It costs $60.00 to start and $15.00 a month to provide ROI; maintenace and upkeep were figured in from the start, I'll guarantee you that much (basic business plan). Pretty elitist attitude regarding affordability. Tell me, where is the actual correct affordability level; $20.00, $50.00, $316.67? I want to know if I can afford TESO. Perhaps its a matter of value to some, rather than affordability. while i dont like to pay for month it seems ok for a MMO of this scale World of warcraft is similar(its actually a bit cheaper atm) Imo the problem is when you pay something you expect to have a bug free experience... the first thing i notice in ESO was the animations they look totally odd Also they are using the horses to get a few extra bucks...thats the thing you would expect in a F2P not in a game that you play every month The thing that i like about ESO is the combat its not just spamming skills like WOW Still imo ESO its not worth the money...i've played F2P games better than this