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About Thoth144

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  1. I'm starting to have problems. With GOG mods showing up. Which makes searching for the correct mods for the steam version take longer. Much longer.
  2. So are there some hidden files. Cause if i want to mod a game i like to do a clean install. Every single time, it says that it can't find the mods anymore. Somewhere it places also vortex files. Yesterday i went through 30 folders and found some. No vortex in the name. But it did had the logo infront. But there are still files. Do i need to format my SSD, or is there another solution. Cause this ain't working it's A sloppy, and B i would like to know when you install Vortex where all the files go to. MO2 puts them all under 1 map.
  3. I figured it out. The only problem i now have is on your end. Your bank asks for a credit card, to be connected to paypal when i want to pay. I do not have to do that on other sides. This way it looses the purposes of paypal.
  4. So ideal is a possibility in the future. Ideal is easy, it's a direct transfer. Ideal is like a company like paysafe only paysafe has a fixed amount of money. Ideal goes direct from my bank account to that of yours. THX for your help. And hope, that ideal will come back at a time. If you want you can close this now. I have enough info, you do now. And for anyone else, they can just read the post.
  5. I just got this update. "Authentication failed, you have not been charged. Please try again or choose a different payment method." My card is a pincard, a debit card. I put myself under financial supervision. Stress from administration. Could it be, they need to pay. And that they can pay for me. You know my financial supervisor. And if i do not have a company. I put in my cardnumber 19 numbers my name on the card experation date CVV number, same as the last 3 numbers of my cardnumber. Then i apply, and i get "Authentication failed, you have not been charged. Please try again or choose a different payment method." If i type in my VAT, what is also our social security number for civilians. It ain't recognized. Could also be, that i do not know how to type my county, province. We don't have this stuff in most of Europe. We have towns, provinces and the country. What is a county. The USA system does not work for us. Your loosing money, this way. It's not just the Dutch, it's Germany, Belgium, Denmark all if the EU.
  6. I have a maestro card, a debit card. From abn amro that's Dutch. I get "Unable to validate VAT number. Please try again later." Also it asks for a company name, i'm a civilian. Now, if i would be an autist, and i put myself under financial protection. Then who's VAT number do i enter. Or does it not matter, if i am the physical card owner. These problems above, i do not have with Steam. Cause your methods really don't work for Europeans. Question is it ok, for someone else to pay with their card. Like my accountant. Greetings.
  7. Nothing works, maestro does not work, Debit does not work, credit does not work. Stick with your US way off paying, and you will start loosing money.
  8. I would like to ask, if there are any other options to pay. Like PaySaveCard. I'm from the Netherlands, and we don't have the options you provide as payment method. Greetingz
  9. I read a lot about players with the following bug. Frozen animals, dogs, wolves, horses. The fix. 1st uncheck everything FNIS in the right pane, the load order. Uncheck it also in the left pane. Remove everything in the left pane, so uninstall. Do the same with Skryrim immersive creatures and the SIC SSE patch. Next step re-install FNIS, run FNIS and re-install the rest individual and run FNIS every time. It worked for me. I hope for others too. Cause the only fix i read untill now. Was the easy way, a clean install and starting over.
  10. I see you have an RTX card, do you have any physics mod or plugins running like ENB.
  11. I noticed that the game freezes in big town. If you within the town, you cross a invisible border. Going from the tree with garbage around it to the pick nick table straight across, and beyond is 1 cell and back to the bridge also 1 cell. So big town is build up in 2 cells. So when it crashed, I reloaded and tried to prevent as much memory use as possible. By doing the following. Go to settings, turn of all sound with the help of the sliders, turn of all dialog. Move head down to the picnic table. Keep looking down, move to the door of the 2d building to the right when you come in. Open the door. Save game. Leave building in the back, enter 3th building same site from the back. Heal Timebomb, leave through the front door. And the game won't freeze. And make sure you are at the bridge, when the super mutants attack and the slavers just after that. Meaning you want to cross that invisible border, before there is to much activity again. So the problem is what i think, with the cell beyond the tree and picnic table. It crashes, when there is to much activity within the cell when you cross the line. So how do i designate more memory to that cell.
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