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Everything posted by padmaus

  1. when i try to update NMM it says it has encountered a problem and needs to close. :( is anyone else experiencing this?
  2. once you;ve chosen your black book perk, save if you havent already. then open your console and type coc DLC2RavenRock01 and you will be teleported to raven rock. this bug seems to be fairly common, i had the same issue a few days ago.
  3. strange, i only get infinite load loop sometimes, it doesnt seem to matter if it is in an interior or exterior cell. but if i save somewhere where i get CTDs a lot (windhelm, whiterun) i usually do get infinite load. :( skyrim y u do dis?
  4. have you set your texture detail in the launcher options? the higher it is set to, the greater the performance loss. i keep mine at medium... they dont look great, but they look better than that. also if you want em looking really crisp there are some ini tweaks here: http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm that you can do... be sure to back up your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files before changing stuff around. hope this helps.
  5. you should try the Dragon Soul Absorb Fix. it worked for me when i had exactly the same issue. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31685/?
  6. I also have crashing problems. I CTD only in major cities, it seems. my old savegame kept crashing in Whiterun, so i started a new game to see if the save was corrupted. my character started in Solstheim, i played fine for several hours, then fast traveled to Windhelm. now i cant run around Windhelm for more than a minute without a sudden CTD. my FPS averages about 50-60 both in and out of cities, and there is no stuttering or anything leading up to the crash. my graphics are all set pretty low, and i have kept my .ini modifications to a minimum. :( i do have a very extensive list of mods... but even with no mods installed i have had countless problems with this game. could it maybe be from reinstalling 3 times? please help, ive put so much time into making this game perfect... (note: i know there is a warning under the Aesir Armor mod. i have tried uninstalling the mod, but once i do i get an immediate CTD when the game starts...every time. weird, ne?) Boss log:
  7. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/o5l.png/ this is titled: "Waiting for Skyrim to finish Crashing"
  8. D : that was my only idea. we must call upon the wisdom of the forum elders.
  9. are you using any animation mods?
  10. [FIXED] ok this stuff is probably common sense to most of you. but for those who were, like me, missing something huge, this may help. i have tried to make this as noob-friendly as possible... forgive my slang. :~1 if you are having problems with skyrim freezing, crashing, lagging, or something weird (floating horses, for example) there are some simple things you can do which (hopefully) will fix it. 1. Up-to-Date Software. Before doing anything, be sure your Skyrim version is up-to-date, and you have the latest version of your graphics card driver installed. if you use an Nvidia graphics card, you can download the latest version here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us. if you use an AMD graphics card, you can get the latest version here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx. if you have some other kind of graphics card, im sure you can find a driver download site using Google. be sure to get it from the official site! 2. Load Order. this was my #1 problem because i didnt understand how to structure load orders, or that i needed to structure them at all. i thought BOSS was all i needed... BIG HUGE MISTAKE OMG. no. no no no no no. Load order is entirely your responsibility... but i wont get into that here. there is a wonderful sticky by missjennabee AT THE TOP OF THIS FORUM that everyone should read if they are unfamiliar with load orders and having trouble: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ reading this helped me out so much. i used her example load order as a basic structure for mine, and also learned about some great mods. of course, dont forget to use Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) or a similar program to structure your load order. this can be downloaded here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/ if you are brand new to modding, you should download this before doing anything!!! also if you are going to be doing modding or following the steps on this list, or downloading ANYTHING from the internet EVER, you will need a handy program called 7zip. i love 7zip, i use it all the time, and if you dont have it then you should definitely get it even if you dont think you need it. it is a freeware that can extract pretty much any type of compressed file. you can download it here: http://www.7-zip.org/ 3. BOSS. After setting up or making changes to your load order, or activating any new mods, always run BOSS. it can be downloaded here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6 simply put, BOSS will arrange your mods so that they will not conflict. You still need to maintain a tidy load order, think of BOSS as a guidline. also, once you run BOSS, always read the Summary, Recognised Plugins and Unrecognised Plugins sections. it is important to make sure there and NO Errors, and AS FEW Warnings as possible. (no Warnings is of course ideal, but sometimes the Warning is a dirty edit in a mod that you cant really do anything about. in this case, it is up to the mod author to fix the problem. if the Warning mods are causing issues for you, my best advice is to deactivate them, tell the mod author about it, and wait for them to release a fixed version.) 