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anjenthedog last won the day on August 31 2024

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Nexus Mods Profile


About anjenthedog

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    Skyrim SE
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    Currently? Skyrim SE

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Community Answers

  1. !!! You WHAT? !!! FNIS or another animation processor/engine is required for proper movement of humanoids and creatures. FNIS for instance, processes humanoid and creatures separately, and the processing can be broken easily for one or the other or both by installing non skyrim-version qualified mods. (afaik the most often encountered issue that breaks FNIS for humanoids and/or creatures) idk how nemesis or the other one works but I'd presume the same overall. Unless you ARE using nemesis or some other mod for the purpose, I'd get FNIS back on, run it, and post the results to the thread inside a spoiler (the eyeball icon). Based on your symptoms, I suspect you have something in your mod list that you shouldn't have
  2. Yes that's correct... TCL >> Collison on/off. hmmm... perplexing. I'd ask if you've run FNIS or whichever animation engine you use (FNIS, Nemesis, etc), but that issue (ie, failing to process the animations) would cause an obvious "t-posing", (splayed arms, no movement) so I'd presume that's handled.
  3. try toggling TCL from console? 1. press the tilde key (~) to enter console mode 2. > TCL (then the enter key) 3. Press the tilde key again to return to game mode (and if it doesn't work just issue the command again to reset to its previous state) I've found in the past that while I'm operating with TCL in the OFF state (globally), ALL NPCs are also affected and can no longer move around and will walk or run in place.
  4. Unless this is some sort of issue of a mod overwriting, I'd suggest that grass rendering (and other near field detail) falls off with distance. read up on "ugrids" https://duckduckgo.com/?q=skyrim+ugrid&atb=v354-1&ia=web
  5. You might also try changing your player weight. As I recall there can be some sort of issue with body weight that causes a neck seam (neck hole). Probably other ways to fix it as well, but fwiw, if you run into it again, might try that first to save a little time.
  6. Do you happen to have an eye tracking mod installed? If so, you might check its settings
  7. Heh I give her the Whiterun house and never visit again. Cripes, I was married to that woman several lifetimes ago. Nothing but cabbage apple soup and "practice". sheesh. Never again.
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of Skyrim followers. They'll block you, drive you off the nearest cliff, talk over an NPC you're having a conversation with, get themselves between you and your opponent at almost every possible turn, along with occasionally deciding to ignore you completely in favor of trying to kill a fish, or because they're otherwise "busy" Almost as if the follower system was intentionally programmed to do so... Fortunately if you look around at nexus's SE file archive, you might find some mods to help with some of it. And if you dig into AFT, you might find some settings that will reduce some of the annoying behavior too.
  9. Thanks. Yeah... I think there are a couple/few. Although (no insult intended), it still doesn't actually answer the question. Just an arbitrary limit?
  10. As the title says. Specifically, player crafting skill level, just to avoid any confusion.
  11. You could alter their ratings. When I've done so before, I've used Proteus to change clothing into virtual armor and give them armor ratings
  12. Before the game broke irretrievably due to a major Steam feckup a month or so ago, pretty much Like a God's realm tourist. I got tired of the game dictating my play probably six months in in late 2019, after completing the main and many other questlines. So lots of wandering throughout the various realms (Also installed many of the landmass addons) and quests when I want.
  13. Well Nexus? It's been ten days now. You dropped this into this forum against my wishes. what's the answer? To be clear, I am asking if I can delete the ~145 G of expanded mod files contained in /AppData/Roaming/Vortex/skyrimse/mods/ manually via file manager, or do they "have to be" removed within the vortex application to avoid some sort of resultant application corruption?
  14. What does this (and your previous post) have to do with my topic? Why are you posting irrelevant content to my thread? Ok... Vortex is currently storing 140G of expanded mod archive files from my previous Skyrim SE installation, in its /AppData/Roaming/Vortex/skyrimse/mods/ folder, which is the only additional space available to me to expand sufficient space for a reinstallation. To be clear, I am asking if I can delete the ~145 G of expanded mod files contained in /AppData/Roaming/Vortex/skyrimse/mods/ manually via file manager, or do they "have to be" removed within the vortex application to avoid some sort of resultant application corruption?
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