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Everything posted by FIREFLY11

  1. Hey SerdnaOdraude! Is this what you're looking for? https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5239 It seems like it should fix the problem you described. Hope it helps! :smile: Best wishes, FIREFLY11
  2. Hi, Orochimaru53! Right here: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/554 and here: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/221. Take your pick. There are also some other Natural Bodies-related mods, just go to the Mod Categories page for Dragon Age Origins https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/categories/ & enter "Natural" in the search bar & you'll find what you need. You can also do this to find pretty much any other mod you're looking for. Best, FIREFLY11
  3. UPDATE: Hi to all! Well gang, I finally did it! I created a mod in which Alistair ordered Anora's execution. Just in the Epilogue by learning how to make custom slides (special thanks to Sunjammer, Sky & Kajana--I couldn't have done it without all your help; you guys are the best! :D). If anyone out there wants to learn how to make epilogue slides for this (or any purpose) just send me a PM & I'll be glad to walk you through the process I used. :smile: As for creating an actual cutscene for the Landsmeet, it turns out that when making a cutscene--any cutscene--you are constrained by the animations contained in the Toolset. So my original idea for Anora pulling the dagger from her sleeve & going after Alistair isn't likely feasible (glad you liked the idea all the same cybermouse2--thanks for the kind words :smile:) . But there is a viable alternative. Remember the scene at the Joining where Jory briefly engages Duncan in combat before Duncan runs him through? Since those animations exist in the game, it should be possible to use them w/ Anora & the Warden swapped in for Jory & Duncan respectively. The new scene could play out as follows: After Eamon orders the guards to take Anora into custody, Anora declares, "It will never happen. Not if the Maker himself appeared in this room and commanded it!" Cut to Anora pulling a sword like Jory did, then briefly dueling the Warden until she gets run through. Anora then collapses to the floor & dies face down in a pool of her own blood. The only issue if Anora is executed @ the Landsmeet is that this could only work if Alistair is still alive at the end of the game so that there is someone left to rule Ferelden. Therefore any mod in which Anora dies in the Landsmeet would have to make certain that Alistair lives. The best option for that (as someone far wiser in these matters than I pointed out; thanks again Kajana! :thumbsup:) would be if it required the player to leave Alistair at the City Gates before heading into the final battle if the player refused Morrigan's offer. All the same, I'm still going to take this on. Anora deserves it & I'm certain there are plenty of those out there who would agree. :devil: I'll keep you posted! Till next time! Best always, FIREFLY11
  4. Hi Gorlie! Sky is correct--there isn't anything like the dialogue w/ Alistair you described. I've been practically living in the Conversation section of the Toolset for the past month (this has become an addiction; I need to get on w/ learning to make cutscenes! :tongue:), and have been over ALL of Alistair's dialogue & haven't come across anything like that. The only thing that comes remotely near that is the conversation w/ Alistair where the PC asks "Why have you remained a Templar if you hate the Chantry?" He'll respond with "Have you seen the uniform? It's not only stylish but well-made. I'm a sucker for good tailoring," and one of the responses is "In that case you should have become a mage." However, these lines aren't associated w/ romance. Hope you found that useful & have fun w/ your adventures in Ferelden! :smile: Best, FIREFLY11
  5. Hi all! This is just a post about something that has been a mystery to many in the DA community for years: What in the Maker's name is the Remigold? Well, I found the answer by accident. I was digging around in the Toolset's dialogue files (you can lose weeks or even months of your life doing that :tongue:) and was looking at Duncan's dialogue in Ostagar when he briefs the Warden & Alistair before sending them to the Tower of Ishal. In his exchange w/ Alistair where Alistair says "If the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold I'm drawing the line. Darkspawn or no," in the scripting comments below it says "Remigold = Cancan". When I looked up what the Cancan is I nearly fell over laughing! Not sure how many people have seen this in the Toolset, but I thought I'd throw it out there. It would have been nice if the developers had clarified what the Remigold was in the game, but now we can truly appreciate the hilarity of Alistair's comment! :D Best always to everyone! FIREFLY11
  6. Hi all, happy New Year & hope everyone had a great holiday season! I've been going over the dialogue files in the Toolset for Origins in preparation for making some cutscene mods & was wondering if it's possible to access the dialogue files for Awakening for use in Origins. I have some ideas for using Nathaniel Howe's dialogue for an NPC in a mod I'd like to make. Based on some of the mods I've seen I know that some things from the official DLCs like armor, abilities, enemies, etc., can be extracted & used in mods, but I wasn't sure about dialogue. If anyone out there has any info or has done something like this, any input would be most welcome! :smile: Best regards to everyone out there in modding land! FIREFLY11
