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Posts posted by Jinxxed0

  1. In response to post #61784387. #61812257 is also a reply to the same post.

    Jinxxed0 wrote: Ever since 2008, I've been saying that user created content is the future of gaming. Making long lasting content for games takes a long time. Developers spend hundreds of hours making something that only takes a few hours to play. That's crazy when you think about adding content to MMOs and online games.

    However, when you look at something like Second Life, something that's 99.99% user created content, the world is so huge and ever expanding that no single person could ever see the entire thing in one life time, including the developers themselves. I shake my head when people say "people still play Second Life?" yep. the same amount as always 50,000 concurrent users online 24/7 for years. i think it peaked at 65k to 75k back in 2010, but it's almost always been about 40k-55k on average. Then you had something like City of Heroes. They introduced a mission making system which almost instantly injected the game with 25 times the content than the game ever had. They could have approved the top missions to be official, but never mothered. The system still kept the game fresh for a while though.

    Then you look at Skyrim and other BGS games. I have nearly 3,000 hours and haven't even done more than 40% of the vanilla content. I think there's a way to add value to games with user created content, but the Creation Kit isn't one of them. All the creation kit did was add microtransactions to single player games. And now people pirate mods. Pirating mods. Think about that for a moment. There's a better way for sure, and I think the Nexus found it for the Donation Point system and supplementing it with Patreon. i would like to add though, there there should maybe be another donation pool for those who would rather do a one time donation for that month or whenever they have the cash to spare. I know people, like myself, who don't like monthly subscriptions and would rather do random one time "payments" for everything. Like, I'd like to see a button where I can donate to the Donation Pool once and be done with it until i can donate to it again without worrying about canceling something a month later just to make sure that first payment went through while stopping the second. Just food for thought if any admins read this.
    EnaiSiaion wrote:
    Ever since 2008, I've been saying that user created content is the future of gaming.
    It is, but not the way you think. The Creation Club is brilliant: take a mod scene that is known for unlimited creativity and unpaid labour and tame it, channel it into a source of free or cheap content for your own game. Reward the best authors with a job and everyone else will compete to be the next. Rather than random stuff like Sexlab or entirely new games like Dota and battle royales that are only tangentially related to the parent game the developers are trying to sell, authors will put their unpaid heart and soul into making content Bethesda wants to see.

    This may be a good thing, as it gives the best authors a revenue stream and encourages others to step it up in terms of quality and support. "It's free, eat s#*!" is no longer such an appealing retort to a bug report when Bethesda might be watching.

    It came far too late for Skyrim and a bit too late for FO4, but I predict the TESVI mod scene will be centred on the Creation Club. Most content created will be along the lines of Creation Club content; new people will join, driven by the hope to one day work for Bethesda; and users will download mainly Creation Club content because it's vetted and -let's be honest- mods are a hassle to install and use.

    I could be wrong. I may be right. We'll see.

    I guess I'm more in favor of the wild and untamed mod scene. I'm also looking at this from the perspective a Second Life content creator where everything is made and everything is profitable including the stuff that's similar to Sexlab, only in Second Life. Millions dollars exchanges hands in Second Life everyday and the company that created and runs it, Linden Labs makes money off that everyday.

    Obviously, Bethesda is different, but I still don't generally like the idea of having to pay $5 for a sword. I think something like the Creation Club with it's current type of mods could work if they lowered the prices permanently. As far as having higher and higher quality mods, i think that it wont be the case in practice because it's ultimately Bethesda deciding who they want and what they want. Which isn't a bad thing. But i think for mods, the free market s better at deciding. I think there's room for both scenarios at the end of the day. It's just that I personally think one of better than the other. The Creation Club needs a lot of tweaking I think. The lack of content and the kind of content is something not many expected.

    I was actually looking forward to buying quest mods for $15 here, $20 there. But then they showed golden armored mudcrabs and other content I generally wouldn't pay for. i get why it's that way, everything needs to be compatible. So, with CC we have content makers getting paid, but not the best of the best who make bigger and better mods. This is brings me back to my other point of liking the untamed stuff better. You're free to break it and therefor have more stuff if you manage to keep it unbroken. Since there's room for both, I hope that at least something like CC or whatever its evolution is doesn't become the only option available at some point in the future. companies will likely only want to profit from certain mods while a lot of people will want those Sexlab-like mods and skimpy waifu followers that they never actually use as followers but have hundreds of them installed anyway. I lost my train of thought, so i'll stop here.
  2. Ever since 2008, I've been saying that user created content is the future of gaming. Making long lasting content for games takes a long time. Developers spend hundreds of hours making something that only takes a few hours to play. That's crazy when you think about adding content to MMOs and online games.


