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Everything posted by padmaus

  1. wow awesome! it seems this is really getting somewhere! Rennn your discoveries are coming so fast i can barely keep up! >w< thanks for your help!
  2. OH NO! that is strange... why would their body meshes be linked? why, bethesda! ><#;; modding seems to be figuring out one weird and uneccessarily complicated problem after another, you can really begin to see how disorderly the construction of the game is... i edited the texture to hopefully better suit Insanitymans flattened body mesh// i wish i had read your post before i went and changed all of them... changing the normal map to look flat was a headache, and mine probably looks crappy, but hopefully like you said it wont even be necessary. changing the diffuse map however took about one minute... super easy!
  3. im totally lost when it comes to 3d stuff, but im pretty good in photoshop. id like to take a crack at getting rid of those boob shadows, but i wouldnt know where to begin. which is the right texture file, and can i even open that kind of file extension with ps?
  4. id be ok with 6 nipple khajits as long as the bottom 4 werent full boobs. i think 3 pairs of boobs would look ... odd O_o (.Y.) (.Y.) (.Y.)
  5. I think there is a way to do it without scripts. I don't remember how exactly, but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing something in the CK that looked like it would do this. thats good. scripting seems like something to be avoided whenever possible, since it makes uninstallation of a mod more difficult. it like, leaves mod residue... ew. its better if a mod can go in and out cleanly... hmm that didnt quite sound like i wanted it to.
  6. hmm that would be cool too, though. if someone was going to redo a bunch of meshes for specifically argonians anyway, why not? maybe they could even make certain armors extend over parts of the tail? nah, maybe thats too much. :-P
  7. Correct. If every female mesh was not converted, the argonian would grow boobs again as soon as she equipped clothing or armor. However, there are already mods to make female armor flat for realism purposes (since real female armor doesn't have breasts). The author who flattened the argonian female body mesh would most likely be able to get permission to use those meshes as an argonian female specific armor mesh. All that would be left would be the clothing, and really, flattening boobs is not the hard part. The hard part would be making the argonian females use a different mesh set than everything else. That, and you'd have a hard time finding a modder willing to go through so much without being able to stare at boobs the whole time. :smile: I would take this project, but I've meshed exactly twice in my life and my head almost exploded. I don't have the skills for it. lol. (scaly boobs though... ew) if i had the skills id do it... but i do not. ive splashed around in blender and nifskope without really knowing what i was doing, and it made my brain all hurty... even when following tutorials. i dont know anything about scripting, really... could there be some way to make argonian females wear different armor meshes with some kind of script?
  8. oh also, i love the way hide armor and the shirtless-fur armor looks on male argonians! since the females would have no boobies to cover up, they should wear many armors like this in the male style. i think that would look pretty sickk!
  9. exactly, if only there was some way to adapt the armor mesh to whatever body you were using without having to create an entirely new mesh... hmm, it seems impossible, but ive seen some pretty crazy stuff on here, so i thought id put the idea out there anyway. but aside from that, if a flat-chested female argonian mod was made, and became popular enough, then im sure people would start releasing compatible armor mods + patches. i know it would make a lot of lorecore fans very happy!
  10. something that has always bothered me about TES games is boobs on argonian women. they are reptiles, not mammals, so they should not have breasts as they do not breastfeed their young! If someone could make a simple mod that took away argonian boobies, i would love you forever... *sigh* i know its probably not easy since youd have to make patches for every female body replacer and every custom armor out there, wouldnt you? is there possibly some way around that? maybe you expert modders could team up and mod at least every female vanilla armor... i KNOW this has to be bothering some other people besides just me! in my wildest dreams: wouldnt it be AWESOME if someone could make a mod that auto-conformed any armor mesh to snugly and perfectly fit a body mesh? i bet someone would have already made this if it was possible, but... just throwing it out there! it could even be stackable, i mean, adaptable... so weapons would auto-position to the outside of your clothes, so you would never get floating equipped items or clipping through cloaks, or things like that. id call it the "MARVELOUS MAGNETIC MESH MOD" these things are probably difficult or impossible, BUT! just throwing the ideas out there in case some smartypants out there gets some inspiration! ┐|✿>▽<|┌
  11. i have to try this one out! cant wait!! ^_^ good job dude, this sheet is epic!
