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Everything posted by karkarinus

  1. Kalmer grabs the carrots and with a nod at Baba, darts swifly towards the door. First listening, and then checking visually that noone is outside, he slips out and heads back to the south gate stables. (ooc if anyone wants to come, now's your chance) Upon arriving at the animal pens, Kyah rears up in joy at the sight of his beloved master. He has until that moment been unprecedentedly hard to handle for the animal carers, who gave up hope of controlling hime the day before. Kalmer embraces his friend and gives him some carrots. Then he gives Bil a carrot too. Bil has the hump :rolleyes: because his new camel friend has gone back to Papred, but soon cheers up. Kalmer thanks the stable hands and tips them a few Nipin for their trouble. Then he heads down towards the winch lift to the boats. This all takes about an hour and a half, during which time the others are gathering their goods and chattles at the inn...........
  2. "Well, you don't have to be a Dayone brain surgeon to know that he's lying!" Says Kalmer, in an unfittingly maverick fashion. Let's split up and make the most of the time we have to find this sword. We'd be wise to be in pairs with a good mixture of abilities: tracker or thief, mage, fighter and so forth. For example - myself and Sael, T'Skar and Gnaag, Baba and Mandrake, and Tiax with Ara. What say you, group leader?"
  3. 8.10 am Kalmer has already slipped into the museum vestibule and, most impressed by T'Skar's handywork, reveals himself and gently places his hand on her shoulder so as not to startle her, although he gets the feeling she already knew he was there. "I am not usually very keen on magic," he says., "But that was well thought out, and actually quite amusing! Now, shall we have a look around or wait for the others?" The two decide to wait for the rest of the group, and in the meantime stand in almost complete silence. Kalmer's dislike for idle banter has barely begun to diminish. 9.00 am After what seems like half the morning waiting, suddenly Kalmer hears slightly shuffling footsteps nearing the museum door. "Sounds like Baba," he whispers to T'Skar. They wait 15 minutes and she goes to open it. "What do you want?" T'Skar says gruffly.............
  4. After a brief, barely audible dialogue between T'Skar and Kalmer, the latter says to the former, "Good idea, young kinswoman, but I think we should save it for now. We should get back to the others to work out a plan, and replenish our energies. The hour of supper draws near, and we may risk failure if we rush into this now." (ooc - presuming T'Skar agrees....) The fellow Tagfierians work there way back through the 'Comb, Tracker and Thief alike being well-accustomed to find their way where others might easily stray. They return to the Inn, where the others have already ordered dinner. Baba has a somewhat vacant expression on his face, as if his thoughts were elsewhere, and Gnaag looks positively lairy. Tiax and Mandrake, too, look in need of some action, albeit less violence-orientated than Gnaag's. Sael seems to have perked up after his day out, and Ara has a fire in her eyes as though ready for an archery contest. Kalmer sits down next to Baba and orders unleavened bread, unsalted anchovies, olive oil and a jug of water. "It looks like we'll be needing more than two of us for the task in hand." He addresses the group. "Come, Baba, spare me a pipe's worth, if you will!" Kalmer takes out a small pipe from his belt and taps it clean, smiling faintly. For the first time he actually looks relaxed...........
  5. Kalmer pounds 3 times on the great door to the museum, thinking that if he rings again they will have to waut another 15 minutes. "We come about the Sword!" He booms. "Just a few moments of your time, Sir!" (ooc- If there is no reply at all, he rings again...)
  6. Apart from all the typical timeless stuff (Floyd, Stones etc) I've recently gone all retro and started listening agsin to KLF, Messiah, The Mission, NWA, Judas Priest (Ram It Down), Motorhead, 90s house, and plenty of others that have marked epoques in my life. I've also just bought "Hours" by David Bowie, which was used as the soundtrack to Omikron - The Nomad Soul, a corkin' videogame by Quantic Dream!!!
