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  1. Good on ya for owning up and taking action. But allow me to ask, how did you not know about the ads before? It's not like you couldn't try using the site from a few different devices yourself.
  2. The One-Stop-Shop for making the game difficult is Requiem.
  3. What I remember from my playthrough a year or so back: Eat your stew (stamina regen FTW) and if you're attacked by an invisible fist fighter, run like hell.
  4. I really don't have any issue with people using and creating these mods. All I ask for is for people to CORRECTLY TAG THESE ABOMINATIONS so that my filters keep them hidden. My list of blocked authors must be reaching a hundred entries soon.
  5. It's a single-player game, in my opinion you're free to do with it as long as it harms noone. The question is if the Nexus should host such files that could be considered unsettling or offensive; there are plenty of other mod sites around that allow every kind of perversion to be posted and publicly indulged. And I think this website here has found a nice middle ground; most mods, even those contanining clearly pornographic material, are allowed. But it usually stops short of sexualised violence and stuff involving children. That's good enough for me. If someone can't handle those, there's always the option of turning on filters for nudity.
  6. Should be able to handle some - A SELECTED FEW! - HD mods just fine. You'll want to avoid mods that add many new NPCs, as that would fry your CPU. Edit: Many new NPCs at once in crowded places, I meant.
  7. You need to create the skse.ini yourself; here's how to.
  8. I sometimes roll an almost pure alchemist and only throw in some Alteration. Damage is dealt by poisoning my enemies, then paralyzing them. Seeing their foes helplessly laying on the floor while their life is sapped away brings joy to these bastard's dark hearts.
  9. Did you maybe have Ugridstoload set to a differente value before resetting the game? I've heard this setting is "baked" into the save.
  10. Were you playing modded Skyrim? In that case, I would try to make Skyrim vanilla again. Wish I could send you a screenshot of the "Preferences" tab, but my OS is in German and wouldn't be of any use to you. Good luck.
  11. Donating less than 1$ via paypal is largely useless, because Paypal takes a fixed amount (I think about 30ct) from each transaction. So unless you want to donate to paypal, save your money and donate more per transaction.
  12. Jaxonz Positioner allows you to nail all that clutter in place.
  13. I'd suggest following the STEP project for your entry into modding. They teach you proper modding techniques, show you how to set up vital bugfixes, how to use the most important tools for modding, and show you a vast selection of mods that improve the game without changing it completely.
  14. Imperial battlemage. Jagar Tharn did nothing wrong!
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