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Everything posted by primem0ver

  1. I am new to modding perks so please keep that in mind. I like both the Longbows mod by Grantiz and the SPERG Weapon Styles mod. I am trying to modify the SPERG Weapon Styles Archery tree so that it includes "weapon styles" for archery that have different perks for longbows, crossbows, and normal bow specific perks. I have added and modified several perks within the original SPERG tree. I then went into the actor values skill tree and rearranged the entire thing from the ground up to make it a different shape so that it would fit the new parallel perks (for regular bows, long bows. and cross bows). I did something wrong because now when I go in game and scroll to the archery tree it is completely blank, has no picture at all, and crashes to the desktop. I did things according to what is presented in two videos on modifying perks but this involves a bit more since I am re-arranging the entire tree. Is there anything besides the basic shape of the tree that I should be aware of? Is there something about the root perk that I should know? What would cause a complete fail to draw anything on the tree and a CTD?
  2. One is not better than the other. However, if you use SKSE, it is just more simple to use SKSE (just make sure you configure it properly). As for the follower mods: NONE are compatible with each other. They all override stuff that the other does. Make absolutely sure that you follow ALL the instructions for UFO removal if you decide to remove it. Otherwise it will make your problems worse. If you just started a game, it may be better to just restart with the new follower mod.
  3. If you have Mod Organizer, this process is much easier. If you have it I can give you some tips.
  4. Your follower problem is likely caused by UFO. From what I have read UFO is notorious for compatibility problems and other issues (though I cannot tell from experience because I have never used it). AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks) on occasion has the same follower issue though there are ways to get fix it or get around it when it happens. The most stable follower mod in my experience is EFF (extensible follower framework) though I still use AFT because I can't seem to live without its extensive follower outfit options. Load screen problems and crashes tend to be something you get when you have lots of mods. There are fixes for these issues with the memory patch and modern versions of SKSE (search for memory patch on google... there are two different versions that are NOT compatible with each other). These have fixed all my load screen hangs and most of my CTD's. EDIT: That area is notorious for crashes because there are a lot of resources in that area (on the road from Helgen to Riverwood). It is best to find a place where it consistently happens. IF you find such a place, then it is probably being caused by a mod (I have found this to be the case on more than one occasion... but I cannot remember which mod since it has been a long itme). If not, then the memory patch should fix it.
  5. huh? What does this have to do with Skyrim? This is a skyrim forum...if that is a mod, there is no option to load loose files. That is something that is automatically done by the game if they exist in the correct folder(s). If you are talking about loading the mod itself, then there are several utilities you can use to tell the game which mods to load; including the Nexus Mod Manager.
  6. That kind of report isn't going to help anyone who doesn't know the insides of the skyrim executable really well and I doubt that anyone here will unless they have diassembed the skyrim exectuable (like the SKSE programmers). I am a programmer and I can tell you what it means... (Skyrim tried to read its own executable code space and/or other protected memory... which the operating system doesn't allow),.. but that doesn't help most of us knowi anything about what caused it. Troubleshooting by disabling is usually the best way to go. Especially if it happens most of the time. If it only happened sometimes (inverse of your report) it would be harder to do. You haven't said anything about what happens when you disable your mods. WHat happens when you disable them all? Does anything change when you disable the mods you have already tried? What happens when you begin a new game, save and then try to load it?
  7. I have a really frustrating problem. I am starting a new game with a new set of mods, some I have used in the past, some I haven't. The problem is that ZERO mods load. Not even the Bethesda DLC's load (DG, HF, DB). Only Skyrim and Update. It doesn't have to do with the esps/esms themselves, it has to do with a resource because if I disable all mods, the DLC's still don't load. To make sure I added one extra (to check for an easy form I know exists) it doesn't matter. I still get the problem. I use Mod Organizer and if I start removing selected mods, THEN it will work (eventually). I have had this issue before and it turned out to be a limitation of a SKSE plugin dealing with too many custom mesh resources (i.e. lots of custom followers loading). Now I don't have any explanation. I have disabled all SKSE plugins that show up on the MO list and made sure that my root skyrim data\skse folder is clean.. I also have fewer mods running at the moment than I did in my previous game (my previous game in another MO profile still loads fine).