  7. Now and again I get all retro and play old text adventures for the BBC B. Yeah, sad isn't it? Currently replaying Primal on PS2 and just finished Metroid Prime 2 on GC.
  8. (please delete this post, as I do not want to be held responsable for ending the neverending story. :( )
  9. Kalmer eats what for him is a hearty breakfast. He does not like being too full, but makes the most of the food available, in preparation for what may be a long day without much chance to stoke up. He turns towards Baba. "What say you, Shaman? We need a plan of action, and as yet we have none. Time slips away from us as the desert sands, and our fellowship grows impatient. And besides, young Gnaag here is is going to start a brawl, if we don't give him something useful to do!" Kalmer smiles that not-quite-smile of his as he says this, as if to soften his dry manner. Not one for banter as a rule, he is starting to realise that in the face of the incalculable difficulty of their mission, a little good humour wouldn't go amiss.
  10. Kalmer has been up since a few minutes after the storm subsided. After a few hushed words of comfort to Kyah, who has become extremely skitty - not due to the sandstorm, but due to not having been cared for by Kalmer - Kalmer got straight to work shovelling enormous amounts of sand from around the South Gate and the animal penns. Admittedly, the animal carers are actually very efficient, and Bil has become quite fond of one of the female camels, it seems, but Kyah is a law unto his own, and will only obey his master, Kalmer. Again having calmed Kyah down, Kalmer turns in afriendly manner to one of the carers, and in an off-hand manner says, "I have heard about these sandstorms in Dohoti, but had never witnessed one until now. In fact, I here this city is renowned for more than just sand. Plenty of history and ancient artifacts. Know much about that, do you young man?"
  11. When Baba has brought Kalmer and T'Skar up to speed on the sand-shovelling situation, Kalmer wonders what he and his companion will have to do at the museum. "Where on Tag... I mean Bashkher are the other two?" He asks, glancing around the tavern looking for Mandrake and Tiax.....
  12. Kalmer and T'Skar open the door to the tavern and Kalmer is surprised to see Sael there, looking rather the worse for wear. Or beer. "Greetings, companion." He says in his usual, almost expressionless tone. "I am glad you have come to your senses. We shall be in need of some extra manpower on the morn, if you can muster it. Although as yet we don't know with what we shall be tasked, the curator at the museum said that we will have work to do." Kalmer was obviously oblivious to his companions' future task, and asked, "Which of you wish to sign up with TSkar and me to help out at the museum? And by the way, our next port of call is to be Golconar, to see Bembolia......." He lowers his voice at this point..... "...He has requested information on the Swords of Zooz from the curator. His answer is to be sent by letter this afetrnoon. We should find out where and when the postal service leaves, and also boat times to Golconar."
  13. (ooc- We haven't actually had a chance to get a description of the sword, only of its whereabouts in the museum and its security devices. As I understand it our first port of call has been the Curator's office.) On Topic: Kalmer turns to T'Skar and almost under his breath says, "This is not going to be easy. You seem to have struck a note with him though. We need to prove that we are no ordinary tourists, that we have come with a view to helping these people, not just for the 'hospitality'." Kalmer is not prone to sarcasm, but he is finding that this quest of theirs will demand more of them than mere changes of play - their outlook on life may also be at risk of change. Unusually introspective at this point, Kalmer again speaks to T'Skar. "Come, let us find a place to stay and meet up with the others. Perhaps they will aslo be willing to help tomorrow with our 'chore', whatever it may be. I get the feeling it will be a case of Many cooks make light broth, as we say in Tagfier." Kalmer wheels round and says to the curator, as they are leaving: "Just one more thing, Master Curator. How pleasantly surprised I am to learn that others share our interest in the history of Bashkher. Who, praytell, may the letter be from? Perhaps we could share our knowledge. And perhaps you may know about the other Sword of Zooz here in Dohoti?"
