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  1. Oh, so what you're saying is that piracy isn't a big issue going forward, but a Bethesda problem from six years ago and which no longer exists is? Are you and BRabbit the same person? Seriously mate?
  2. If it's pinned, never. Otherwise, as Drake said...
  3. Is this a recurring thing? It's normal for the captcha to sometimes need reauthentication.
  4. Oh look, a comment section...
  5. In response to post #57207131. #57207521, #57209031, #57209301, #57209331, #57210181, #57210331, #57210641, #57211246, #57211921, #57212311 are all replies on the same post. Are you suggesting that a web dev can't distinguish between a mobile phone and desktop?
  6. In response to post #57207131. #57207521, #57209031, #57209301, #57209331, #57210181, #57210331, #57210641, #57211246 are all replies on the same post. If you think you can do better, by all means design and share it. Keep in mind that your design has to fit correctly on everything from a mobile phone to a ultrawide monitor, also be usable with touch. I'm not even going to try and explain why everything was designed the way it was.
  7. Would it be possible to have and option for automatic tracking of downloaded mods? As in when you download a mod, it gets added to your tracked mods list as well. Off by default obviously.
  8. Basically the show armor slots addon to SkyUI for Skyrim but for Fallout 4. Does such a mod exist or is it even possible given how absolutely incredible the FO4 UI system is?
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