I just got this update.
"Authentication failed, you have not been charged. Please try again or choose a different payment method."
My card is a pincard, a debit card. I put myself under financial supervision. Stress from administration.
Could it be, they need to pay. And that they can pay for me. You know my financial supervisor.
And if i do not have a company.
I put in my cardnumber 19 numbers
my name on the card
experation date
CVV number, same as the last 3 numbers of my cardnumber.
Then i apply, and i get "Authentication failed, you have not been charged. Please try again or choose a different payment method."
If i type in my VAT, what is also our social security number for civilians.
It ain't recognized.
Could also be, that i do not know how to type my county, province. We don't have this stuff in most of Europe. We have towns, provinces and the country. What is a county.
The USA system does not work for us.
Your loosing money, this way. It's not just the Dutch, it's Germany, Belgium, Denmark all if the EU.