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About dankeekong

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    United States

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  1. not sure if this is the right place to post this but for whatever reason my nmm wont start up scratch that looks like it was just taking a long time
  2. do u have a eta on when youll be done
  3. when i said guns i was thinking muskets not like machine guns or anything when i said last dwemer i ment maybe the 1 from morrowind
  4. if u need ideas for the gaurdians guild heres a few 1 maybe u could buy custom dwemer bots from someone in the guild sort of like how in dawnguard u could buy trolls 2 if ure making armor four the guild u could make it a dwemer powered light armor 3 the guy who supplies the guild with dwemer gear could be the last dwemer in the world
  5. since the guardians guild will have dwemer gear i was wondering if you could add guns or maybe a stun rod oh and maybe for the last quest 4 the gaurdians it would be an assualt on a dwemer fort
  6. if u need an idea for a side quest maybe a thane has embezzled money from the treasury and u have to investigate and the reward is that u take that thanes place in rochebere.
  7. how many towns will u make in the countryside and are they going to be bigger then vanilla towns will the guards be only nords or will there be multiple races
  8. will u add any new shouts or spells and are there any mods that are incompatible with this
  9. how strong will the enemies be in rochbere and will there be any in the countryside district
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