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Everything posted by Systemlord30

  1. This modding is very new to me so treat like a noob, I'm used to patch updates and clicking on "Play Now". To your first reply I'm more confused than ever, so now we have NMM, RealVision ENB, and then the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)? I watched that video but you're going to have to explain which Mod Install Manager I should be using and then we can work on the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE). I will not install mods manually. I think that would be to much for my brain to handle for now. How are all of these programs supposed to work? I can't launch the game from three different loaders, I wish there was one thread that explained all these NMM, RealVision ENB, and then the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) with step by step visual instructions! Second can I install the Skyrim backup to my HDD that I use only for storage? I primarily use my SSD for everything. Thank you again, really! Systemlord.
  2. I am using NMM, I had no idea that only one ENB could be used at a time. I was following the recommended mods quoted here in proper order under "Installation", "Recommended Mods". I'm reinstalling Skyrim and NMM now so as to start fresh, I take a look at that video now. Can I use one ENB mods with other mods? If I were to upgrade my internet speed would Steam allow for faster downloading? It's taken an hour to DL 1.9GB of 9.5GB! I really appreciate all of your help! Systemlord.
  3. I have been told NMM alone can't handle ENB mods, wish someone had told me this! Now I might have to uninstall Skyrim and NMM to start fresh, the only ENB mod I have installed is Ruins Clutter mod which doesn't show up in plug-ins like other mods do. All of the mods I was going to install were ENB mods, but now there not installing with NMM. You might go to my other thread Recommended Mods To Enhance Visual Realism
  4. On another note I'm having difficulty installing the Skyrim Flora Overhaul, I go into the Skyrim.ini (My Documents\My Games\Skyrim), open with notebook and I can't find "iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6" anywhere. You have to add that line to the .ini file if it is not present, under [Grass}. Thanks, this I am accustomed to doing in Oblivion. OMG how do I do that? Batch command, all of your instructions are outside my comprehension and understanding! Only a step by step visual guide will work for me, I'm sorry about all this! However I'm willing to learn, should I even be using ENB mods if I want a problem free Skyrim experience? . Now I might have to uninstall Skyrim if I don't get help, this is the kind of thing I was trying to avoid, "getting in over my head"!
  5. As you can see there are five 2K Textures - Skyrim HD mods to activate below, the problem is after I activate the first four mods using NMM. When I try to activate the fifth mod which only comes in v1.6 I am asked, "Overwrite Files", "Yes to all", "Yes", "No to all" and "No". Which of the four choices should I be selecting and why to better understand? The other v1.5 mods are the latest versions. Another issue is I have already activated "Ruins Clutter Improved", yet it doesn't show up in the plug-ins. Why? Thank you!
  6. Hey if I installed mods with NMM and later deleted those mods have they left a mess that could break the game later or does deleting them get rid of all the changes made to Skyrim?
  7. Is it possible to overwrite the HD DLC when installing other HD texture mods?
  8. I was told that ENB mods were buggy, so if I were to use an ENB mod using SweetFx what would happen to all of my mods in NMM? I'm getting excellent performance, the frame rates are pegged at my monitors refresh rate @75Hz which when change to 60Hz lags a bit! On another note I'm having difficulty installing the Skyrim Flora Overhaul, I go into the Skyrim.ini (My Documents\My Games\Skyrim), open with notebook and I can't find "iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6" anywhere.
  9. Forgot to mention that I can run Crysis maxed out (Very High DX10) 4x AA smoothly with (Vsync off) 94 fps average. So I think Skyrim should be a walk in the park at 1280x1024, right? :huh:
  10. Thanks for sharing your mods choices, keep them coming. I definitely am looking for more realistic lighting, slightly darker nights, darker interiors and dungeons. I don't want outdoors to be too dark, I'd like to see the moon cast on the ground at night. Better distant tree textures would be nice. My GTX 480 with its overclock equals a GTX 580. I'm testing things in the castle in the very beginning, the game automatically set everything on it's highest setting. I have 16x AF and 8x AA with everything maxed out with no drop in frame rates, is there a way to set the fps cap to 75Hz? Does the HD texture pack replace all textures in the game or just certain ones? Will my official HD textures interfere with the mods textures in any way? Thanks for the recommended mods!
  11. Hello everybody, I am aiming for mods that will greatly enhance the visual experience in Skyrim while keeping my frame rates at 60 fps. I have seen some truly amazing drop dead gorgeous pictures that look extraordinary, I would like to get close to that without affecting frame rates below 60 fps. I already have the official Skyrim HD texture pack and am using Nexus Mod Manager for all my mods. If anyone wants to share their visual enhancing mods with me that would be great! Any help would be greatly appreciated! :smile: My specs NEC 19" Monitor 1280x1024 75Hz capable Core i7 3770K @4.5GHz EVGA GeForce GTX 480 OC Corsair Dominator GT 8GB Samsung 830 SSD 256GB
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