    However, when you look at something like Second Life, something that's 99.99% user created content, the world is so huge and ever expanding that no single person could ever see the entire thing in one life time, including the developers themselves. I shake my head when people say "people still play Second Life?" yep. the same amount as always 50,000 concurrent users online 24/7 for years. i think it peaked at 65k to 75k back in 2010, but it's almost always been about 40k-55k on average. Then you had something like City of Heroes. They introduced a mission making system which almost instantly injected the game with 25 times the content than the game ever had. They could have approved the top missions to be official, but never mothered. The system still kept the game fresh for a while though.


    Then you look at Skyrim and other BGS games. I have nearly 3,000 hours and haven't even done more than 40% of the vanilla content. I think there's a way to add value to games with user created content, but the Creation Kit isn't one of them. All the creation kit did was add microtransactions to single player games. And now people pirate mods. Pirating mods. Think about that for a moment. There's a better way for sure, and I think the Nexus found it for the Donation Point system and supplementing it with Patreon. i would like to add though, there there should maybe be another donation pool for those who would rather do a one time donation for that month or whenever they have the cash to spare. I know people, like myself, who don't like monthly subscriptions and would rather do random one time "payments" for everything. Like, I'd like to see a button where I can donate to the Donation Pool once and be done with it until i can donate to it again without worrying about canceling something a month later just to make sure that first payment went through while stopping the second. Just food for thought if any admins read this.

  3. In response to post #61514557.

    fftfan wrote: This guy is incredible, maybe he could be the one to create the next big Australian game dev? Don't know how I've missed this mod all these years. "Story like Inception" is none other than exactly my kind of thing! Now I regret not watching the PC conference at E3(I'd only tuned in for Bethesda & Nintendo).

    This is one of the best quest mods you'll ever play. It's the best period as far as I'm concerned. I recommend it every chance I get
  4. I'm really liking this new system and am glad you've added it. I create and sell digital stuff for Second Life which (Second life currency is then converted to real life money). The process of creating stuff for that is very similar to modding, so I'll sometimes find myself making stuff for that instead of TES or Fallout. So it's a nice little incentive to mod more without having to directly mod for money because I personally believe that all mods should be free (not knocking anyone, just a personal preference).


    With that said though, i'm also really glad you've added charity options. Which brings me to a request (not sure if this is the right place to do it), but it would be really cool if you could add more. Cancer research is something that's very important to me and I think that should be an option along with other and general disease research. Children's hospitals would be great as well. Maybe an effective group that helps starving people in poverty stricken areas. Just throwing some ideas out there. I guess you wouldn't want to add too many because it would stretch the contributions too thin...but maybe a system where if DP just sits there for a over year and is never spent, it automatically goes to random charities.


    Imagine the amount of accounts that will be getting a percentage of DP from mods even though those authors are long gone, never to return. I used to do data entry for a site that gave out points for various tasks and so many users never actually used their points that ended up just sitting there. At least 10-20% never actually redeemed the card they received (cards like playstation cash, xbox points, runescape membership, etc). You'll find out quickly (though I'm 100% sure you know) the behavior of users on websites make no sense most of the time and you'll see a good bit of people who will have a lot of points and just never do stuff with them for years, so the auto donation for charity is a brilliant idea I think. I imagine you'll see other bizarre stuff as well the longer this system is in place. just thinking about takes me back to the early 2010's.

  5. In response to post #56769386. #58645586 is also a reply to the same post.

    Thandal wrote:

    It's really pretty simple. Anything that happened *before* the system is implemented would be irrelevant. If your mod's file gets 26K UDLs *after* the system is implemented, you would get full credit for 26K downloads.


    As Dark0ne has said several times, there is no intention to make it retroactive in any way.

    themaster19 wrote: I think that goes against the intention here.
    If the intention is to give back to modders for their hard work then making the system account for all unique downloads received before the system is implemented as well as after makes more sense.
    Think of it like this.
    A modder released a great mod in 2012. It's received 200,000 unique downloads. It's now 2018 and that same mod author has no new mods to release because they already released it back in 2012. So that modder who deserves recognition and appreciation for their widely loved and used mod gets nothing or a pittance of what they should receive. Because the majority of people who will ever download this great mod have already done so between 2012 and when this system is implemented this means the system only rewards new mods. So what is that mod author to do?
    The only option I see for them is to take down their original mod and reupload in the hopes it will get more exposure by being 'new' and hoping it goes to hot files.....which is just ridiculous.

