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Everything posted by padmaus

  1. oh darn that will take a while... sounds like a project for another day. thank you :)
  2. if you choose chrome as your browser (i would recommend it as it is fully customizable and low-resource) it would be very smart to go to the chrome store and download AD BLOCK PLUS. this little app for chrome will keep away 99% of unwanted ads from even loading on your browser, including pop-ups. :smile: here is a bit about safely downloading from the internet: USE YOUR BRAIN : when downloading files from the internet, it is important to be savvy. get the file you seek from the official site, whenever possible. many third party websites will try to trick you into clicking on links which will download viruses or unwanted programs. you must be very careful and look at every link to be able to determine which is the one you want to download. its almost NEVER the big green DOWNLOAD button!!! if a link seems like its trying particularly hard to get your attention, it might be a fake. look for a link that has the exact file name you are looking for. also many times when you search for a file online, there will be engines that generate links with your exact search term. that is why i always search in all lower case letters, because then if i see some links with a capitalized title i know its legit. also NEVER click on anything that says "sponsored" result. KNOW WHAT YOURE LOOKING FOR : always be certain of the type of file you are trying to get. the suffix, or extension of a file name will usually reveal the type of file, such as .jpg .exe .pdf, etc. files with the extention .EXE are called executable files--basically they are a program. so unless you are trying to download a program, steer clear of any .exes. and if you do accidentally download one, PLEASE dont click on it. just right click it and delete it, then empty your recycle bin. INSTALL CAREFULLY : when installing programs, always uncheck any add-on applications such as toolbars and miscellaneous programs. sometimes it will ask you if you want to install any additional programs, always click decline. go through the setup slowly and carefully so you dont accidentally agree to anything you dont want. if the file you are trying to download tried to make you give out your personal information or fill out a survey, its a fake, dont bother with it. surveys and crap like that are just scams hiding more scams. the internet is like a city, with safe areas and shady areas. be smart and follow chakramx's advice! and when in doubt, dont click it.
  3. Hey Nexus folks its been a while. So recently i reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows 7 onto my computer. I used an external hard drive to transfer all the files from my old Skyrim game, including over a hundred mods. I copied everything correctly onto my new Windows, and the game runs perfectly with all my old mods installed. However, in Nexus Mod Manager all of my esp files show up in the plugins list but none appear in my mods list (the 11 unassigned mods are some that i downloaded today). I would love to be able to have all of my mods managed and organized here on NMM. Have i missed some setting that lets me scan for installed mods? What can i do? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v255/cypresss/nmmtroublsht.jpg
  4. we have a visual update from our very hard working insanityman! as you can see, our lovely model is very much flatter now http://24.media.tumblr.com/4b3f6e7ebdee5795bf4e2d61baae171d/tumblr_mpwsl6gt6u1sos6bvo1_500.jpg i feel bad that he is doing all the work on this... i would help him more, but im pretty noob at modding stuff. is there anyone here good with meshwork or the CK who can help him out?
  5. ok i found him, but all he does is chill at the grindstone and say "my sword is yours" but then he wont follow me. also his mouth is pretty out of sync with his voice.
  6. lol, ive tried, but all they seem to say is "For the Forsworn!" while he charges at me with a stone axe. they seem to enjoy doing that... i think its pretty impolite. plus, they all end up dead.
  7. go ask a Forsworn. im sure hell be happy to explain.
  8. i guess we have to make 3 options, then. flat argonians, flat khajits, and both combined. proooobably should do a mesh-only version too, in case there are some people using custom textures, so they dont overwrite... hmm. maybe well do this: argonian mesh, khajit mesh, argonian and khajit mesh, and a manual download of the modified vanilla argonian texture, they can just drop into their data folder. any thoughts on this?
  9. i just completed the quest to rescue Thorald, and gave him enough time to run to the camp, but i cant find him anywhere (i will try waiting 24 hours and check back). also, the quest itself was super buggy... at first, Avulstein was hostile to me (a common bug fixed by fast travelling away and back) but all the NPCs were completely silent the whole time we fought the Thalmor, and when i rescued Thorald the subtitles showed up but he wouldnt speak at all. then he grabbed an invisible weapon off the rack... most of these bugs seem pretty normal for Skyrim, except the missing dialogue--i think your mod might have caused it. nvm i did a bad thing. its not your mods fault!
  10. i think so, but if its possible i would like there to be separate versions. there may be people who would want flat lizards but voluptuous cats
  11. lol i dont mind khajits with a little boobage... i almost always set my characters weight to 0 anyway. but hey, the mesh is in production, and hopefully well get at least the vanilla armors (and clothes) converted to flat versions for argonians, so feel free to make a khajit-altering mod with the resources! hell, ill use it too. :smile:
  12. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31522//? just found this
  13. yeah... thats me... |∩´・ー・`∩| yep, i did a google search on that since i wasnt sure, but though i think maybe a baby argonian would be ok with a belly button, an adult looks strange with one. in fact, im going to erase the belly button shadow from the male argonian texture and plan to have it in the optional files section. ^_^ EDIT: i just looked at it, and male argonians dont even have belly buttons, so its no problem. strange though, that they would give the females navels and not the males... and breasts, on top of that... >_> Beth probably thought lizard women couldnt be sexy without em. oh, were going to prove that isnt the case.
  14. hmm damm, was hoping there was only one. But yeah, I really want the game to be painfully brutal. EDIT: The amount of mo(s) that overhaul and other things is overwhelming. this is true. at the beginning, i told myself "im going to try a lot, but only keep the ones i really want" ...i ended up keeping over 160. and of course, new texture packs and things are SO difficult to resist! >___<
  15. just updated the texture to a non-bellybutton version.
  16. you should message insanityman about that. hes doing all the meshwork--and yes, belly buttons must go too. not sure about how to make this affect only argonian females, but im pretty sure its doable. im pretty new to modding, so i cant answer many of these questions, but i do have many ideas for mods that i want to try to make in the future. btw thank you guys so much for helping me out with this!
  17. the only mod i know of that is similar is this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34031/? it isnt nearly as in-depth as what you want, but if you are wearing stormcloak armor, for example, imperials will attack you on sight.
  18. http://24.media.tumblr.com/d28133b8cfbcdaeaf48514ff4ecf8d1f/tumblr_mprkjgzrlk1sos6bvo1_500.jpg this is what we have so far, courtesy of insanityman. you cant tell much in the preview, but up close you can see some strangeness around the outline of where the breast would be, as well as the nipple area. can you tell if this is because the diffuse texture was made to stretch here, or is it an issue with the normal map?
  19. if the humanoid feet on beast races bothers you, what do you think about boobs and belly buttons on argonians?
  20. ive not tried SkyRe, but it might be what youre looking for. Also, try these: Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Deadly Dragons, Duel - Combat Realism The Dance of Death and Crimson Tide would go along with these nicely if youre into gore you should check http://www.skyrimgems.com/ too, they have an epic list of awesome mods
  21. this dress needs to go on Elisif the Fair, along with some killer hair.
  22. eek! that might explain why the area around the flattened chest looks strange. hmm... does anyone know how to make new normal maps with blender? ive tried doing tutorials with that thing, but im always so lost... ill see if i can find some directions online, once the mesh is completed.
  23. there used to be a mod called Guards Guard the Player from Thugs, but it seems to have been taken down... i prefer this mod because those thugs always get me when i am low level and usually will kill me several times, but it wouldnt be very immersive to me if hired thugs simply walked around asking you if you need something. so this way a low level player has a fighting chance against thugs... im sure there is a good reason the author has removed this mod, but i still have it and use it.
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