  8. Hello everyone, Skyrim's moons have always bugged me but I haven't been able to put my finger on it until now (partly because it isn't entirely noticeable unless there are auroras anyway) I am working on a new ENB that combines elements of selected ENB's that I feel are the most realistic. While doing so, it finally came to me what is wrong with Skyim's moons: They are drawn as if they exist INSIDE Skyrim's atmosphere. Aurora's should NOT appear behind them. The darkness of the moon should also not be so different from the rest of the night sky's coloration. That darkness issue may be an artifact of the ENB but the rest is a problem with Skyrim itself. Are aurora textures part of the sky texture or can the moon texture be put in front of them? Can this be fixed? I would build the mod myself but I am not certain if this is an inherent flaw of the way the sky is "drawn" or if it is fixable.
  9. Thanks a LOT. That is exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciated it.
  10. I appreciate the screenshots. I can now give you a script you can use that will work. It doesn't require that the items use consecutive IDS. It will go through all IDs and look for WTHR in the record name. It will only print these items. As long as the tag format is the same as it was in Skyrim it will work. (It will take a couple minutes. Wait till you see "WEATHERS DONE"). Here is a modified version of the script adjusted so that it will work with what you showed me. { List [FormIDCount] allocated FormIDs starting from [FormIDStart] } unit UserScript; const FormIDStart = $15E; // CHANGE TO: starting formid for first weather FormIDCount = $248548; // CHANGE TO: last weather id - starting weather id function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var p, r: IInterface; i: integer; begin p := GetFile(e); for i := FormIDStart to FormIDStart + FormIDCount - 1 do begin r := RecordByFormID(p, i, True); if Pos('WTHR', Name(r)) > 0 then AddMessage(IntToHex(i, 8) + ' - ' + Name(r)); end; AddMessage('WEATHERS DONE') Result := 1; end;
  11. I created the ENB Workshop for Skyrim. I am now wanting to make it compatible for Fallout 4. However, I need a list of the weathers in the game. This is easy for me to do using TES5Edit and a custom utility I built myself. Does an editor like this exist for Fallout4? If so, could someone run a custom script on it and copy the results into a text file for me? (I do not own Fallout 4 yet... will buy this summer). Here is the necessary script (works in TESVEdit). Just copy what this prints out to a text file. { List [FormIDCount] allocated FormIDs starting from [FormIDStart] } unit UserScript; const FormIDStart = $0201760E; // CHANGE TO: starting formid for first weather FormIDCount = $6C058; // CHANGE TO: last weather id - starting weather id function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var p, r: IInterface; i: integer; begin p := GetFile(e); for i := FormIDStart to FormIDStart + FormIDCount - 1 do begin r := RecordByFormID(p, i, True); if Pos('WTHR', Name(r)) > 0 then AddMessage(IntToHex(i, 8) + ' - ' + Name(r)); end; Result := 1; end;
  12. Hello SterksOk, I can help you with this issue since I created an unpublished start to an alternate addon myself. (I eventually gave up creation kit because it is too buggy for the complexity of the mod I wanted to create). The first thing you need to know is that you need to follow the instructions on the article posted on the Alternate Start Mod Page. (Click Articles and then click on the last article on "Creating and Addon for Live another Life" The second thing is that the instructions aren't very clear about some things. I am not sure why exactly you aren't able to create new topics but I can tell you that you aren't going about this the proper way and even if you were able to create new topic responses, they wouldn't work. If you do this right and it still gives you trouble let us know. IT may be something with another mod you are using. The instructions say to "esmify" the Alternate start mod. I tried the same thing as you did and it didn't work. You must load the .esp file as an esp. Here is what you need to do: First make a backup just in case someothing happens. To "esmify" the file, you need to go into Wrye Bash and right click the file. Choose "Esmify self". This will turn the file into a master by flipping a bit but it will NOT actually turn it into an esm file. Make sure that the load order is consistent with this file being a master. It should be at the top of the list, right after all the rest of the esm files. Work on your mod. Before playing or testing your mod, you must turn it back to a regular esp. Do this by selecting the "esmified" esp and right click. It should give you the option to "espify self". Click that. Put it back in the original load order.If you use MO, I would suggest turning the esmified version of the file into its own mod that over-writes the original. That way you can check and uncheck if needed. However, if you use MO you will need to make several manual changes to files in order to get Creation Kit to work right. (Scripts do not compile in Creation Kit if you use MO without making some changes in the registry to the file script compiler). So don't just get MO for modding. EDIT: One more important note. Make absolutely certain you are using the right esp file for the right circumstance (do not edit your mod while using the regular esp file or play using the esm-ified esp). Otherwise your mod will become corrupt. You will have to delete the conversation records manually using TesVEdit (NOT the creation Kit because Creation Kit will crash due to the corruption) and then go back to the Creation Kit and recreate the topic branch, and every other step in the alternate start instructions. (You will not have to recreate your custom quest... just the conversation branch that starts it). It is a real pain when this happens (and it did for me on more than on occasion).
