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Posts posted by karkarinus

  1. "If this is to be a battle of strength, Baba, I do not doubt you but perhaps I should step in? Áni seems loath to prove his worth, and I am at least versed in the art of combat. I will fight, unless Áni pipes up...."
  2. ....hung satin drapes, draped satin awnings, sat in white nighties or nights in white satin. He casually answered "none of the above" and they proceeded to enquire as to his experience with sheets, quilts, bedspreads and ......
  3. Kalmer is somewhat aghast at the thought of deadly riddles - they have come too far for all to suddenly end now - but in all honesty he is actually quite excited at the prospect of some action. "Silence will be our only salvation from instant death, Kyto. But we shall be eternally imprisoned in the Ossarium. Our only chance to leave would be to break that silence, and suffer the implicit consequences if we err. That course of action is futile. I say we try our wits with the five riddles that just might give us a means of guaranteed egress. Five riddles are harder to answer than one, but at least our lives will not be directly at stake. If all else fails, we are back to square one and the lone Riddle of Doom. Or at least, this is how I understand the predicament."


    He turns to the group, expectant of their reactions....

  4. Some of Christopher Tolkien's additions to my library seem to have been more "freeloading" than actual contributions to his father's legacy, but if this is in any way as epic as The Silmarillion, it will be well worth it. I don't know how much of it will be J.R.R.'s work and how much will be endless footnotes by Christopher, but I shall DEFINITELY be buying it. Tolkien reigns supreme as the God of Fantasy, and thus is my offering to the closest thing I have to a religion. (and the closest I can get to mentioning that r- word on this site ;) )
  5. Kalmer knowingly pats the hilt of his concealed sword, smiling wrily. "As a great man once said, there's no time like the present. Our priorities are illumination and defense, but we should also take precautions so as not to be followed or detected once inside. I will lay a simple trap outside the gate, which T'Skar will imbue with a small amount of Mind Magic. If triggered, the interlopers will be none the wiser, but T'Skar will be instantly alerted to their presence."




    He turns to T'Skar. "I feel that stealth and precaution should go ahead, while strength and precaution bring up the rear. While you are better suited than I to indoor trap detection, my heightened senses may be put to better use at the forefront, while Áni remains vigilant at the rear. These are my thoughts, though I am open to change or disuasion."

  6. You have to be in the mood for Lovecraft, as it can get quite heavy-going at times, but it is a definite must for any fans of horror, fantasy or the occult in general.




    I was recently given a 1933 hardback edition of "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" by Poe, which I shall move on to when I finish "The Dying Earth" by Jack Vance. Though really, it is sooooo good that I don't want it to finish!!! :D

  7. "What relevance, praytell, have the statues in this affair?" Asks Kalmer inquisitively. "And do you mean to say that there have been, shall we say, unnatural occurrences here in the Temple? What can you tell us of this?"
  8. At the inn, before leaving for the Temple:


    Kalmer and T'Skar enter the inn, and go to the others. Suddenly, Kalmer is aware of a cloaked man sitting in one of the chairs around the table, and suddenly it hits him. "Shaman! You old trickster! I thought you were...." The man rises and turns to face him, whereupon Kalmer laughs aloud and pats Baba-Bethram warmly on the back. "For the last hour I have had a strange presentiment that something was awry back here at the inn, and now I see that just 'wry' would have been more appropriate! But come, the revelries must wait; we have a task at hand. Later we shall catch up on your escapades!"




    At the Temple:


    "It is as though the circular holes on the floor above were the eyes, and this triangular door is the nose of the 'skull'." says Kalmer thoughtfully. "Perhaps this is the reasoning behind the name of the Temple. Maybe we could ask the attendants what the other smaller holes are for?"

  9. ooc> regardless of what is decided:


    ic> "I think you should go back to the inn, Kyto, and tell the others what we are to do." Says Kalmer. "Besides, I have this uncanny feeling that I have left something in there, and wish to return to see if I can remember what it is." he shakes his head pensatively.

  10. ooc> Titanania, aka DragonDudeAW (still can't believe Dark0ne reverted those usernames :huh: ,) i.e. Aldhelm has been inside the lodgings, and there are a couple of dodgy-looking characters outside, who are apparently after "the wizards" which means Aldhelm and Tiax. You are still there atm, along with Tiax, Áni and now Baba-Bethram (who has apparently forgotten his name upon becoming Baba the White :P) I don't think I've forgotten anybody.) Now Kyto has morphed into a cat, and is going with Kalmer and T'Skar to a safe place to talk.




    ic> "Hail, Kyto, you remember me, surely? And this is T'Skar - Lady Taskara for the time being! I noticed - as I am sure you did - those two spies outside the lodgings, and before taking action, T'Skar and I needed to know what you knew of them and their intentions. Then we must act accordingly. We three as masters of stealthy dispatch could surely leave them out of action in a second, but perhaps we should avoid agression. Relate what you know, friend!"

  11. "Let us depart, M'lady."Says Kalmer presently, feeling suddenly and inexplicably inclined to leave that place, as if he had left something behind. "We should first agroup some of our manservants before heading for the Temple." The two glide as gracefully as possible through the party-goers, respectfully thanking the Ranee for her kind hospitality.




