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Everything posted by Icelight

  1. It would have to be the second day I played the game: Finally reaching Balmora, after taking the long, arduous walk through the mountains, I decided to take a look at some of the wares at the local shop. I headed off for the local weapon and armor dealer. Entering the store, my eyes were immediately drawn to a rack in the corner. Sitting atop it was a full set of glinting, glowing, flashing, metal armor. After speaking to the shop owner (whom I don't think liked my very much) I realized that I would never be able to afford this...at least not until I garnered for myself some deeds of glory and heroism... Knowing that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, as I still didn't have any idea who I was, or why I was here, I slowly edged my way towards the armor. The shopkeeper was staring at me...his eyes never leaving my presence. Finally, being able to wait no longer I grabbed all the pieces of the armor that I could and dashed out the door! As I walked into an alley to admire my craftiness, I heard stomping feet approaching! The guards were after me! How they were alerted to my presence already was beyond me, but I knew my puny dagger and myself were of no match for a town of fortified guards...I ran to the north and didn't stop until I could no longer see Balmora. As I was looking constantly behind myself for any approach of law-enforcement, I didn't notice the growing presence of a town right in front of me. You could say I bumped into the town's walls...well, actually a sign to be exact. Reading the sign, which seemed to be in a weird language, seemed to cause some weird words to appear floating in the air! They floated with the words of my language. Pondering what magic this was I continued into the town. I soon found out, however, that word travelled fast in whatever land this was...the guards took up chase towards me! I turned around and ran towards the mountains, the SAFE mountains! Thinking the mountains would bring safety, I continued deeper and deeper into them, until I finally came upon some old ruins. This is the perfect spot, I thought to myself, to try on my armor! I put it on (I was missing a piece here and there) and marvelled at it's perfect weight and shine. I soon took it upon myself to explore the local ruins that would be my hideout for the next while, and started to wander around. Within a minute I heard heavy breathing. Thinking to investigate, I slowly wandered over to the source of the breathing. As I rounded a corner I saw it, a huge, stinking green creature! Not knowing what this was, but knowin that green is not a colour for good-folk, I decided to attack it. I had new armor, while this...creature had what appeared to be scraps of metal and wood pieced together, he...it, was obviously no match for me! I cried out and charged for it, my dagger leading the way. It grunted, turned around, and smiled in murderous glee...it's turning of it's massive bulky frame revealed a huge two-handed axe! My charge slowed and I began to ponder if I had taken the right course of action...my thoughts were cut short as the axe hit my armor and ... really hurt! I spun around as if to run, but I didn't make it far...the green creature's reach was long...and with one more swipe of his mighty axe he brought me down. Lying in a pool of my own blood, I wondered why exactly my armor did not help me...perhaps it was because it was not complete? It was later...that I discovered no matter how shiny it is...Iron does not make a good armor... ---- Well, not very funny at all, but I like to share my exploits no matter what the occassion :D
  2. Ah damn, the enticing 100 gold added on a new registration caught me enough to register. Ah well, hafta earn me gold now :D
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