  13. I am very close to being done the complete beta version of this application. I have only one more planned feature to implement (in-application help). At this time the help will be somewhat basic (only the kind of information found on the original ENB Customizer's web page and a basic description for each tab). I may expand this later. After the features have been implemented, I need to update the weather list so that Climates of Tamriel weathers are included. I will also add two unplanned features that I didn't mention in my desciption (fairly easy to implement). Finally, a little bit of testing to make sure the functionality doesn't have any obvious flaws (I have tested most things as I have developed the app but mostly on a basic level). I estimate no more than a week before it is up. This brings me to a question. This will be my first posted mod. Can anyone enlighten me on the ins and outs of uploading mods and creating a discussion topic for it? I don't seem to have the ability to create a discussion in the form for mods that exist.
  14. Hello all. I just wanted to announce a project I am working on for Skyrim in this forum since it will be compatible with Fallout 4 as well. The goal is to build a full featured ENB utility. Those interested in developing ENB presets for fallout 4 will probably find this useful. So will people who can't find an ENB preset they like and want to modify an existing one. I am estimating that the first release will be up in approximately two weeks. Here is the link to the discussion.
  15. Hello all. I just wanted to announce a project I am working on for Skyrim in this forum since it will be compatible with Fallout 4 as well. The goal is to build a full featured ENB utility. Those interested in developing ENB presets for fallout 4 will probably find this useful. So will people who can't find an ENB preset they like and want to modify an existing one. I am estimating that the first release will be up in approximately two weeks. Here is the link to the discussion.
  16. I am in the same boat. That is what inspired this project. I loved the ProjectENB preset when I first started using ENB's. It was one of the more popular ENB's in its day and in my opinion it is one of the most realistic. However, the author hasn't updated in two and a half years and the I noticed recently the sky color isn't quite right; especially with the new ENB settings. I tried incorporating the colors into a modified Vividian preset because I had great coloring all around; especially the sky but the sunsets were bland and unrealistic but it didn't quite work right (I lost the realistic sky coloring during the day). In doing so I forgot to save my original work and I can't remember where I got the info for the modification; or what changes I made. I am so irritated by that. So that is how this project started. I found the ENB customizer which is way out dated. I decided by rebuilding it. I would hopefully learn what I need to know to recreate my own ENB and post it... the goal is ultra-realistic color; and modifying it until I get it right will be a lot less painful. The built in auto-backup system will keep it so that I don't lose settings along the way. I will also be purchasing Fallout 4 sometime this year and since it uses the same engine, it won't be hard to make this utility compatible with that game as well.
  17. I have posted progress indicators in the first post. That way you can keep track of feature progress.
  18. Here are two screenshot of what I have so far: http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/6571628-1452281498.jpg http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/6571628-1452280989.png
  19. Sorry guys. Been away on a holiday "vacation." I am still working on this. In fact, I am close to being done a working version. Just some touch-ups and finishing touches (such as full integration with ENB Manager). I may be able to post as early as next week. Thanks for the feedback. Yes. You would need to look for those features on the right page but perhaps I will add a "Quick" feature tab in future editions if finding them is too complex. (Locations are fairly logical but there are several tabs because of the increased complexity of what you can now do with the modern ENB versions).
  20. Wow! Perhaps you are right dncracknell. I had an AMD 7870 before I recently upgraded that worked fine with ENB's and I didn't think there would be that much of a difference. Especially since he supposedly had more memory than mine did. However, I just checked with the Passmark GPU benchmarks and there is a HUGE difference. What happened with that card?
  21. The "right" ENB depends on taste. There are LOTS to choose from and there are popular ones for each type of taste: realistic, fantasy, big-screen (movie look), noir, unusual, ones that combine the previous tastes, and other tastes. As far as your hardware is concerned, you have an unusual amount of video memory. *IF* your video memory is located on the video card itself, then you are fine for using an ENB. So watch a few videos on Youtube that compare the different looks of some of the more popular ENB's and start from there. I will warn you though, you are probably going to want to stay away from really high resolution textures. Stick to 2K or lower if you use texture mods. Personally... I don't really like any of the modern ENB's as much as I used to like one that isn't updated anymore. I am into the realistic look and none of the modern ones I have seen do the sky right. My favorite is probably Vividian but the sky color is too pale and it isn't the best for all times of the day. I had modified it for nearly perfect coloring but I accidently forgot to back it up when I first started trying to delve into the depths of the ENB settings in order to have more realistically red sunsets. (IMO VIvidian's sunsets suck for the mods I use). I don't remember what I did to create that look. A very popular ENB is RealVision. It is a "good" blend of realism, fantasy, and movie effects. While I agree it really is a good ENB that gets most effects right (plus it has a great guide for good mods to use for nice graphics), I have never liked it for one reason: colors are unrealistically too vibrant and bright for the near-polar setting of Skyrim. It turns red hair color slightly blonde because of how bright the scenes are. If I were playing a game that took place in the tropics... I would definitely use it. I am personally working on a new ENB preset but before I do, I am building a new version of the old (and very outdated) ENB Customizer program from the ground up so that I can become familiar with the settings and make a utility for creating/customizing your own/pre-existing ENB's much easier.