4. .INI files. in your Documents folder, upon launching SkyrimLauncher.exe, there will appear two .ini files in your Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ folder. they are called Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini. there are many, many tweaks and fixes for these .ini files, i suggest you look up some guides on Google if you want to get fancy. :~) when downloading a mod, be sure to always read the Description AND the Readme, as some mods require you to add or modify lines in your .ini files. also, it is a good idea to back up your .ini files before making changes to them. the tweak that helped me the most with fixing my severe lag issues was this (Show the Spoiler to see): 5. Outside Programs. Operating Systems (OS) love to run things youre not aware of--at least i know for a fact Windows 7 does. if you dont have a million gigabytes of RAM to spare, your computer needs to be able to devote as much memory to your game as it can. this will greatly reduce lag, ctds, and freezes. i use a program called Razer Game Booster, which you can download here: http://www.razerzone.com/gamebooster its light, quick to install (you will have to make an account with them) and easy to set up. with this program you can create game-specific profiles--you can tell it to turn off all unnecessary processes while you play, and they will start back up again once you close the game. There is also a nice little program called Optimizer Textures: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12801/? which compresses all your texture files (including mods) to help your game run faster. it is easy to use but will take a while to run. i always put it on the maximum setting, check the BSA box and the 3 boxes under the BSA tab, and run it. if there is any loss of quality in the textures from compressing it, i sure cant tell. 6. Unpack .BSA files. this was suggested by Sibastion as a fix for all crashes and freezes in and around Whiterun (original post here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/543886-ive-discovered-a-sure-fix-for-all-whiterun-crashes-in-skyrim/ ). some people were skeptical about unpacking your .bsa files, but it worked for me with no problems, and many others have claimed the same. to do this you will need to install a BSA Unpacking tool. there are many different programs that can do this... i will list just a few: BSA Unpacker: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4804/? Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM): http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/2097/? Wrye Bash: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840/? When i did this i used BSA Unpacker, so i will tell you how to do it this way: 7. Graphics Options. If you have done all of the above and it STILL is lagging and freezing and crap, you must do the UNTHINKABLE---turn down your graphics settings, fool. you might want to try this at the beginning if you dont feel like doing all that work, and graphics arent your top priority. When you first open SkyrimLauncher.exe, it should automatically detect your most appropriate graphics settings. If you are using 100+ mods however, you may need to *gasp* turn them down EVEN MORE. i know, no one wants to do this, but high FPS count is preferable to being able to count the seeds on every blade of wheatgrass. i mean... come on. there! thats all the advice i have! hope this helped, and Happy Modding!
  11. i unpacked all my meshes, and put them back into the data folder (i was supposed to do that, wasnt i?) but i still freeze right outside the gates. : ( i was hoping that it would work! ive already deactivated any whiterun-specific mods. its not a ctd, skyrim just stops responding every time. any ideas why? do i need to remove the Skyrim-Meshes.bsa from the Data folder? edit: i re-unpacked them, and moved them again into the data folder. i guess something went wrong the first time, because it only overwrote 30-something files, out of hundreds. so i started my game, and went into whiterun! yay!! thank you, sibastion! i made it all the way into the bannered mare (it was lagging a bit, but im ok with some lag as long as its playable). the city was deserted... odd. when i exited the bannered mare it froze on the loading screen.... ;__; but i will keep trying! i think i really need to just buy more ram... perhaps i should get a job instead of fussing over skyrim all day. ^ ^; a note for people using BSA Unpacker: once you click extract all, WAIT for several minutes (5 should be enough, but 7 is safer) it does not tell you when extraction is complete. be sure to right click the folder and go to properties, and make sure the file size number isnt changing any more, just to be certain extraction is complete.
  12. That seems to have done it. There is still some lag, but not unplayable, and i got inside the Silverblood Inn just fine. So now you know. :p
  13. this just started happening to me since my new install. i get perfect FPS in the country, but major, near-unplayable lag in Markarth and CTD when entering the Silverblood Inn. the Markarth lag seems to be related to loading NPCs... maybe i have too many actor mods for my paltry amount of RAM. :( i will try deactivating Inconsequential NPCs and Populated Cities.
