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Everything posted by tenebris1

  1. Hi people, this issue haunts me for two of my Major playthroughs. I'm actually collecting data on that issue and I wonder if I find anything useful. Do any of you have your NETscriptframework crash when you CTD? Ty.
  2. I've been dealing with that crap for 2 days already and haven't found any solution. I'm thinking about just dropping skyrim at this point even tho I Don't Want To... There's still so much to do on this character, I can't abandon her. Basically: CTD on any save, fast travel (since, well, autosave when travelling - same with waiting or sleeping). .NET framework gives me very similar logs, and "BGSSaveGameBuffer" line is almost always here. Examples of the logs: https://pastebin.com/6yNaZ2X6 / or it has "FreeRequestedModel" as the first line, like here: https://pastebin.com/ziCWkhqT (those started appearing recently). Every time I crash on save there's a "TMP" file in my saves folder (I cleaned them all up already), instead of the usual ESS+SKSE. I've tried basically everything in this thread - disabled mods, engine fixes already installed and memory patch enabled, empty REFR cleaned, and so on. But I know what might be the culprit, however, when I try to narrow it down, the problem persists or starts appearing after some time of the gameplay. I even turned off save compression, I thought it worked but crashes came back shortly. I have a really massive modlist, built around Legacy of the Dragonborn - with almost every big quest mod around here for displays and stuff. I added some mid playthrough, I haven't done anything super drastic and game breaking... I guess. Basically it started when I added a bunch of big quest mods so I can enable all the displays for Lotd V5. (I haven't had them at first because I did them in the past but I just wanted to keep my museum full lol.) But it might be any mod I installed on that day?... My load order: ESP/ESM only Full load order (I have a lot of ESLs, which are mostly patches, small mods and outfits) I spent like 7 hours yesterday trying to understand what the f is going on. I couldn't get red of the issue as I already said, however, when I disable some (or all) of those mods I can at least save. I was trying to narrow it down as I said, but the crashes were so random that I couldn't understand which one was causing it. I was enabling them one by one, trying to find the culprit, until all of them were on and I still was able to save. It happened several times during troubleshooting. But after some time CTDs start appearing again. The last time it was an hour after peaceful gameplay. I'm starting to think that it has something to do with the count of...? I don't even know, scripts? Big numbers? There's like 13 active scripts on my recent "cured" save (but I think it was loading something when I saved), so I don't even know, but others have like 4-7. But number of the script instances is pretty big, I'm not sure if that amount is normal. My save file is around 18mb in size. I think I played around 100 hours? 150? Not sure. I'm attaching my savefile in case there's someone who wants to look into it. I'm gonna add another when I crash again since I cleaned up my load order, removed some scripted mods and so on ( already cleaned the save). I'm not sure if it has to do something with the issue but the last time I crashed when I was entering the Dragonborn gallery. And then the saves which were working before got cucked and I couldn't save (had to disable those quest again mods to cure my save file). Anyway I don't know what to do anymore. This is way too confusing. Any help is appreciated. EDIT: Alright, disabling bashed patch at least allows me to save. Recently downloaded quest mods being disabled and bashed patch enabled makes it crash. Why does it even happen and what bashed patch has to do with it....
