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Everything posted by Fractalbase

  1. Thank you for this tip. But it is more of a work-around for the underlying problem -- Vortex should populate this field automatically.
  2. Any music mods that are found in this category on Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/categories/110/?BH=1 do not register as having the "Audio - Music" category in Vortex. They appear with the unspecified category and are therefore grouped/sorted as such in the Mods tab and the Plugins tab. I believe this is a bug that was introduced at some point, because I have a music mod that I downloaded 9 months ago and it has the correct category, but music mods that I've downloaded at least 3 months ago to current do not have this category, or any category. Please fix this in Vortex, unless you can point out that I'm doing something wrong when I download music mods?
  3. Great, okay thanks for the information. I've gotten a lot of mods to work correctly and together well, this will take some careful planning and research on my part to reduce my mcm count.
  4. Yes I've added mods during a playthrough. But this also happens after starting a new game. Basically, not all of my MCM items appear. I know that the plugins are in fact enabled. I used to use MCM Kicker, but I think that doesn't really help. I've tried "setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1" and the MCM list resets. But what is available will change. Some missing items will appear there, some will not, some previously appearing items will no longer be there. And this will literally change each time. There's always at least 1 MCM item not appearing. Most of my MCM items do appear... but this is annoying to know the mod is active and working, but the mod's MCM is not in the list. I've done a fair amount of research and the usual solutions are what I described... make sure the plugin is enabled, try mcm kicker, try the console command. None of these really resolve my issue. Has someone encountered this issue and/or know what causes it and/or how to solve it? Addendum: when I see the notification "Loaded XX MCM menus" (whatever the text is), a lot of time the largest number I've seen is 128. Since that is a power of 2, I wonder if that is a hard limit to the number of MCM items SkyUI can display and I simply have too many mods with MCMs and that's what's causing this.
  5. It was "Deflection - Dynamic Combat Overhaul" v1.7. Supposedly this issue is fixed in v1.8.
  6. Here are my mods and plugins: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pKNn5YlqLhGLyh_CXY16KywcPVvf_CP4?usp=sharing Basically, undead (draugr, anything that uses draugr resources it seems) after being killed will float in the air and usually continue walking. This is quite annoying. This issue doesn't seem to happen to humanoids/elves or other creatures, but I'm unsure of the extent. In the past I had Ultimate Combat and FNIS and undead would t-pose and not move. This only went away when I didn't have Ultimate Combat installed, or after I upgraded to Nemesis. I've read the Ultimate Combat page and I've seen this issue mentioned in two of the bugs. Some comments suggest that people got rid of this issue by uninstalling UC. My situation is that this issue appeared when I did not have UC installed or used its Nemesis patch. I do have Ultimate Combat Creature Compatibility installed, and I've used the Nemesis patch, because I get an error with Nemesis if I don't have UCCC installed. I've seen people also mention Sands of Time as a culprit, and I have been trying that out, but the issue still exists without SoT. I'll try without UC again and see what happens. But at this point I'm ready to try the old fashioned method and disable plugins until the issue stops. My one concern is that the issue isn't due to a plugin but some kind of loose file(s) I have installed. TL;DR -- has anyone encountered this weird issue before, and if so, how did you solve it? If you haven't, can you offer suggestions to me on how I can figure this out?
  7. Well, SSE Engine Fixes will fix the false save file corruption bug. But if you don't have SKSE, then you obviously can't install SSE Engine Fixes. Sounds like you have a much large modding issue then merely the false save file corruption bug. Please start your own message thread.
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 follow the installation instructions.
  9. What fixes the bug is installing the mod SSE Engine Fixes. It has to be installed correctly to work. There are 2 parts, 1 part can be installed with your mod manager, and 1 part must be manually installed. If you follow the instructions on the mod page for SSE Engine Fixes, you should be fine. Load order is important, but was not relevant to the false save file corruption bug. Usually using LOOT (or a mod organize like Vortex which has LOOT built in) to sort your load order will help in that regard.