  14. The pause seems interminable. Kalmer decides to continue. "We come specifically for one such item." He resumes. "A sword. One of nine, as our master believes. We know that there is one such sword here at your museum, and we would like to corroborate our information with your good self, being an authority on the matter. We merely need to confirm that the artifact does indeed meet the description that our sovereign has provided us: "A sleek silver sword with a decorated blade and an elaborate handle. The tip has been reforged due to a breakage, and now is almost indistinguishable from its counterparts." Of course, we could simply pay the entry fee and see for ourselves, but we would much like to give you your due merit in the matter." Kalmer smiles faintly and again makes a slight bow of repect to the curator, and again stepping back a little.
  15. Kalmer bows courteously but very slightly to the curator. "Master Curator, we are envoys from a far off city, and come upon the desire of our Lord, who wishes to investigate historical artifacts. While he understands that he cannot have certain items in his collection, he wishes to at least have documented evidence of their existence. Upon the confirmation of this, he pays a handsome reward to those who have assited in his little .... hobby. That means myself, my good colleague here," me gestures respectfully to T'Skar, "and in this case, your good self." He takes a small step back away from the curator, and waits for the curator to answer, or maybe T'Skar would like to interject.
  16. (OOC- soory for posting so sporadically, but my PC has been playing up a lot) Kalmer looks around at the street and the people in it, and smiles almost sarcastically. He turns to T'skar. "The Dohotians - or whatever the appropriate term for them is," he says in a hushed tone, but with a humorous glint in his eye, "do not take kindly to tourists. So tourists we are not. And you are right, we have plenty of time to visit the museum, but perhaps we should go as researchers, or historians - make the curator feel important and try to get some kind of 'guided tour'. Quite by chance, we become fascinated by the sword, and gleen as much information about it as possible. And if that doesn't work, at least we can scope the place for a plan B, if you know what I mean, young T'skar!" He almost even chuckles as he says this. "And on the way we look out for a place to stay tonight."
  17. Kalmer as usual has been listening to everything, although nobody has noticed due to his apparently blank expression. What Gnaag thinks about 'demands' is unfounded, as Kalmer only wishes to give the young Niyobian a sense of responsability and belonging. He smiles wryly. "So, young Gnaag, I see you have chosen T'Skar to be your mentor. I hope you did not think back there that I was imposing obligations upon you! And Ara, I do hope you were not mocking the boy when you made that comment about caretaker of animals? I feel we are all here for a reason, though as yet we know not what it is. Our duty is clear, but the reasons why we have been chosen for it is yet to be discovered, and I feel that the sooner young Gnaag finds his vocation, the sooner we will all find out what he is really made of. I sense a worthiness in him that will in time become apparent. This is also true for all of us, even me. Most of us know our own abilities, but I think none of us can imagine their importance in this quest." Kalmer dismounts and turns to Baba. "I say we keep as low a profile as possible. Nothing too upmarket, but neither do we need the prying curiosity and gossip of the poor quarter. Perhaps a little further on we may find a mediocre lodging."
  18. Kalmer spends the whole journey as his ususal self: keeping himself to himself, silent and observant. Kyah and Bil - for that, it seems Kalmer has seen fit to call the pack-horse - appear to have struck up a friendly relationship. Bil is the name of a young foal, the favourite of Kalmer's daughter, Keowen back home in Neomer's March. Kalmer feels unusually sentimental, heading into the unknown, so far from his loved ones, unable to protect them, and yet that it precisely why he is here. He turns his head towards Gnaag, who is riding on a camel almost alongside Kyah, just a little further behind. "Bil here will be needing some attention when we arrive at Dohoti, young Niyobian. And Kyah is a most independent beast, but requires a very special attention indeed. What say you lend a hand and look after him?" Bil makes an abrupt sniffing sound and a kind of nodding movement with his head. "See? He seems to like you!" Said Kalmer, actually smiling for the first time since meeting his new companions. "Oh, don't worry, I shall be at hand to help out whenever you need, and Bil is a worthy companion indeed. He may not be a pure-breed Tagfierian stallion like Kyah, but that means he will be easier to handle, and he is good-hearted and strong. What say you?"