  3. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some help on the issue I'm having all of a sudden. I'm really lost and I have no single idea what causes this. I really don't know how to explain what's happening since it's a complete wtf, but I recorded a video here (NSFW since my char is naked due to mysterious disappearance of the gear...). I was playing on one of my characters, doing a quest in Morthal and my game crashed after leaving the house (I can't even load this exact save). Nothing foreshadowed this since before it was all fine. and After this I'm unable to recover a working save, since everything on this character seems corrupted every time I load it. I didn't install anything new either. But what I did this day is removed Path of Sorcery mod - since I decided to stay with Ordinator, but after loading the game it was alright. Not sure if it's the case of the problem. I tried to clean my save using software FallrimTools but it shows me an error every time I try to open it. It seems like every data I had crashed, all MCM menu's and plugins reload every time, my character got broken and reset to defaults, while uhh..??? Shooting frost spell from the head? All gear and outfits I had are no longer in my inventory. This is the first time I'm experiencing something like this. Load order down below. I'd appreciate any help since if I'm not able to fix this issue, all my progress on this character is lost. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm RSkyrimChildren.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm CBBE.esl BSAssets.esm BSHeartland.esm Falskaar.esm Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm ETaC - RESOURCES.esm ApachiiHair.esm Sneak Tools.esp ApachiiHairFemales.esm ApachiiHairMales.esm BS_DLC_patch.esp Yggdrasil Music.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp SkyUI_SE.esp CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp Circlets and Masks with all Robes and Hoods.esp TERAArmorsSSE.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ELFX - Exteriors.esp 3DNPC.esp Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE Replacer.esp CWIOOSEPatchReplacer.esp ELFX - Weathers.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp BetterQuestObjectives.esp SimpleOutfitManager.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp FNIS.esp TrueStormsSE.esp UnreadBooksGlow.esp XPMSE.esp MikanEyes All in one SE.esp ScarletDawnArmor.esp Cathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul.esp Runandwalkpaces.esp zzArmormashups.esp Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp iNeed.esp iNeed - Extended.esp JKs Skyrim.esp WARZONES - SSE - Civil Unrest.esp Immersive Jewelry.esp Obsidian Weathers.esp Sanctuary Reborn.esp Helgen Reborn.esp True Storms - Obsidian Weathers - Patch .esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp OBIS SE.esp OpulentThievesGuild.esp OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp WeightLessTrueAll.esp WeightLessLegacyPickAxe.esp WeightLessLegacyPotions.esp WeightLessLegacyScrolls.esp WeightLessTrueGems.esp WeightLessTrueIngredients.esp WeightLessTrueScrolls.esp BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp WeightLessTrueCrafting.esp WeightLessLegacyBYOH.esp WeightLessLegacyDragonParts.esp BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp Original Opening Scene.esp MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp Dwarfsphere.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Qw_3DNPC_USSEP Patch.esp Immersive Patrols II.esp Skyshards.esp Cats-in-SkyrimSSE.esp Readable_Shadowmarks.esp Gigaduex_Outfit.esp TW3_femaleArmors_zzjay.esp FNISspells.esp Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp WetandCold.esp RSChildren.esp RSC CRF Patch.esp RSC Falskaar Patch.esp RSC HR Patch.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Immersive Weapons.esp RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp FNISSexyMove.esp CiriOutfit.esp CrimsonTwilightArmor.esp NS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.esp EbonyValkyrie.esp LeftHandRings-1stPersonView.esp KKSDrBWeightFix.esp Dark Face Bug Fix.esp KS Hairdo's.esp Footprints.esp Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests.esp Dawnguard Delayed - Level 40.esp Believable Crime Report Radius.esp VioLens SE.esp Celtic Music in Skyrim - Combat.esp Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp DeadlyAssassin.esp AnotherVampireLeatherArmor.esp DemonHunterV2.esp RogueArmorHD.esp Simple AUA.esp Better Females - Eyebrows.esp zz_GDRAHoods.esp WetandCold - Fur Hoods Fix.esp MBWSNPCReplace_karliahnohood.esp TKDodge.esp Less Tedious Thieves Guild.esp NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp MultipleEnchantments.esp PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.esp AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp SkinTight Dragon Wear.esp TeraRogueCBBE.esp All armor - All enchantments.esp ABT SE - Faster Arrows Improved.esp ABT SE - Faster Bolts Improved.esp ABT SE - Loot Ammo.esp ABT SE - Merchants Arrows.esp ABT SE - Recover Ammo.esp Qw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.esp Qw_ISC_USSEP Patch.esp WeightLessTrueSoulGems.esp RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp Qw_RusticSoulgemsSorted_ISC Patch.esp WeightLessLegacySoulgems.esp Babette.esp ABT SE - Progressive Damage.esp KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp DHuntress.esp FlameAtronachArmor.esp ABT SE - Renamed Bolts.esp SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp FastTravelSpeedMultiplier.esp ObsidianWeatherBrumaPatch.esp Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp LeftHandRings.esp Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp Disenchanting.esp Shiva's Vanilla Clothing Replacer.esp FullBootForKKSA.esp Qw_PANNPCs_CRF Patch.esp KKFur.