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Everything posted by Xayjyn

  1. In response to post #118723158. #118728738 is also a reply to the same post. oh about 1000+ bug fixes
  2. Hydro only used GPU enabled OCL in one iteration of SMP, which was promptly pulled and is unavailable unless you had a copy gotten at the time.
  3. The 'team' is literally one person and they're pretty much completely burned out on SKSE having to updated/iterated every two months because Bethesda. SMP is also literally do-it-yourself physics. You're expected to write your own xmls. The current output of SMP outfits from chinese modders are by people who expect to be paid for their work, and that includes the current slew of outfits in the hot files; the only reason they are appearing in the trickle they have are is the pay walled repository of non-original non-licensed work based on other artists who haven't been compensated a dime for their original work, or the corporations such as Riot whom actually own the content thereof has been leaked to the public several times.
  4. Not being able to control load order will kill this for a great great many people. Every bethesda game listed, dragon's dogma, xcom and both Witchers rely on strict override capabilities, especially for add on/dependency mods of existing "super mods" or total conversions/system overhauls, there's no way around this other than an ordered prioritization function, which currently doesn't exist, and would confusing as hell to boot anyway, as evidenced from games that used it (early red storm games). That the "rule" super/sub system would be both intuitive and yet robust to cover ANY mod set up for bethesda and firaxis titles in particular without strict ordering is eyebrow raising at least.
  5. https://github.com/pirate/sites-using-cloudflare As you can see from this and this https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1139 https://blog.cloudflare.com/incident-report-on-memory-leak-caused-by-cloudflare-parser-bug/ ANY site using cloudflare for protection over the last 6 months has potentially leaked unencrypted raw memory data into both site buffers, and as data gathered from search and web crawlers. This data is unlikely to be yours (.00003%) due to the sheer volume of clients cloudflare has, but on the remote chance it is yours, it is literally in the wild and completely unencrypted, so if you're a member of any of those sites, you should probably change your password.
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