  12. RND for sure. i love it! i always kinda wondered why there were things like food and beds in the vanilla game. when i played on xbox i never ate or slept, which looking back is totally lame immersion-wise. i honestly havent tried IMCN, but i looked at it... it seems overly complicated. also i dont like the percentages, i think RND is more immersive and less mathematical.
  13. open up SkyrimLauncher.exe and check if the Data Files Button is grayed-out. if it is you will have to modify your SkyrimPrefs.ini file and add [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1
  14. curse you riften! i am | | this close to doing ANOTHER complete reinstall... hmm. better grab a bite and think on it. EDIT: so i uninstalled not only Skyrim, but BOSS and NMM (backed up my mods of course) and Wrye Bash, and did a C:\\ search of "skyrim" and deleted all leftover junk files and folders. now i have a perfect and crash free game! how silly of me, never doing that already... ^_^ game runs perfectly at 30-60 fps with 160+ mods installed!
  15. try this fix: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31685/?
  16. what mods do you have that change the eye texture?
  17. why dont you post how to do it in case someone else needs help?
  18. the Dragon Soul Absorb Fix didnt work either?
  19. hello, old thread. i wonder if your issues were ever resolved. i would rather resurrect you than make another new thread. i have been bugging people on this forum for a few weeks now about it, but it seems to be a thing that just happens to some people... >_< see, my game also crashes very often, but only in and around the major cities. it isnt entirely consistent--i have been able to make it in and out of dragonsreach once on this save game... but 90% of the time when i approach a city, it will freeze or CTD. OR if i approach a city and press Esc, it will CTD. i made it into Windhelm, but could not enter the Grey Quarter without freezage, nor could i load any saves just outside the gates of Windhelm, Whiterun, or Riften (i got the eternal load screen of doom) all this has happened with Whiterun, Windhelm, and Riften. Markarth i have been in and out of ok, and i havent yet visited solitude. all this has happened with 3 separate saves, so i have ruled out save corruption. I also have encountered some strange issues between Riften and Ivarstead. since installing AFT and CoT Winter (dont know if its related), sometimes my followers will act like their riding a horse while halfway buried in the ground, and their confused horse just staring at them. they have tried to steal my horse once or twice. and Mira, along with several other wanderers on the road from Riften-Ivarstead have an insane exploded texture bug that seems to be coming from their feet. sometimes it greys out the whole sky... frustrated with this, i ran up and hit Mira with my battle staff. she yelled at me, fades away like a ghost, then reappeared about 30 feet away after a few seconds. screencaps of the texture and horse bugs: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/b9i4.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/sdos.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/819/13ue.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/1y07.jpg/ *sigh* yes, i know the next thing is... i have a huge mod list... ´_`;; but i love each and every one of these mods like they were my own children. i dont want to disable a bunch of them randomly if someone can just look at my load order and see what might be causing it. i have run my stuff through the tes5edit filter, made a bashed patch (though WB only wanted to bash my two tiniest mods together), i am pretty sure i have all the patches installed that i need, and i always load my BP last... ok, here's my big bad BOSS log.
  20. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/b9i4.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/sdos.jpg/ strange texture explosion only on the female warriors who wander between riften and ivarstead... see image links. it seems to be coming from their boots, can be see from far away, and in an extreme case made the whole sky a spinning grey tornado and froze my game. just wondering if anyone else had this problem...
  21. it sounds somehow your animations got deleted... or something like that? when they go all stiff like that and slide around instead of walking its called a T-pose. maybe it would help if you installed some animation mods for the player character? i hate to suggest solving a problem by tacking on more mods, but i think these are really cool and i dont know what else to suggest besides reinstalling skyrim. if you decide to do this, i would recommend these (these are all the pc anims i use): 360 Walk and Run + http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34508//? Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7416/? Momo Acrobatic Jump http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16864/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D16864%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Immersive Animations http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34950/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D34950%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Dual Sheath Redux http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34155/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D34155%26preview%3D&pUp=1 XP32 Max Compatibility Skeleton http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800/? FNIS (you dont need the spell) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811/? Realistic Ragdolls and Force http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/601/? sheesh, i know that is a lot of new mods. having them all installed shouldnt cause any performance loss though. note: Momo Acrobatic Jump requires Bowlegged Jump Fix and FNIS Dual Sheath Redux requires XP32 XP32 requires Realistic Ragdolls Immersive Animations and Dual Sheath Redux go together well maybe there is another solution but if you choose to try this, let us know how it goes!
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