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp AFT - USSEP Patch.esp AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp AFT - Dragonborn Patch.esp DSHg - Helmets.esp DSHg - UpdateDB.esp DSHg - DragonPriest Masks.esp DSHg - Hoods.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp DSHg - UpdateDG.esp 3DNPC_FrogCustom_Zora.esp MidnightBreed.esp 12FemaleBrows.esp DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp Falskaar - Boat Location.esp ForgottenCity.esp LADX_SSE.esp JKs Skyrim_Cutting Room Floor_Patch.esp The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp moonpath.esp Ish's Souls to Perks.esp TheLily.esp RSC Forgotten City Patch.esp JS Armored Circlets SE.esp JRMoonpathBrumaPatch.esp Falskaar - Fast Travel.esp ValkyrieSwordShield.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp Falskaar - House Map Marker.esp Falskaar - Bug Fixes.esp Opulent Thieves Guild - ELFX Patch.esp Falskaar - Unique Region Names.esp CRF-Apachii.esp Patch - Interesting NPCs - RS kids.esp BetterQuestObjectives-AFTPatch.esp BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp Falskaar - iNeed Patch.esp Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp Multiple Enchantments - Ordinator Patch.esp Ordinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.esp Soul Release - Ordinator Version.esp Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp CWIELnFXSEPatch.esp CWICRFSEPatch.esp CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp ETaC - Complete.esp ETaC - Complete ELFX Patch.esp ETaC - Complete Rigmor Patch.esp Convenient Horses.esp ETaC - Complete RSC Patch.esp Qw_PANNPCs_ICoWinterhold Patch.esp Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp CWIBDSPatch.esp KrittaKittyHorsesForSSE.esp The Ordinary Women.esp Qw_TheOrdinaryWomen_CRF Patch.esp Qw_3DNPC_TheOrdinaryWomen Patch.esp Qw_TheOrdinaryWomen_ICoWinterhold Patch.esp Bijin_AIO 2018.esp Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp PAN_NPCs.esp timescale6.esp DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Kyoe_BanginBrows_Vanillamatch.esp Maevan2EyeBrows.esp ECCO - Imperious Patch.esp ECCO - R246 Female Presets Patch.esp Extended Character Creation Options.esp AltStartELFXEnhancedAddLight.esp Warhammer Sorceress Robes.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp NS_NobleDress.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp Cloaks.esp RogueSorceressRetextured.esp Mystic Enchantress.esp Draconic Bloodline.esp Witch Of The Wild.esp VampireLeatherArmorSet.esp KozakowySteampunkOutfit.esp R18pn - Shanoa Armour SE.esp Dragon Lilly.esp LustmordVampireArmor.esp SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp CommunityOverlays1_0T30.esp FireBurns.esp Spells Emit Light.esp Project AHO - Delayed Start (The Mind of Madness quest).esp LEKatarina.esp R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.esp R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Light.esp AddItemMenuSE.esp AKSkyrimUnderground.esp Tanning And Smelting Experience.esp UIExtensions.esp Realistic-Voice.esp Rebalanced Encounter Zones - Lite.esp High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp High Level Enemies.esp Eldritch Magic Weapon Enchantments.esp TrainPerLevel10.esp SkyHavenTempleGarden.esp Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp Blue Fire Magic - Fire.esp Blue Fire Magic - Frost.esp
  4. Hello guys, I need some help outta there. :confused: So, here is a problem. Few days ago I re-started playing skyrim etc etc, I installed some animation mods for my character (if it's needed i can list which ones, but i'm not sure it's the case here but for ex some of xp32 mods) basically - running/idle/attacking ones, nothing special. I also installed FNIS and PCEA, which worked fine for me after some manipulations... So after some gaming experience, I had to update my SkyUI to get some things work for Moonlight tales mod, and after that, all my animations stopped working. I reinstalled all related programs multiple times - FNIS (no i didn't forget to run it every time or anything), PCEA, SKSE, i tried to reapply all animation files like thousand times but Nothing is working now. I just tried some other animations now and they not working as well. I dont get anything like "T" pose - just usual vanilla animations... I'm tired already and IDK what to do, this is strange and I have no idea what can cause that. FNIS says everything is patched btw... Sigh.. Im stuck with this for a few hours already and still can't find the solution. I'll be glad if you help somehow UPDATE: fixed. It was an issue with PCEA
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