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Posts posted by karkarinus

  1. "Yes, we are done here." Replies kalmer to T'Skar. "And after that little escapade, I think we could all do with a little rest and recuperation. And none more than our friend here!" Kalmer helps the somewhat bewildered-looking mage over to a nearby bench. He also instantly recognises Aldhelm as a fellow Tagfierian. Producing a flask of water from his belt, he offers it to Aldhelm and says, "Well met, mage! Relax, regain your wits and tell us of your travails."
  2. Kalmer pauses to hear the girl's answer to Tiax. ooc> if any. If none, he continues:


    ic> "We must leave." Says Kalmer, trying to rub warmth into his arms. "Perhaps our gracious host may know something about this Auriel. Make haste!" He turns back to the girl. "What is your name, child? Fear not, for we will bring the Child of Healing to you and end this suffering." He pauses a moment and stares for a moment at her, saddened and sickened at the thought of such a terrible tale...

  3. Kalmer is troubled to see the girl in such a way, and he thinks back to Tagfier and his daughter Keowen. A tear does indeed come to his eye.


    "You say your father's curse," he says to the girl. "Do you mean to say that this burden has been passed down to you? How did all this come to pass?"

  4. Now reading Mort, the 4th in the Discworld series. Great so far. Didn't like Equal Rites so much, probably because I missed Rincewind and the Luggage so much *sobs*


    Anyone who wants to check out the Dragonlance novels by Weiss and Hickman, should maybe try "Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes" - a collection of short stories that I found a lot easier-going than the novels themselves, to begin with.

  5. Stuff like Lisa Lashes, BK, Andy Farley, and Infected Mushroom are just a teeny tiny sampler of the shyte I'm into. I suppose Oakey is aight, a tad on the prog house side of things, but decent none the less. PVD is a much better trance producer tho. Same with Tiësto and Armin van Buuren. And ATB.




    Nowt wrong with prog house! Lisa Lashes is aight, I spose, a tad on on the hard-house side, but decent nonetheless :P You ever heard of Ben McGowan? The King of HardHouse imo. Hard and fast? Try 21st Century Jesus by Messiah for hard, fast and just a tad retro....

  6. "We must proceed cautiously," Says Kalmer quietly. "But these entities know we are here, so we must show them that we mean no harm. Sheathe and conceal your weapons, move steadily and without sudden movements." Kalmer straightens up from his 'sneaking' position, and walks with his arms by his side, palms turned forwards in the diplomatic manner of his people, so as to imply non-hostility when meeting strangers.


    Kalmer is used to sudden changes in climate and temperature, but there is something different about this cold. An overwhelming feeling of pity and sorrow comes over him, as if this were the very chill of death.....

  7. Been listening to everything else nobody else listens to. Actually, I've just been going through my collection of CDs and discovered I don't listen to them anymore. Probably cuz I've ripped 'em all to my comp. I haven't really been listening to too much of the lastest and the greatest, simply because it's not in my tastes. I'm a trance guy pretty much, especially the hardcore 150 BPM "I-think-I'm-having-a-heart-attack-and-an-orgasm-at-the-same-time" euphoria you hear at raves and whatnot. I'm not into that tribal crap, though, I like it hard, fast, and rough. If you catch my drift ;) ...


    Examples, please? Oakenfold rules, btw. ;)

  8. As they carefully and silently edge their way down the stairway, Kalmer uses his acute senses to check for traps, clues or signs of recent activity. He whispers to T'Skar that she should try and work out what sort of magic, if any, is at work here. He also tells Mandrake that he should take very careful note of the route they are taking.
  9. (ooc> Yes, we're all here.)


    ic> T'Skar makes her feelings known, and the group ponder for a moment. Kalmer mentions that the mid-way point of each corridor must be directly aligned with an apex of the other building, and that perhaps this is of some import. If indeed there are access routes between the two buildings, then these halfway points would be the ideal places for them, being distributed evenly around the building, and each one linking directly to one "corner" of the other building. He also remarks that if some magic is at work here, then maybe theirs might work too.


    He checks along the passageways - particularly near the middle of each - looking and smelling for signs of recent activity. He also checks along the wall itself, looking and feeling for any indications, and all the while listening intently against it.


    Finally, he holds out one hand as if to reveal, nods at T'Skar and tries the spell......




    (ooc> Are the corridors totally flat, or are they sloped at all? At whatt point are the steps located? Halfway along? In the corners? On the inside or outside edge of the corridor?)

  10. Kalmer closes the trapdoor very carefully, and leaps silently over to number 5, to see what differences there are between the areas in terms of noise, number of people, decor, smell... anything that could give them some indication as to which building they should enter.....


    He asks T'Skar to check number 6 in the meantime.