  22. This may be deleted since it is a "double post" but I felt that this kind of question should be presented here as well. The reason I posted it in the Mod Talk forum is because my post is not a request but an attempted fulfillment of requests that I have seen in the past. I am posting here simply to let people know that I am working on a rebuild of this mod from the ground up. The work I put into it will depend some on public interest. Here is a link to the thread.
  23. My basic question is in the title. I recently downloaded ENB Customizer 2.1 and while it is useful, it is seriously deprecated. Many of the current ENB features are not present and some are out-dated. I found several requests in the mod's thread to update it and no response from the author. I am also a fan of ENB Manager. In fact... anyone who tries multiple ENB's should use it. So I have begun building a new /similar Application to the customizer from the ground up. It is inspired by BOTH of these programs and designed to work together with the Manager. In just two days I am about 1/4 of the way through a basic release. However.. because of its limited scope I am uncertain if people are still interested in this type of application. If not, I may not put as much of an effort into going "all out" into its production and skip corners. If there is enough of an interest, here are its (few) limitations and its planned features. Limitations: The application runs externally to Skyrim (of course... just like the other two). However, nowadays, the ENB can import changes to the settings in game.The C# application requires .NET 4.0 so it may not be available for all users. I could also release for Qt (same platform as Mod Organizer) but that will take considerably more time because the GUI is far more complicated (since it is multi-platform) and would require translation to C++. Planned Features (If people are still interested): All current ENB settings are accessible. DONEShould also be compatible with the Fallout 4Keeps track of settings per folder from which it is run (WINDOWS ONLY). DONEKeeps a customizeable number of backups labeled by date. DONEMakes the ENB features/settings easier to understand (just like the original ENB customizer). DONEEmbed help text that was put on the ENB Customizer Nexus Web page (in the description) directly into the application. DONEBasic interface is very similar to the original program but more colorful in order to provide necessary feedback at a glance. DONEGroups all settings that can be customized based on time of day together (different from original because night and day used to be the only variations). DONESettings that are often identical in ENB's (such as day and interior) can be linked together so that they are modified together. (Changing one changes the other). DONESupport for weather specific settings. DONEDoesn't require installation (can be distrubuted as a zip file). However, .NET 4.0 will need to be installed if hasn't been already (see above). DONEAutomatically detects if you are using a single skyrim folder based setup or an ENB Manager setup (assuming you unzip to an appropriate folder). DONEDetects installed ENB presets if you place the application in the same folder as ENB Manager and allows you to modify any chosen preset. DONECreate new weather presets based on main preset instantaneously and modify them as desired. DONEStreamlined API making upkeep fairly simple. New settings/changes to ENB will just take a minute or two to implement by adding a line or two of code. (Major changes would be something like adding more daytime settings might require more time since modification of the current custom controls used to display settings to the user.) DONEI may make it backward compatible but it will take time. Basic backward compatibility check DONE - (needs to be tested)Create new ENB presets based on others or from scratch. DONEWill automatically create folder and files necessary for ENB Manager so that it can be immediately implemented by the manager application. DONEI will make the source code available if there is enough interestCurrent Task: FILE HAS BEEN UPLOADED!
  24. I have been away from modding for a while. I thought I might give it a go again. When I use console commands to check my references, including the one you just said 'sqv', ALL of my aliases on any quest I have made always come up as NONE even when the quest works properly. Even references that are explicitly filled such as the character ref that I turn several quest objectives into. I will still try your suggestions but I currently I cannot tell if they are filled from the console. EDIT: I tried your suggestions. Apparently the script at stage 0 isn't even running. I have 2 debug notifications that are supposed to show just to make sure it gets to the proper place in the script and none of them appear. Why would it not run?
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