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About Guraka22

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    United States

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  1. Not sure if I should post this here, but it SORTA applies to skyrim so... Not too long ago, I got a SSD, and I've copied my skyrim folder to it. Now I want MO2 to go to the drive that the SSD is so that skyrim will be a bit faster..how do I do that? I have somewhat noticed that I might be able to do it via a new profile altogether but..I'd rather avoid that so that I can keep the load order I've made over the years..
  2. For some reason, when Onmund is with me, he's quiet, even when I tell him not to restrict himself. His topics about bandits, wanting to go places, and all those other things don't seem to fire off at all anymore. If it weren't for the comments he makes off of just about every quest(And the obvious other stuff), he'd be like every other vanilla follower. I'm not sure what's causing it, because he was actually pretty vocal about...probably a week or more so ago, that, and Shezarrine is the last thing in my load order.
  3. Urgh...stuck again. I Don't know what to do in the Magickal Realm. I've enter the tower, walked ALL around it searching for...anything...and I just appear to be stuck. Did I miss something? -EDIT- Nevermind, I Found my way..it was another portal INSIDE of the tower, but I couldn't see it because the crystals were so bright that I couldn't see the portal graphics. I'm using Realistic Lighting OVerhaul..so that might be why I didn't see it. xD
  4. Hey, I appear to be...stuck in the magicka meeting place. I believe I've talked all I could to Ingvi and Onmund aside from giving Onmund the staff of magnus. Do I -NEED- to give him the staff for this scene to progress? I've a mod that actually makes the staff of magnus pretty awesome, and I actually want to keep it. >< -EDIT- Hmm..I went ahead and gave him the staff, but he seems to be stuck force-greeting me everytime I walk around. There's nothing more to talk to Ingvi about,(I avoided the quiet time dialogue though) and practically everything to Onmund...ehmm...what do I do now?
  5. Do we have any animators out there that would be interested in making a sprinting attack animation that looks just like the skullgrinder attack or the skill 3 mace attack for Revenants from Guild Wars 2? I always thought it would look amazing in Skyrim, but I may be a little late in asking this..I'm still hoping someone would do it though. ><
  6. As the title says, I'd like to change the race of an npc...more specifically, change their race to a custom race. Do I need to use the Creation Kit, or something else? Using console does work, but if I turn off skyrim the change isn't entirely permanent. When I turn skyrim back on, that npc is a hybrid of what race it was before, and the race I changed it to. How do I make the change permanent, or at least avoid the 'hybrid race' thing?
  7. Well..is there something to keep the concentration shock spells from turning them into ice piles? This bug also seems to make the disintegrate perk useless as well..at least with concentration shock spells. I use wall of storms rather faithfully against other mages, and some dragons....although, if not an answer to that, what's the name of these mods that get rid of these piles?
  8. When I kill someone with a concentration shock spell(sparks, Wall of storms direct damage 'not the aoe on the ground') they will turn into an ice puddle. And that practically means ANYONE that can die. Even if I take the disintegrate perk, they still turn into Ice pile. Although, this doesn't apply to any fire-and-forget shock spell. This issue with the ice piles came up QUITE a while ago, I've been ignoring it until now and it's starting to -slighty- irritate me. It mostly showed up after I took this mod, Leveled Concentration Spells 1.0, And even after removing it, the 'problem' persists. Could anyone tell me why this is happening, and even more so, can anyone help me fix this?
  9. ...Huh...? What exactly is happening? We can't help you if you don't elaborate.
  10. I was told that when you use a mod or something and then get rid of it, it often leaves behind a TIF file, or something like that in you scripts folder..if the mod ran scripts. I've obviously had many files, because after finding this out, I went to delete them, and ended up deleting about 5k of them. xD This didn't cause any problems in my skrim, other than these two issues...one, is where those who are so much as a friend to me after doing a quest or favor for them, they great me with a silent-voiced dialogue of "Yes, my love?" Or something like that as if I'm their lover..which is weird...but I don't really mind that one...the one I do mind, is the concentration lightening bug that I now have. What's wrong, is that the disintegrate perk doesn't seem to work on lightening concentration spells, and when I DO kill someone with a lightening concentration, instead of disintegrating, they turn into a ice pile...and that happens to absolutely anything I kill with a lightening spell. WTF? Can anyone help me with this?
  11. You know about shock spells, right? They are rather useful for the fact that they reach your target(Or where ever your targeting reticule is) almost instantaneously, and with a perk it effectively reduces almost all the npcs' health by 25% if you use the shock spell on them....but what urks me is the fact that the magicka damage it does..is kinda negligible. While yes, tooltips in vanilla Skyrim says it's useful against mages...at the same time by time you probably dropped that mage's magicka with shock damage by probably even 15%, that mage is dead/disintegrated. What I'm trying to say is, shock damage spells need a bit of a buff in the magicka damage department at least, so the tooltip won't be lying to you somewhat. It probably doesn't need to be as much magicka damage as frost spells do stamina damage, but it should be at least noticeable. Is it possible to do this, or did Bethesda hard-code this too much into the game?
  12. This may seem to be a stupid question to ask, but does backing up skyrim with steam backup absolutely everything, even mods and such?
  13. Unfortunately I don't think there will be another DLC, with another elder scrolls game being announced. Dragonborn -IS- the final DLC for skyrim..unless beth actually goes back, puts the new game on hold for a bit and works on another DLC. xD
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