  11. "Ah Tiax, Mandrake, so glad you could make it!" Whispers Kalmer as the two scuffle over to where T'Skar is beginning to look impatient as Kalmer tries to decipher the six-pointed star layout of the Palace roofs. Numbers never were his thirté. "Try not to make too much noise. Now, if I can... just... open... this...." He very gently prises open trapdoor number 1, and peers inside......
  12. I have nothing against more mature people, but only a very small portion of forum goers are over 30. Given the limited number of choices, discrimination in more popular categories takes priority.


    I guess that makes me a "very small portion." Or a mere nibble of that portion. :unsure: Kinda disappointing, really. *hrumphcoughthirtycoughtwohrumph*

  13. "Goodnight, Master Tiu!" Kalmer calls after their host as he nears the door. "Thankyou for your kind hospitality!" The door closes and the group are left alone, silent. The first real silence in months. Knowing that the servants will be in and out of the room at regular intervals, Kalmer quickly asks, "Well, fellows, who's up for a little midnight stroll? T'Skar, care to join me?" He smiles knowingly. "I think you, Mandrake, could come along and make sketches for posterity, if you can keep up with us! And Tiax: as you two are appently inseparable, you may come too. The rest of you, see what you can find out by any other means. We do not wish to attract too much attention by all gallavanting across the rooftops!"




    (ooc> Basically, the 3 of us that are still playing go together. Mandrake's drawing skill may come in handy, so we'll make use of it even though MordredK isn't active at the moment.)

    EDIT: Make that 4. Sorry, I forgot Gnath! :blush:

  14. "How long has Kolokon been presided over by a triumvirate?" Asks Kalmer. "And how old do you suppose the 'little girl' really is? She appears every ten years, but since when? Is it always the same girl, or could it be one of the 'chosen ones' made up to look as though it is always the same girl? Is there anyone in Kolokon who may be able to shed more light on this and other matters?"
  15. You seem curious to know what lies within the Palace, Master Tiu." Says Kalmer. "We are indeed a resourceful fellowship, and perhaps we could repay your hospitality by attempting to discover its secrets for you? I myself was wondering to some extent about the Palace, and if there was some kind of alternative entrance to it. A sewer system, perchance? The Palace must have waste disposal systems and such like, and that would mean outlets to the Lower City. From there, I'm sure we could find some way in."


    (ooc> after awaiting a response, he also asks) ic> "In what way does the city of Memtuz depend on the witch community in that area? What is its main source of trade? And what information do you have on these petrefacation incidents?"

  16. "Master Tiu," begins Kalmer, "Ippikander is indeed renowned for its leisure industry, but our interest is two-fold. We have heard that there is a rather interesting museum at Ippikander. (ooc> question 1) We would much like to know about this museum and any artifacts of particular historical significance that they may hold. (ooc> q.2) How does the museum at Ippikander - and its contents - compare to that of your hometown, Memtuz? (ooc> q.3) And speaking of Memtuz, we have heard tales of strange goings-on in the southern reaches of Bashkher; what do you know of this, and has it affected you in any way?"




    (ooc> Aren't magical abilities disabled while in the High City?)


    (ooc> If anyone else has questions, use this opportunity to lead on from one to the next while Mr. Bakker is in the mood for talking.)

  17. Kalmer is unperturbed by Gnath's gaze, though he considers it of little diplomatic etiquette to stare in such a way. However, his own etiquette prevents him from reacting inappropriately before his host and fellow guests. His expression remains neutral and unimposing.


    Taking a step back, he turns to T'Skar and listens as she asks her question, then looks back towards Tiu as if awaiting his answer. The group remain standing until otherwise instructed.


    (ooc > I'd like to hear the answer to Kalmer's question "To what do we owe this honour?" before carrying on with T'Skar's question, as this may give us all necessary info on the exact reason for our being invited, and also on Gnath's presence and procedence.)

  18. ...."War - HURGH! - yeah! Good God, y'all - What is it good for? Absolutely - NOTHIN' - Say it again, y'all!.... bingle bingle boop... You've reached the Edwin Starr-Fleet Command Centre. Please note that repeated use of copyrighted Edwin Starr lyrics, as detected 3 posts ago, may cause Mr. Starr to swing his celestial pelvis and shout "HURGH!" in a rather unseemly manner for his age. If you wish to speak to (good) God (y'all,) y'all found him; if you wish to settle old scores, war is good for absolutely nothin' HURGH! And should you wish to contact late friends and family, please leave a message and song dedication after the bingle bingle boop. Bingle bingle......
  19. Coincidentally, T'Skar bumps right into Kalmer as she enters the residence, and he has just come downstairs from viewing the rooftops. They exchange their respective information, and Kalmer asks T'Skar if she has seen anywhere decent to acquire some suitable raiment for dinner. Setting out for the shops, they discuss plans.


    "First and foremost, we should just enjoy Tiu Bakker's kind hospitality." Says Kalmer. "And at the same time, a little networking could well come in handy, especially for when we eventually visit Memtuz, Bakker's home town. And then an evening stroll would be in order - but without attracting too much attention, if you get my meaning!"

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