  10. I believe that command is for solving another issue, from what the mod author wrote.
  11. Use PageUp and PageDown to scroll through the console window. Sorry I cant be much more help than that, but good luck with your issue! There is a mod 'Extended UI' for oldrim which works in SE with a little conversion which will let you make the console window bigger, and it weill also tell you what esp a thing was created by/last changed by, which is really useful. The PageUp and PageDown worked. I found what I believe is the correct quest id. Thanks. Unfortunately using setstage didn't resolve my issue.
  12. So I've gotten the blacksmith's special hammer from Silent Moons Camp that Adrianne the whiterun blacksmith is supposed to use to free Yuriana from her chains. However, when I picked it up, I didn't get a quest notification. Looking at my quest log, the quest Buxom Wench Yuriana indicates that I haven't yet completed "get the special hammer". But I have it, twice in fact. And there's no dialog with Adrianne the blacksmith for me to give her the hammer. I have several patches, here are my plugins, does anyone have any idea?: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TBX7Sq6FE2trDTd47s1DXlNRMDreLfrW?usp=sharing I'm hoping someone knows the quest id for this quest so I can use setstage to register the hammer I have with the quest objectives. I tried " ShowQuestTargets" in the console, but I have too many quests and it doesn't appear on screen and there isn't a way to scroll in the console window as far as I know.
  13. Additional information: I'm currently on Vortex version 1.4.6. Vortex updated several times after I re-installed Skyrim SE, and I don't know what version of Vortex I was on before I re-installed Skyrim SE. I have 1480 mods downloaded, 1353 mods installed, and 1351 mods enabled. I'm running Windows 10 x64 Pro with 64gb of RAM. There is no error message currently. The plugins tab just has the <Unspecified> category with 1063 plugins, of which 1046 are enabled; here is a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/CK1nAYL The mods tab appears to have all Nexus categories. Here are my Vortex logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DvPfl9gMYgBzruC9BtDhQUcQC58K1Yqh?usp=sharing I'm not blocked with using Vortex or playing Skyrim SE in anyway, I just don't see mod categories anymore in the plugins tab.
  14. When I did the re-install, Vortex updated to new versions like several times. And there are new features that weren't there before. For example, on the plugins tab, there is now a "tags" flag for some plugins with a tooltip. There is also the option to filter by this new flag, however, while there are plugins with the tag flag, filtering on the tag flag doesn't show any plugins having the tag flag, which is odd. This suggests to me that there is a problem with either my install of Vortex, or with the current version of Vortex that was installed. I am also wondering if this is why I'm not seeing mod categories on the plugins tab now.
  15. I see now that there is a Purge Mods button on the top tool bar of the Mods tab. I wasn't aware of that before. No, I did not use that. I've done this process in the past and never had any trouble or lost mod categories in the Plugins tab. My game plays fine, btw, if that was a concern of yours.
  16. What do you mean with PURGE? I didn't remove any mods from Vortex, I merely disabled all of my mods in Vortex and then deployed, so that they were not in the Skyrim SE folder before I uninstalled Skyrim SE.
  17. I previously had mods and associated plugins in their respective nexus categories. I recently decided to refresh my install of Skyrim SE. So I disabled all of my mods in Vortex, and then uninstalled Skyrim SE in Steam, and then deleted the Skyrim SE folder. I re-installed Skyrim SE from Steam, and then re-enabled all of my mods in Vortex and deployed. The problem I'm having now is that, the plugins are all appearing in the Plugins tab of Vortex as they should, they just don't have mod categories. The mods still have mod categories in the Mods tab. I tried using "Guess IDs" from the Mods tab, but my Mods tab has all of this information, the mod categories are just missing from the Plugins tab. Is there a reliable way to restore this information to plugins?
  18. The original issue I posted was due to me not originally installing "SSE Engine Fixes" correctly: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=files First of all, my original issue can occur if you don't have SSE Engine Fixes installed. It can also occur if you don't install SSE Engine Fixes correctly. There are 2 parts, the first can be installed with a mod manager, the second MUST be installed manually. That is how I resolved my issue from this post.
