it'd be better if the father is a grandfather and the daughter a grandfather.(Her parents were killed) That makes more sense to the kind of fortune I'm suggesting. B) You pretty much answered the question further on- C) Criminals + Greed are by nature are pretty stupid. He had a small army on his back, he saw a vault door and instead of reading the warnings left by the NCR, he rushed straight into 99 with the daughter thinking he could at least keep his pursuers out. D) For the Gangs/Factions/Whoever Else, at first they just saw another Vault waiting to be looted. . .at first. . .it turned out to be a really bad idea on all their parts. After one too many failures they cut their loses and gave up on ever trying to figure out Arkham. E) Its like the Intro. Movie from Fallout 2. The movie that played warned about people's eyes being too sensitive to sunlight when they leave the Vault. For Arkham the degeneration of their eyes is enough that almost eighty percent of 99's lights have been purposely broken at some point for just let burned out. There is lighting but very minimal and barrels that are burning to provide a bit of light. Also as the generation's pass, the populace eventually 'forgot' about the outside and anyone who enters is considered an intruder and fresh meat Basically they are like certain cave dwelling animals in real life - they and their decedents live purely in caves never venturing outside. F) That's a tricky one - if I had to choose what they are, they are still human. . .just feral, ravenous and very hungry humans and can't be reasoned with. With radiation there are mutations so its a mix but not like a 'Human Transforming Into 4Nightkin' or something. Its regular genetic damage. For the most part they know where the hot spots and stay well away from them. G) That's the tricky part, I admit. As I thought about this idea further, I may have to retract the whole 'no outside animals exist inside'. Yet there are burrowing animals like Giant Ants, Moles, and Rad Scorpions(Caves). As you suggested later in your post, these animals could borough into 99 through weakened walls and are then captured and eaten. As for how people survived for so long after learning they were screwed over, well, there was a screw job on top of the original Vault-Tec screw job but I'm keeping that to myself. Overall the population prefer their meat on the Two Legged kind. Suggestions- A) As long as it reasonably far away from population areas and 'nasty free'(Nightkin, Death Claws.) Like I said in the pitch, getting to 99 shouldn't be a fight for one's life. B) I'll check out again. . .I'm using Windows 7. . .and well, yeah. . . When the truth of the Vaults came out(never meant to save anyone), I never felt the point was driven home in the games. The fear, dread, and horror at was done to people never really struck a cord with me. Through exploring Arkham , trying to survive it, reading the Notes, its my hope that players will feel those of things about the Vaults. C) Well, Tribe is too strong of a word. Their minds for the most part are too far gone. Expansion into the land itself is a good idea though. However, there are no tunnels leading to the outside. D) I was thinking Lonesome Road myself - You go in alone and come out alone.(except for the daughter) Sure a Companion can be bought along. . .but I'd advise against it. . .especially when they do stupid things like give away your positions when you're trying to snipe/stealth/scout the area!
  15. How about this for a potential NV Sequel Plot - Based on a certain NV ending path and what a certain person in Lonesome Road believes(see Spoiler below), a bunch of people 'left in the dust' after NV are NOT happy with the Courier for what he/she did. They get to thinking that Couriers can become a credible threat if they were ever unified and become more than just Glorified Mailmen. (Well a credible threat to their agenda. To the people of Goodsprings, no) So a couple of decades in the future Couriers start ending up being ambushed, setup and killed. An attempt on the Player's Character fails and now the Courier has to prevent this new threat from wiping out the Mohave Express and bringing back the old conflicts that were in New Vegas. What I want to see in FO4/Possible NV2 - Better work on the Keyboard Binding. Stated this elsewhere but when rebinding the 'E Button', all instances of the what the E Button can do should be carried over to the New Button. And if V.A.T.S is carried over, make that work properly to. Make Radiation Spots a viable threat. NO MORE STUPID LEVEL CAPS! If a person wants to rush through the game and beat it at some low level, fine! If they want to be 'Ferdinand Magellan', fine! Don't punish the players with caps for exploring the game world inside and out because at some point a lot of players will just say 'screw this, can't level up any further so there's no need to explore or do anymore Side Quests.' I rarely if ever hit Level 100 in games that have a Level System but I don't want to get screwed over because I like to explore every inch of a game either. Make certain Enemies immune to a Character's Perk(s). For example a Perk that gives 15% Gun Damage Bonus will work against 99% Enemies but there can be a 1% where that Perk won't work no matter if the Character is packing a 9mm Pistol or a Minigun. Emphasize the truth about the Vaults - They weren't meant to save anyone. In FO 1 and 2, that was a point that was hard to drive home visually because of graphics limitations. However with bigger and more importantly, realistic graphics in FO3 and NV, the point could have been driven home big time with how hellish these places were but honestly it wasn't. There was no sense of dread and fear exploring these places in FO3/NV like there is in a game like Amnesia or Silent Hill.
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