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Posts posted by xlghostlx

  1. So, i'm so bad with the face modeling in this game... im asking if someone can make this profile for me... (With CBBE) idc about other mod:

    Alycia Debnam Carey (the one from "the 100" And "Fear The Walking Dead" Here a sample pics ^^



  2. Hi guys, can someone make this sword for me? It's Lexa's sword from "the 100"


    If possible with an incision above the blade: "Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun ai op"

  3. the problem is this.. the GPU have to load at 99% all time... the frame don't drop because the gpu go to 50% but the gpu go to 50% cause the FPS drop...


    i've capped the game at 30 only to see the difference. Cause with other game (every game i've played) at 30 fps they are all smoth!! like a 60fps... this game have serious problem

  4. imho bethesda really wronged this time.. the game sucks!!! can't believe that in the city we can't get over 60 fps and at high, the shadows appear slowly... we are in 2016 bethesda need to wake up!!

  5. I've noticed that the gpu when i run the game at 60+ Fps the Gpu load at 99% but if i force to 30 fps the gpu go to 50%!!! why happens this?

    The game at 30fps is unplayable, isn't smoth like other game...

  6. 1st of all.. my specs:


    GTX 770

    i5 3570k

    8GB ram

    3tb hdd


    Here the screenshoot:






    Outside of Sanctuary:






    And here other exterior:








    Can u believe that this are my setting?



    Here the mod i've used:



    Reshade Alone
    ENB Rambo

    True Storms: Wasteland Edition
    Vivid Fallout - Landscapes
    GodRay FPS Increase - GodRays
    Legendary Lamps- Lights, Lamps, Pipboy Overhaul (tutto a 100% con ombre)
    A Little Bit of Green (Realistic Touch of Green Edit) - A Little Bit of Green Version 2.5 Low Resolution
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition - TEOB Textures Replacer Installer
    great fps boost - Great fps boost
    Insignificant Object Remover - Insignificant Object Remover
    Depth of Field (DoF) Removal - DoF Removal v0.4
    Foggy Rooms Defogged - Foggy Rooms Defogged
    Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks - Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks V1.6 plus Bloom Remover
    Remove Interior Fog - F4 - Remove Interior Fog 1.2
    Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement Mod - Wasteland Salon v1.3a


    my ini Tweaks





    Finally i get always 60+ FPS in most zones (the critical are always.... Bad performance).


    The only problem i always encouter are the inside zone (i had got 40/35 fps sometimes and now i always stay up to 55)...bit better for now.


    What do u think about this?

    Do u have lag too inside? and how u have solved? (the mod to remove fog seems not to work)


    Hey dazzer!! love the mk14 and the scope!! i've modded the leoupold to get 6.5 zoom and is awesome!!


    Anyway i'm tryng to replace the reflex sight with the Elcan of your mod but happens this..




    How i can fix?

    I matched all the points up on my MK14 to be 0,0,0. On any other gun, the mods won't be compatible. You can try moving it around in NifSkope.



    Well Worked :D thx now but now


    i said again... this port from New Vegas:




    Yah, this video is from NCRvet who uses Video Game Ungerground (or as they are known now, GunNetwork.org)..they host a lot of ported mods unlike nexus, so those wouldn't be allowed on the nexus.. unless someone remade from scratch all of those guns. (Idk if those guns shown are ported but i do know the rest of the content is, i.e. the outfit he's wearing in the video is from BF4)



    imho idk if there are ported weapon anyway i would like to see these weapon in game :D



    Having the used stock/frame affect the position of the scope is doable as far as I can think, though using single rail position that wouldn't depend on the stock would make it simpler. Basically what it would require is that you set the scope parenting transform to match each stocks/rails position so that the scope position is dependent on the rail position, and set both the stock and scope to have ZoomDataCameraOffsetZ property so that they both would affect the vertical position of the camera.

    If the property stacks, that'll be great then. Thanks for the tip!


    I'll give it a try when the day comes. If not, I'll just fudge the model a bit. In my defense, worse things have been done in games to get them working.


    Ok, share with us like an "alpha" we can't wait... i CAN'T wait xD love it.!!

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