  19. I think some of the confusion here is that generally, master plugins should always appear at the top of your load order, and while most master plugins have the ".esm" file extension, some do not. For example, the plugin "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" is a master plugin despite having an ".esp" extension instead of an ".esm" extension. (You can see that it is a master plugin by opening xEdit and looking at the plugin information. You can also see this information in Vortex if you use Vortex to manage your mods.)
  20. Somehow, VioLens is involved with this issue. When you have no crossbow bolts equipped, the normal behavior for a crossbow is for it to be swung like a 2-handed club. When you have bolts equipped, it is supposed to shoot them. I've encountered a problem where anyone (NPCs or me) will always just swing a crossbow if a crossbow is equipped, as if no bolts are equipped in inventory. I started troubleshooting this by disabling all of my combat mods in Vortex and starting a new game. Under these conditions, crossbows function normally and shoot. I've been slowly re-enabling combat mods in vortex and loading my save game from this to see if the weird crossbow bashing behavior happens again. The weird behavior happened again after I enabled VioLens. I current have version 2.22a. There might be an incompatibility with another combat mod that I have enabled. These are the other combat mods that I have enabled: Mortal Enemies SE (1.05) Critical Hit - Backstab and Parry in Skyrim Special Edition (1.2) Deflection - Dynamic Blocking Combat Overhaul (1.6) Wildcat Combat and Immersive Movement Compatibility path (1.0) Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim - Wildcat - Realistic Damage Plugin (N/A) Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim - Wildcat v700 (7.00SSE) Enemy ( R )Evolution of Skyrim - EEOS Installer (1.76.5) Enemy ( R )Evolution of Skyrim - EEOS - Spell Perk Item Distributor Addon - Mon Manager Hotfix (1.76.5) Vigor Enhanced Combat (3.2) Ultimate Combat SE (3.5) Weapon Arts 1.2b (1.2b) I believe the issue is not merely VioLens itself, but an incompatibility between VioLens and one of these other mods. I will continue my testing and report further details. However, in the meantime, if anyone has any information or insight on why this is happening, please let me know.
  21. I've tried disabling Ultimate Combat, Vigor Enhanced Combat, and my Smashed Patch. I've noted some other weird behavior, but no resolution to normal crossbow activity. All of my other combat mods I've had before with no crossbow issues. I'm not sure what else to try. Here's my combat mods if that helps: Critical Hit - Backstab and Parry in SSE Deflection - Dynamic Blocking Combat Overhaul Enemy ( R ) Evolution of Skyrim Mortal Enemies SE SCSI-NoFriendDamage Smart NPC Potions True Armor SE Ultimate Combat SE Vigor Enhanced Combat VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE Weapons Arts Wildcat
  22. I started a new playthrough several weeks ago with a different load order and most everything is fine and bug-free except with crossbows. NPCs with crossbows don't have normal shooting animations and don't shoot anything; instead, they appear to be attempting to swing with their crossbow from a distance as if it were a melee weapon. I didn't notice this much until I started the Dawnguard DLC at Fort Dawnguard when I tried using a crossbow and had the same behavior -- I couldn't shoot, and attacking with it caused me to try and swing it like it was a 1-handed weapon. It even had the sound of a sword being swung. Has anyone seen this behavior before? Here is my load order: https://pastebin.com/8xgtV2Yt (Modwatch doesn't support Vortex yet AFAIK) I did install a number of new mods before starting my playthrough, including "Vigor Enhanced Combat" as well as some animation mods; I don't have any crossbow mods installed, but I do have a smashed patch so it's not uncommon to see an NPC with a crossbow. This isn't game-breaking at all, but it obviously nerfs any enemy wielding a crossbow. Any help is appreciated.
  23. I fixed this by swapping out Simply Bigger Trees and replacing it with 3D Trees and Plants.
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