    But you also have to consider how ridiculous it would be for the nexus to spend over a million dollars and get absolutely nothing in return.
    Remember. They don't have to do this at all. They could just forget about doing this completely.

    If you feel modders deserve something, you can donate them yourself very easily. Some even have patreons.
  6. In response to post #58656156.

    jointit wrote:

    Hi sorry if I repeat something already been debated, from the OP and the responses so far I didnt see anything covering it.


    So - as I understand it this system will reward number of downloads, each download worth equal regardless if its a 5 hour made mod "sexy woman outfit" or 5000 hour made mod like "Maxwell's World" right?


    The new super mega bazooka is easy to make and has high mass appeal (and only a few mb to download), a new land story driven quest mod takes a long time to make (many mb, probably a few glitches etc) and might be popular - but if both have the same number of downloads both get the same part of donation revenue, right?


    Weighing in the time it takes to make a bigger mod it its quite obvious that its "better" to make 500 "sexy woman ass" mods than one long story driven mod. If you want to benefit from the donation system that is.


    Or am I missunderstanding the system?

    Your passive aggressiveness aside, it's a valid question.

    But I think the main thing to keep in mind is that this isn't a job. It's a hobby.

    But let's say it is a job. A house painter can work 80 hours and week and still never make as much as a fashion model. Some people have 2 or 3 jobs and don't make as much as some people with one job. The hours someone puts into creating something can't be determined accurately here. Only supply and demand. If you spend 100 hours creating something you can sell, you can set the price accordingly, but that's not how it works here. There's price to set. Only what users see as worthy.

    If this were a perfect world, the balance would be that, yes, there are a ton of waifu followers and a lot of people download them, but people would donate to the bigger quest and new land mods. However, people here don't even do a simple endorsement. Look at any mod here on the nexus and it's usually 1% or less endorsements when you look at the unique downloads. Ever fewer people donate. But in a perfect world based on years of economic study, more people are going to donate to quest/new lands mods or followers who have content rich quests included and not the hundreds of waifu followers.

    So there's no real problem with a system like this. The problem is that there are a lot of people saying modders should get something, but no one is actually donating to them. I've only donated to about 4 or 5 modders so far, and 3 of them have said they've never gotten any donations before mine and these are prominent modders we're talking about.

    Anyway, this system doesn seem to be designed to help modders pay their bills. There's also the question of using assets. All those waifu follower mods use other people's assets in some shape of form. So the who thing gets muddy, which is why I'm sure this system hasn't been implemented yet.
  7. Anyone ever spend an hour on a problem, give up, post about, and solve as soon as you make the post?


    Looks like i just needed to resize the skin textures I used to test the skin I'll use on the follower. For some reason the body textures were showing on the hand. Anyway. i guess i fixed it. maybe this will help someone via google.

  8. I'm putting together an armor set for a follower mod and the gloves are giving me trouble. When I or any NPC wear them, the texture on the hands show up like the included pictures. But the weird part is that if I take them off and put them back on, they are normal again. But they go back to the messy look again when i open any menus or seemingly at random. I have no idea what;'s causing. I've even tried gettign rid of the hands and replacing them with brand new ones in bodyslide. But I get the same messy looking errors









    All the textures are correct. I've checked over 5 times. Like I mentioned, they show up correctly when i take them off and put them on, but they go back to this error after a few seconds if I open a menu or change cells. Replacing the hand mesh didn't fix it so I dont know what could be happening.

  9. Hi


    Partition refer to the skin partitions of the nif file. If you are open the mesh in nifskope you can run the spell Make all Skin Partitions and see if that solves the issue or any error shows up.






    This didn't work. Still getting the same exact error. Thanks anyway though.


    Is there anyone with any first hand experience with this? On other forums, people seem to be guessing and none of it is working at all.


    edit: alright. I managed to fix it. Thank you. I did what you said to the meshes a second time and this time 6 pop ups happened, where before there was one. So i saved it, rebuilt the armors and it's working now. THANK YOU. I owe you a custom follower if you ever want one. I make both waifu and husbando followers and I'm very mediocre at it.

