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Everything posted by phreatophile

  1. Things I'd like to see in the next Elder Scrolls game: Better looking characters women should not look like dudes with breasts. How about some variation. Tall people, short people, Fat people...an be allowed to select this at character creation. Longer more involved main quest Who didn't blow through Oblivion's MQ in no time. More thought, less handholding In the dark brotherhood questline, when you're killing off the Draconis family, or hunting down that rude dark elf (I'll turn your bones to ash!) you can pull up the map for a little green pointer to exactly where on the road he is. Thats a little much. The ablility to take either side in the main and faction quests Some times you just want to be evil, I would also love to have sided with Mannimarco against those stuck-up mages guild types or fought for the blackwood company. How about joining the guards and hunting down the dark brothers and thieves. Dual wielding of at least daggers (should be up to longsword) Seriously, a stealth character would most likely fight this way. There would have to be a downside, of course, even something like in Baldur's gate where you don't get full damage with either weapon until higher(est) level. Better Ranged Combat I'm not looking for full on VATS from fallout. Though I'd love the cinematic weapon strikes from VATS. On second thought that would be perfect, because in fallout you were free to avoid VATS altogether and just use the crosshairs or not. Blood and Gore It's a Mature rated game. If I just killed someone with a sword or an axe they would not be on the ground afterward looking like they died in their sleep. Imagine the occasional view following your arrow as it hurtles across the landscape to end up burried up to the fletch in your enemy's skull. The slowed down cinematic view as you behead your enemy. Boats Mounted Combat Cities in Worldspace (like in Morrowind) Actually, I'm wasting space; the developers should look at the top 100 or so mods on the Nexus and do that. Reason being: if someone took the massive amount of effort needed to create the mods that do these things and 10000 or so people downloaded it and a few thousand bothered to come back and endorse it, the modification probably would have been a good idea in the first place.
  2. This? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22119 Or maybe this? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9424 Thanks so much, thats what i was looking for.
  3. I've seen this in screenshots and I think i even had it once. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the "lightshow" when you cast on self with something more appealing. It had little paterns and such instead of just colored smoke. I've tried searching "spell effect", "cast animation", and a bunch else and I still cant find it.
  4. hes a bit slow about it if you watch him hes gota think about it before he finally remember the pas code but you should do it your self and if you want neutral karma just type rewardkarma -1000 I think thats it No that's not it, its not a delay before he starts it, he acts as if broken steel were not installed at all, he responds that my destiny is in there, and the robot tells me I should be ashamed of myself. Don't really care about the karma really, I tried two different followers to see if one of them was bugged.
  5. Trying to avoid reinstall or other funny business if possible. Broken Steel is installed, level cap is up to 30, the new perks work, the new creatures are in-game...but when i get to the purifier Fawkes won't start it for me, retried with neutral karma and the robot won't either. I've got a ton of mods going, so my next step is to start over with just a few of them and try to sort this out, but first I thought I'd throw this out there to see if anyone recognized the problem. Many thanks
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