    Nearing their lodgings, Kalmer and T'Skar simultaneously adopt more a stealthier, more cautious gait and from several yards away espy two suspicious-looking characters loitering nearby. One seems to be picking something out of his left leg in a rather unseemly manner. Kalmer catches a glimpse of a rather ordinary-looking grey cat slipping in through the door of the lodgings. Too ordinary, he thinks to himself. Most unlike the uncomely ginger things that seem so common around here. He emits a short meow reminiscent of these ginger cats, so as too call the grey cat outside once again.

  12. Phwak! Right in the Smalleys. Size 69, latex feather with hassles. I gnu that toaster, and the one quite fond of it. Rupert Dismay, the man I had beat up for the roll-off Tiny Tim..... oh God, I think I'm gonna faint....




    As the light fades from the screen of Stuart's famous final scene, the set takes on a wan and poignant hue, with surrealistic undertones both dizzying and macabre. Something odd is happening... a world not akin to our own is rapping on the very doors of sanity. The set spins, his head reels, and all at once he finds himself.......

  13. Kalmer takes a step forward from where he was 'hovering' and addresses Arminda Sagrami:




    "Forgive my intrusion, Lady Sagrami, but Lady Taskara really has no need for monetary remuneration, do you, Ma'am?" He turns to T'Skar, glancing sidelong towards Sagrami. "Why, her only financial outlay ever has been this holiday by the seaside!" He gives a haughty laugh. "No, surely we can come to some other arrangment, Ma'am? Perhaps something by way of thanks rather than payment per se. Something that Lady Taskara would treasure more than wealth - the joy of a new experience, and at the same time the chance to do a good deed. What say we pay a visit to the Temple and see if we can't fathom the mystery of those whispers? A good deal all round, what?" Kalmer ends jocularly.

  14. ooc> Sorry (again) for the delay




    ic> "That is has, Ma'am." Declares 'Kalwen' in an austere tone as he approaches the two ladies. He is carrying something wrapped in an ornate burgundy cloth. Your beauticians have just finished another jar of ointment, Lady Taskara. It is nearly time."

  15. ...pile of spam that he had found on an internet thread somewhere. Being British, he had been brought up on spam, but he loathed it nonetheless, and decided not to give it a second thought.




    Outside in the street, it was a dank, Bladerunneresque evening. He set off for the first of the bereaved homesteads, tapping his handheld GPS and inanely pointing it at the sky, as if that was going to help. Presently,.....

  16. "Past Mortem" by Ben Elton. For those of you who've never heard of him, he is an English comedian responsible for writing series such as Blackadder. As a comedian I can't stand him, but he really excels as a writer of comedy. In this book, he combines a murder investigation with a reasonable dose of good old British humour. I've only just started, but I get the feeling it's going to be a bit like "The Gun Seller" by Hugh Laurie, which I think I mentioned here several months ago. i.e. good stuff :)
  17. "Then we are in company, friend!" Says Kalmer, lightening up a little. "I, too, am an archer and tracker, though I am more at home in arid climes than in the cold. Well met!" He turns as the other come out of the shop. "Come, fellows. We should head back to the Ranee's place and pick up 'Lady Taskara'."


    As they near the Ranee's party, Kalmer once again adopts his 'Prime Courtier' gait, and bows courteously to those at the entrance as he goes in to find T'Skar. The others of course have to wait outside. "I will not be long."

  18. "I am Kalmer Naowen of Tagfier. Almost one year ago we were brought here to Bashkher as you have been, and were charged with a quest by Bharat Desani. We have travelled far, and yet I fear our quest is far from over. We have since lost companions and gained others. Of our original group only T'Skar, Tiax and I remain, so we welcome newcomers - as long as they can prove their good intentions. That you have been sent by Bharat is endorsement enough. It appears one recent arrival, Aldhelm, was also brought here, but for a different purpose, and all his companions would seem to have been lost. We have mutually agreed to help each other in our respective quests, which curiously seem to be intertwined at some points.


    "Forgive my abrupt entry and coarse action, but the people of this world know nothing of our procedence - nor even of the existence of other countries. To much curiosity is not a good thing. There are too few who can help us, and even fewer whom we can trust. Tell me of your abilities and persuasion, friend."

  19. A sharp (yet inconspicuous) jab in the ribs silences the dark-haired newcomer, and leaves him somewhat bewildered as to where it came from. "Ha hah, that's a good one, Sir!" Exclaims Kalmer in a jocular fashion. "Groups of adventurers, you say? Well, they've come to the right place if they want to go unnoticed - there are more tourists in Ippikander than locals! Come, walk with me!" He gives the man a piercing, shut up and come with me look, and gently but firmly ushers him out of the shop. Aldhelm, Tiax and Áni seem to get the idea, and carry on as before.


    Once outside, Kalmer apologises for his manner, and explains that he did not want to attract unwanted attention to themselves, nor indeed to the geographical procedence of the new arrival. "Who sent you, friend? Was it Bharat? What is your name, and where are you from?"

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