  7. Hi everyone! I'm having an issue with some items I made using the single-player (Fextralife) method. I finished the play through in which I created them, & then began a new game, but they did not appear in my character's inventory. I tried disabling then enabling them in the DLC menu, but nothing. I even tried re-exporting them, but that didn't do anything either. If it helps, I created the single-player items at various points after my first character's origin story, so maybe they will appear once I reach the point in the game where they were created in the first play through? Or should they have been there from the beginning? The ones I created via the console command method were able to be summoned as normal. Thanks very much in advance for any help! :smile: Best always, FIREFLY11
  8. Hi guys & thanks so much for the info! By "possible" I was wondering "can it be done" (sorry, should have been more specific), but it looks like the answer to that is yes. I'll definitely check out that Toolset wiki info & be sure to reach out to Zlleshiy & some of the Awakening mod authors when the hour isn't so late. :laugh: And good point--it could easily be a male warden who gets comforted by his love interest as well. Maybe once I find my cut scene legs I'll try making some mods for the other romance options. At any rate, if I do need to do something in the base game before taking a swing at this, then Goldanna will get what's coming to her! :devil: (Well, that's one mod I've vowed to make eventually, no matter how long it takes.) Thanks again for the input & I'll be sure to let you know how things turn out! Best always, FIREFLY11
  9. Hi to everyone! I now have a handle on item creation for both the console command & single-player methods (1,000,000 thanks to Sky, Thandal & Rak72--I never would have been able to do it w/o you! :D) and feel ready to try my hand at simple cutscenes. My question is, can mods be made for existing DLC, in this case Return to Ostagar? I have an idea for a cutscene for a romantically involved Warden & Alistair that plays out as follows: The scene is triggered when the party moves to the spot in Ostagar where the Joining ritual took place--the spot where Alistair and the Warden first met. Alistair stands alone with his back to the camera deep in thought, then cuts to a shot of him passing a hand over his face as the memories wash over him. The Warden enters and watches Alistair for a few moments, then comes over to stand beside him. She takes his hand in hers and through a dialogue options says "You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together." Alistair smiles down at her and the two embrace. The camera zooms out showing two of them holding each other & the scene fades out. Would this type of mod be possible to create? Thanks to anyone w/ info! Best always, FIREFLY11
  10. Hi to everyone! I recently experienced a game breaking event (resolved with a reinstall) partially brought on by some files from the Toolset getting loose when I was searching through cutscenes & various plots. I also saw some scripts that I would like to study in there as well, so, I was wondering if there is a "safe" way to view these things in the Toolset w/o the files ending up in places like the toolsetexport & override folder & potentially causing headaches. Maybe looking through the Toolset so long as nothing is checked out? Thanks for any answers! Best always, FIREFLY11
  11. Thanks LadyHonor, good to know. I've just had to do a reinstall of my game & Toolset after a game-breaking event & I was worried I'd have to install the Toolset all over again. And thanks Sky, as always, for watching out for me! :smile: Have a good weekend! Best always, FIREFLY11
  12. Hi everyone! I was looking through the DA Toolset wiki & I read that the lightmapper for level creation that comes with the Toolset requires ActiveState Python 2.5 in order to run, but Python isn't included in the Toolset and must be installed before the Toolset itself is installed. Are there any other programs the Toolset requires that must be installed prior to the Toolset? Does Python absolutely have to be installed prior to the Toolset? Thanks! Best to all, FIREFLY11
  13. Thanks a lot Sky! I was able to isolate the mod that was causing the trouble. It's called "personal content" and was released on 5/1/2010; that's the only info I could find listed in my mod manager & in the DLC list. I'll have to go back & see if I can find out which one that is for troubleshooting. Thanks again! Best always, FIREFLY11
  14. Hi everyone! This comes off clearing up a mess involving game breaking files exported from my Toolset. I ended up uninstalling, then reinstalling my game & Toolset, then reinstalled all my mods that I had saved. When I went to create a new character, the character generator was empty. I could turn an "invisible character" around with the cursor & all of the appearance edits were empty. The only thing that was normal were the voice choices. I went back to the game menu & accessed DLC, disabled all the mods, & was able to create a new character as normal. I then saved the game & enabled the mods in the DLC. They have shown up, but when I tried to create another character with them enabled, and again, no character. Any thoughts as to what happened? Thanks for any help! Best always, FIREFLY11