  19. OOC: Sorry, I've been out of action doing the world map for days and hadn't seen the new horsie. No offense intended!
  20. None have seen him rise, none have seen him have breakfast, gather his belongings and go out into the street, but he is there organising Kyah's load, and mumbling as if speaking to his beloved companion. Kalmer has in fact been up for over an hour, has fed Kyah and has almost finished sorting out their equipment, when he hears his companions congregating inside the inn. He enters to join them. He sits opposite Baba, Tiax and Mandrake - who has himself only just sat down - and addresses Baba. "It seems that you, Baba Bethram, are well acquainted with the ways of this land, being born of it yourself, and thus have my vote as appointed negotiator. Like it or not you are the best indicated for such a responsibility. But I am not one to hold a man to anything against his will. Do as you see fit, and we will all stand by your decision. "If, however, you should at any time need of my knowledge of plainsfolk and wandering tribes, I shall be happy to assist. Although I have no knowledge of the Bashkherians themselves, as a wanderer I have considerable experience in dealing with non-cityfolk." (OOC Mandrake, please clarify the means by which you intend to have "the horse" carry your guitar. OOC)
  21. Kalmer has remained silent throughout all this conversation, though his mind is ablaze with thought. Tomorrow will be a long day indeed. He is not fond of the city or of its ways, but he will have to learn to deal with it if they are to get to the bottom of this enigma. He retires to his quarters, but not without first "speaking" for some minutes to Kyah, as if reassuring him in some way. Kyah is not accustomed the metropolis either, nor is he bred to be a pack-horse, but he too will have some adapting to do, it seems. Man and beast alike can only take heart in that soon they are to be out on the open land that they have so long called home, although "home" is so very far away.........
  22. Kalmer peruses the map of Papred for several seconds and commits it to memory with uncanny speed and accuracy....
  23. Kalmer sits expressionless and apparently oblivious of his suroundings, as is his wont. Not that he is loath to express his feelings, it's just that his life as a hunter/tracker on the Tagfierian plains has endowed him with an uncanny ability to go unnoticed and yet notice everything. A strangley intangible fire burns within his eyes as he sits up slightly and speaks: "I am Kalmer Neowen of Neomers's March. I know not how I came here but I now know why." His voice is solemn but clear, with an eloquence not in keeping with his aspect. "If this evil is not irradicated it shall extend to our homes. I offer my allegance and my skills to the service of this land that we may all one day return to ours in peace." Not one to go on about things - least of all himself - he leaves it at that, sinks very slightly back into his seat, and adopts that earily inconspicuous look so typical of the Tagfierian Plainsmen. NAME: Kalmer Naowen RACE: Tagfier CLASS: Hunter/Tracker AGE: 32 SKILLS: Marksman, dagger, hand-to-hand, acute senses of sight, hearing and smell, Conceal/Reveal spells (including on Self,) excellent climber. DESCRIPTION: 5' 11 " (1m 83cm), athletic build, rugged complexion, fair/blond hair with grey eyes CLOTHING: Khaki-ish camouflage-like clothing over light leather armour, no helm, leather boots, leather bracers ITEMS: Huntsman's Bow, 200 arrows (normal and poisoned), huntsman's knife, travelsack with 10m of rope, rations of food, herbs for healing, poison sleeping and reviving, swabs and bandages, and a trapper's net which also doubles as a camouflaged "sniper's shroud". Utility belt with fishing hooks, 30m of catgut line for fishing and/or garrotting, several small stones, a multi-use animal sound whistle and some highly flexible cane-like sticks. I his bracers he has several throwing darts and blades. NEEDS TO BUY: Rations for Kyah, his trusty steed, and a cloak to conceal his bow and belt.
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