  14. FIXED!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: it was so simple!!! i had been launching SKSE from Rocketdock previously with no issues. So i tried launching it from a desktop shortcut i created, and VOILA. amazingly, it worked. so... yeah i dont know why, but rocketdock messed it up somehow, even though the path was exactly the same. :confused: oh well at least its fixed!
  15. i have tried activating the main mods i had for a previous savegame from immediately after character creation. when i try to load that game it CTDs... I also made sure my ini files were all originals.
  16. yes i have done this. it is the newest version. :[ btw this only happened when i reinstalled skyrim today. i have reinstalled it once previously and had no such issues.
  17. *resurrect dead thread* i uninstalled and reinstalled skyrim today and now i am having this problem. after uninstallation i made sure to delete all misc skyrim folders and data (except mods, which i deactivated). ive installed all the unofficial patches, and ive made sure my skse is up to date. but when i load skyrim (only through skse) and try to make a new game, it just does nothing! the start screen menu text disappears, but the dragon emblem and mist just hangs there. it hasnt crashed or stopped responding, and i can close it just fine, but i cannot make a new game! this is now the third time i have reinstalled skyrim trying to fix this problem. : ( does anyone know why this is? i didnt find much about this on the web, except this thread...
  18. oooh ok thank you!! i had set their race, but it must not have saved properly because it reset to Foxrace... :P
  19. Ive been playing around with making custom NPCs with Creation Kit for a few days. But starting last night, when i try to edit an Actor, the CharacterGen tabs are both missing! i have no idea what went wrong! it looks like this: http://imageshack.us/f/11/chargentabsmissing.jpg/ The only thing i can remember doing differently before it stopped working is disabling my Coverwomen face textures mod while running CK... the tabs showed up then but not the next time i opened it... or the next... ive re-enabled all my mods and the problem persists. please help, its making me sad. :-(
  20. I made my custom npcs using vanilla races, but with Apachii Hairs, Battle-Hardened Warpaints, and I also have Coverwomen installed (Im not sure if this one is working on my NPC) and of course, CK gives them vanilla hairs and lame vanilla warpaints which look totally wrong. I looked in my Headparts in the Object Window, but none of the Apachii hairs show up--only vanilla... and i have no idea where to begin with fixing the warpaints. Do i need the Apachii Hairs for NPCs mod installed? Are these things even possible? Edit: I tried loading the hairs and warpaints into CK, but it doesnt allow multiple master files to be open -------------------------------------------------- Edit #2: Ok, well firstly, i realized that the face-coloring issue wasn't only a problem with the warpaints, but with the makeup for coverwomen as well. that explains why my follower has clown eye makeup and a green forehead. still working on that. Secondly, i found some helpful tutorials which i will link here in case anyone is having similar issues with adding a custom hair. might as well save you some time. For Adding a Custom Hair to a Custom NPC: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim#Using_a_custom_hair_for_your_NPC (i used method #2, since i'm not planning on posting my follower online and i dont feel like messing with Wrye Bash) For Changing the Color of a Custom Hair for a Custom NPC: http://www.creationkit.com/ColorForm CK seems so overwhelmingly complicated at first, but once you run through a few tutorials it gets much easier to understand. to all other novice modders out there, Don't Give Up!! :smile: and dont forget to SAVE OFTEN! i will now continue working on the skin color issue... -------------------------------------------------- Yay! ok, i fixed the crazy makeup problem. All you have to do is go into NMM and disable all mods that alter face textures (such as Coverwomen and BH Warpaints), then open CK with your follower set as the Active File, double-click their file in the Actors tab in the Object Window to open the Editor, click on the Character Gen Parts tab and import your .npc file again (it will look super ugly in the preview, but don't worry) then click OK, save, Export the Character Data (select your NPC in the Object Window and press CTRL+F4) and save again. Then Re-enable all the mods you disabled earlier, load your game in Skyrim, and your follower should be looking as pretty as you made them to! Gah, I am not the greatest at explaining, so here is the post by Cennick that helped me out: link to original post: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/587550-creation-kit-npc-facial-textures-help/page-6
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