  15. OK, I did some more searching & managed to find some more files that didn't belong & deleted them. That got me through the fight with Caladrius (barely!) & I was able to progress to the point in the Landsmeet up until the fight with Loghain when everything froze again. I've looked through all my folders & deleted anything except things I know for certain are mods I downloaded or created myself. In the EA "Help" files, it said that freezing could be dealt with by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. Would it be worthwhile to try this? Thanks! Best regards, FIREFLY11
  16. Thanks Sky; I went back & found a "ts_cut_blentree" that I missed in override & deleted it. When I tried a cutscene from a different load (Landsmeet this time) things got slightly better, then froze again. I've cleaned out my toolsetexport folder & scoured my override folder, but don't see anything else like what is in the list you posted. Is it possible that my game files have been corrupted? Also I noticed that whenever I tried to import an item I made w/ the Toolset using the Fextralife article's method, I would get all those extra files exporting every time, even if the compile succeeded. This didn't happen when I added item via the console. Do you think I might have to reinstall the Toolset, delete everything & start from scratch? I want to get the download version of the game anyway, so even though it would be inconvenient, I'll do it if means a return to normalcy. Thanks for your help again. You are to Nexus what a Keeper is to a Dalish clan! :smile: Best always, FIREFLY11
  17. Hey Sky! Thanks for the info, especially how to go to the download w/o losing my saves! :smile: . I actually have been looking through the Toolset at the different categories (i.e., character events, scripts, etc.), although I didn't check anything out of course. Any idea of what i should look for in /toolsetexport & the main /override to clean house? Thanks! FIREFLY11 UPDATE: I looked in toolsetexport & found a bunch of files that I saw get exported when I made some custom items that shouldn't have been there. I've deleted them all, but I still have the same problem when. I searched my other folders (including override), but haven't found anything suspicious. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  18. Hi all, an issue just came up now with my DAO Ultimate game in that it is freezing & I cannot progress any further. I've reached the point where Caladrius surrenders & then suddenly things start jerking, then freezing. The audio plays for a little bit & I can still move the cursor, then everything is frozen and my only option is to shut down my PC manually. This happened before during the fight with Witherfang, but I was able to get through it (after much reloading), and then the same thing happened during the conversation outside Anora's chamber door during the Rescue the Queen quest. That time I restarted the game by accessing it through the console & that solved it, but now with the fight with Caladrius, nothing I do works. And yes, I still am playing the physical disk (didn't want to give up some save files just yet :tongue: ). There is one other thing: I've begun making items using the Fextralife article's method (I've gotten 3 into the game so far; I still need to get better at script writing) & when I exported them into the game, I saw that a TON of other files (things like items, abilities) exported along with them. This doesn't make sense, as I cleared all the files out of the toolsetexport before I ever tried putting anything into the game, since I was told about how they needed to be deleted as they could damage the game (thanks for that Sky! :thumbsup:), so I'm not sure if that means anything. It's time to get the downloadable version once & for all isn't it? :smile: Anyway, thanks in advance & have a great weekend! Best regards, FIREFLY11
  19. Thanks a lot Sky! I'll check those out & see what I can learn. It's a shame that Bioware pulled the plug on all that info. How do they expect newer modders to learn how to create things? Guess the modding community will have to work together to keep the knowledge alive (you do a yeowoman's work as it is--can't thank you enough for being around to help!). BTW, I was able to create that engagement ring for my HNF from Alistair (she'll have another one to go with the one from your mod :smile: ) with Rak72's help & the Fextralife article. Have to learn about plot flags a little more, as I'm not sure if it showed up in my loaded save where Alistair & my Warden are already engaged b/c it recognized the plot flag in ARR (in ARR they can become engaged as early as after Arl Eamon is revived) or if the ring will show up in all my saves. Guess I should check on that. :tongue: All the same, I wouldn't have been able to do it w/o your help--thanks as always for pointing me in the right direction! Best always, FIREFLY11
  20. Hi all! This is for anyone out there who might have any info on this: I've noticed that you get directed to the DA Keep for many of the tutorials under the External Tutorials section of the Toolset wiki when you click on them. I've checked in the Keep's Tapestry section, but there are no sign of the tutorials. Are these gone for good, or is there some way to access them? Also, I keep forgetting to ask this question, so here it is: For anyone with modding experience, is there any particular order in which to learn to create mods that you would recommend for those new to modding? Items/armor/weapons seems the easiest & I've largely mastered that, but what would be a good next step? Thanks to anyone with info! Best regards, FIREFLY11 P.S.: Sky if you see this, I tried your suggestion about altering the physical Antivan boots under the armor section to customize them. That did the trick--thanks a bunch! :thumbsup:
  21. Hi, Integrater, you shouldn't have any trouble unless they are mods like the ones Sky mentioned. I've forced more than a few loads that contained items that I created in early mods that I botched (I'm new to modding) with no ill effects & removed downloaded mods midway through a play through w/o any trouble so far. Good luck! FIREFLY11
  22. Hi guys, thanks a lot for the info! Sky, don't worry about the delayed reply--unfortunately, I'm about to share your experience of going w/o power for several days in the near future because my evil power company is going to be shutting off the juice to my city & several others claiming high fire risk (even though we're not in the zone! :wallbash:). For clarification, my end goal is to create a completely new gift item that would be equippable once given (something for Alistair; haven't decided what yet). I'd also like to eventually create a mod where Alistair surprises the Warden with a picture of her family/parents that he bought from a merchant along their travels, seeing how it would be likely that Howe's thugs would have looted Highever Castle, but first things first! Even with you guys being good enough to point me in the right direction, I'm REALLY going to have to read some tutorials on scripting, as I sadly have no background of any kind in that area. I found a great PDF file when I was Googling the Toolset & from what I've seen, it has lots of useful info on scripting, so hopefully that will help. Just need to find the time to learn everything. I also reached out to Rak72. She said she hasn't done anything for a while but offered to walk me through some things if she can. And I'll definitely start familiarizing myself w/ prcscr, but at least I understand the explanation regarding the Antivan boots example. As for the area creation, the Toolset seems pretty straightforward from what I've learned so far; again I seem to do fine learning how to create things--it's the scripting where I need work. Thanks so much again for the help & try to stay cool wherever you guys are! I'll keep you posted on how things turn out. Best always, FIREFLY11
  23. Hey Sky, thanks for the info as always (esp. for the Ring from Alistair example)! At the risk of being laughed at by all those reading this (I'm still a lowly newbie to modding for those wondering!), when you say look at the way the vanilla game handles the gift items like Duncan's shield & Zev's boots do you mean look at those items in the Toolset? As an experiment I tried using the Antivan boots gift model with the standard custom item creation method, but gave them my own description, name & stats. The specs I installed appeared in the game when the gift item showed up in my inventory; the usual cutscene played when I gave them to Zev, but after they were equipped on him everything reverted back to the Antivan boots, so I guess I can't make an equippable gift item that way. So far, I've been using the console commands and the method laid out in the Toolset wiki to get the items I've made into the game. Can I still use it with the method you outlined? If it's not too much trouble, yeah, it would be great if you could chase down those text files you mentioned for the other released mods. I'll definitely check out rak72's work as well. Thanks so much for the help again. On another note, I've begun learning how to create new areas with the wiki, but one of the things I've noticed about it is that it will tell you how to make things, but not give scripting advice on how to get them into the game. Do you think it would be worthwhile to learn some C++ since that language is similar to the one DA uses? Anyway, many thanks again & sorry if this sounds a little off right now--it's late & the brain is about to go down for the night! :tongue: Best always, FIREFLY11
  24. Hi everybody! I've currently more or less mastered creating custom items in the Toolset and am working my way up to more advanced things, but there is something that I have been unable to find in the wiki: How to create a gift item that becomes a "real" item in the game (e.g., Duncan's shield; Antivan leather boots) that a companion can use/wear. Also how does one create an item for a companion that appears under specific conditions? For instance, when a certain level of approval/stage in romance is reached? Does anyone have any info on how to do this or know of any good tutorials that cover this? Also, would the script for this that is entered be the same as the one in the wiki's custom item tutorial, or does it require different commands? Thanks to anyone who can help! Best regards, FIREFLY11
  25. Yes, YaraC, that's the message I've seen sometimes when I exit the Toolset. It's still working just fine; I've opened it up multiple times w/o incident. So far I've only created some custom items (Sky, if you're reading this, thanks so much again--I'd never have even gotten this far w/o your help! :D ) & have yet to utilize anything involving graphics. Thanks for reaching out & sorry you had to reinstall--hope this the Toolset works better for you this time around! Best regards, FIREFLY11
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