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Everything posted by uhmattbravo

  1. It doesn't have to be a spectator sport brother. If it's something that interests you jump in. Even if you don't have any modding skills you can help with ideas, plot lines etc and you help guide the mod by giving feedback on what you'd like to see. I should probably release a part of it, since a lot of assets are done, just been slammed for a while now. This is true, but you can also try to learn how to make some of the things you want. I've had a lot of crazy ideas for things I've wanted added to the game over the years, and I'll tell you one thing, it never hurts to try. For example, one of the craziest ideas I've ever had, I've recently been able to make a reality, and all it really took was putting in the effort to figure out how to do it.
  2. That should work. Or you could just have another terminal set up as a sub menu. I think you could use a gamemode block though instead of the menumode. I think terminals run in gamemode, but I could be wrong.
  3. You don't need all that for a result script. All you should need is literally "TerminalContainer.removeallitems" in the result script for the terminal option that you want to empty the box, and you can just leave the other option's result script blank. You don't need the script name for a result script, and I'm pretty sure you can't declare variables in it either. You can sort of think of the result script box as an onactivate block for that option on the terminal. It doesn't have the full functionality of an object or quest script, it's just run once whenever the option is chosen so it's not really used to declare variables or run timers or some of the other things actual scripts can.
  4. First, you'll need a block of some sort probably Begin GameMode. That's probably what's breaking your script. Second, for the terminal, you could make a quest, with a script attached that reads "scn myquestscript Short do once" (This one doesn't need blocks) And tick the start game enabled box on the quest, and it'll store just your variable. From there, you could just set a condition on the terminal option to getquestvariable then choose your quest then your variable. Set the first option to check for 0 on the do once and put "set myquest.doonce to 1" in the result script. Then set the other to look for doonce to equal 1
  5. You shouldn't need the second 1 after DoOnce. Also, couldn't you just use another terminal menu instead of a message box? Like just have options for both with a variable set up for the conditions?
  6. As far as I can tell, there's no option to use texture sets on creatures, just the model list tab to swap out the body, so basically I had to change the texture paths of the one nif in nifskope on each one. It'd still probably be a moot point anyway because the textures aren't from scratch either. I literally painted over the star on the original op anch Chinese version and did all the camos and whatnot over those base textures.
  7. If I had to float a guess, I'd say that a mod you have requires either another mod or dlc that's either in the wrong folder or not present on your system. Check through your load order to make sure you have all the required esps/esms for each mod you have added.
  8. New Vegas Anti-Crash and a 4gb enabler are usually a good idea.
  9. I've never tried NMM, but I switched over to Mod Organizer a while back and have been really happy with it. I didn't have to delete anything, it just considers the mods I already had installed unmanaged, but handles them no differently than FOMM did. It does have profiles and can keep saves and load orders independently on them as well as archive invalidation. My real selling point was the way it handles mods installed through it though. I don't know if NMM does it too, but it doesn't put mods in the data folder, it has a separate folder for each mod. you can also change the order it loads mods as a whole so if, say, two have different versions of the same mesh or texture, you can adjust which one gets the final overwrite when the game (or geck) is running through it while still preserving both versions in case you change your mind. Basically it makes it easier to try and uninstall new mods without the risk of overwriting anything in the data folder. You just put the whole zip, rar, or 7z file in MO's download folder then double click it in MO's ui to install. If the filetree is set up differently than the program is set up to handle, it'll let you adjust it as well. It's very handy. I use it for oblivion, FO3, NV, and skyrim. The only thing I still use FOMM for is it's bsa utilities.
  10. Do I need another mod for the textures? Nifskope points to a folder named "_town" that I don't see in the fallout-textures.BSA and doesn't seem to be in the same pack as the radio either.
  11. Well simple enough, does anyone know if there's a hand radio mesh in fallout 3? I know there's one in New Vegas, but I could swear I've seen one in Fallout 3. Or am I just mistaken?
  12. what about if I were using a creature I reskinned? Since I couldn't use a texture set for my chimeras, I had to make duplicates of the main .nif of it with altered texture paths to achieve all 11 variants, but other than that and the fact that the textures were painted directly over (copies of) the originals, I didn't include any animations or the skeleton. Do you think that'd be OK? I'd love to have a non TTW dependent version of my TANKS for new Vegas.
  13. Hmm I didn't realize the file was hidden. Hopefully the author's just updating him.
  14. I just make my stuff like that Tale of Two Wastelands dependent to play it safe, personally, but I have noticed that even though I uploaded literally the same mod just converted and with more content for TTW, the fallout 3 version has more downloads and endorsements. I am curious what a moderator would have to say about it though, because the most common question I got asked about it was if I could make a non TTW dependent version for new Vegas.
  15. Meh. Can't I just use FO3Edit?I don't think xedit let's you edit dialogue. Furthermore, I don't think you could do so without directly editing your zeta.esm which probably wouldn't be the best idea.
  16. It's still more information than I had on the subject, so that helps. It just might not be as easy as I was hoping it would be. Thanks. Edit: The only thing I couldn't figure out with model swap part was how to change the collision. Any tips on that? Or is it covered in that tutorial? I've so far only had a chance to skim through it. Thanks again for the help.
  17. I have the same problem with vertibirds. I've seen some of your work, pix, and you seem to know what you're doing. Any advice on how I'd go about changing the flight paths?
  18. If you can stand her. I love her!!All we need is wiskey amd bullets to kick Legion ass!! Or to carve a trail of bloody vengeance through the Mojave Wasteland... Seriously, there's very few ways to play that she isn't pretty much Six's soulmate. They're both after the same thing, just from different people.
  19. How about you find a baby who's parents have been killed outside of vault 101 then after a set amount of years pass in game, (don't worry, TTW tells you several years pass the first time you take the train to Nevada) the baby grows to a child with needs like the baby has. This is one of my ideas I intend to add to my TTW port of The Wasteland Baby Project once I finish my current project. The baby part was obviously done before I ported it so the rest actually seems like it'd be pretty easy to implement.
  20. Ttw's conversion script is really easy to use, (I've used it on 2 out of the 3 mods I've uploaded) but will likely make your mod ttw dependant. Unless you try to remove the dependency afterward (I've only used it on mods intended to be used with ttw), you'd probably have to basically remake your mod.
  21. Hi, I'm making a mod that I don't want to divulge too much information about just yet, and I'm having trouble finding a script function that will detect whether the actor that the script is attached to is in combat with another semi specific reference. GetCombatTarget seems to return more what the actor is looking at than whether or not the two are fighting but still helps a little. For example: Short doOnce Ref targetRef Begin gamemode If doOnce == 0 Set targetRef to getCombatTarget ; who the actor's looking at If *targetRef is fighting with me* ;do something Else Set doOnce to 0 ;check another target Endif Endif End I basically just need a function to check if the two refs are in combat with each other to make a proper if statement to go between the *'s. Thanks, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
  22. In response to post #35641152. Radmo "Are you sure you're sure you didn't mean to click this?"
  23. In response to post #35627322. #35627617, #35627792, #35628007, #35628477, #35628922, #35629122, #35629182, #35629262 are all replies on the same post. Mandatory paid membership = paying for mods
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