  10. I'm creating a follower with a custom armor and body. This mesh is giving me trouble and a headache. I converted it via bodyslide and it has loaded in the game just fine before (when it was in another mod/esp but still used my same exact bodyslide build). i get the error when trying to create an ArmorAddon and loading the mesh in. I've done this with a ton of different armor/clothing before and this is my first time encountering something like this. Google is of zero help.

    The error that pops up is:

    Line 267

    data array for partition does not match partition count

    So I'm at a complete loss. i've loaded it into NifSkope, but have no idea what to look for. I've loaded it into outfitstudio again looking for anything that might be off. I have no idea what to do.

    I'll include the file for anyone that wants to see: https://mega.nz/#!FkokVbYb!ZZ49_7QIY_oI-jnyNnRiSbCHrfARzON05zKUfSiBsIU

  11. So i made an NPC overhaul for a town mod to make some of the NPCs look subjectively better with eye and hair mods. My mod/overhaul still requires the original mod and doesn't include any of their assets, only a modified versions of their esp and the files I have permission for already and the files i've made myself.


    The reason i ask is because I've messaged the person already and it;'s been 3 weeks. They've logged on since then, but it seems like they just don't communicate at all.


    So then I started wondering if permissions were actually needed in this case since the original mod is a hard requirement and my mod wouldn't work without it otherwise. I've guessing I still do need permission, but at this point I'm out of options because I don't think this person is ever going to message me. I wont say their name or the mod's name because I want to respect their privacy.

  12. Maybe it'd be better to have 5 winners that could win $10?


    Or since you're using a different currency, 3 winners could win £10? One winner out of what I assume would be millions of people seems kind of hopeless. Either way, it's a cool gesture.

  13. I love the new design and have loved it since I saw screenshots of it a year or more ago.


    After using it though, I've started noticing something that there's a lot of empty/wasted space with the download files. I'm sure you've already seen people talking about it and the plenty of mock ups for how to fix it on reddit already though. Having them all open by default was a great change.



    Maybe it's something I can get used to, it's just that when there's a lot of files, the space adds up. You can only really 3 files on the screen at once, but on the old design you can have like 7 or 8 on the screen at once, which makes comparing options a little easier because you don't have to keep scrolling all the way up and down etc.


    The icons could be made smaller, the spacing between lines of text could be smaller and the part that says "Download this file has..." or "Download Safe Report" could be just the icon in the corner that can be hoverd over/clicked on which would make the file displays a lot smaller and efficient on their own. The spacing above and below is just way too much. I can understand having giant text for people who might have troubling seeing small text, but all the spacing between everything is little too much in my personal opinion, but even with the spacing, i think changing the Safe Report thing would be a major improvement alone.


    Overall though, the redesign is great.

  14. It works with the Vivaldi Browser. I loved the design ever since we got a glimpse of it years ago.


    It's gonna take at least a week or two to get used to it and navigate it without even thinking like we do with the current/old design. So you just have to give it a chance. I'm willing to bet 50 bucks that people wont even remember the old design in a year.

  15. To echo shingouki2002, you can't. I'll simply add that using assets from another mod without the author's explicit consent in a mod you upload will get you in trouble here on the Nexus.


    For more specific info about copyright and permissions, please refer to this thread.


    I see thanks. I guess I have to wait 96 years? I forget how long copyrights last.

    It kind of sucks because it feels like the modder is never coming back. I wish there was some kind of abandoned mod clause that all nexus modders have to agree to or something so you retroactively agree your mod is in public domain after not at least logging on for say 5 years. I dunno. Maybe that's actually a bad idea.


    ah well. I'll probably put my follower mod on hold.

  16. I've made a follower mod and want to eventually turn it into a fully voice follower using a voice actor. The thing is, it's a character heavily inspired by a show and the character has a specific outfit. This outfit has been made by a modder already and I myself am not a 3D animator. What I've done is remodeled the armor via Bodyslide to fit my follower's custom body and fixed a few things in Photoshop. I asked the modder if I could use their assets, but havent heard back from them. I looked at their profile and they haven't been active on the website since 2013, though it looks like they added someone to their friends list in 2016, but that's it.


    So my question is, am i just out of luck? The mod in question has nothing about permissions and barely has 10 words in the description. It's also their only mod.


    I just want to know if should just forget about using the assets before moving forward with my follower mod or if it would be okay to use the assets considering the mooder is no longer active. I'd give credits and a link to the mod of course, but if this is forbidden I wont use any of the assets. If I could, I'd try to make his mod a requirement, but I've already changed all of the meshes and most of the textures.

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