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Posts posted by Bozzz123

  1. I know all of these guys are going on and on with multiple paragraph posts, but let me sum up my experience with my mage character. Levels 1-35 are very challenging. You must fight for survival. After about level 35 when you have all of the necessary perks I became unstoppable. If you have no problem spamming the fireball spell, and youve got some serious enchantments on your clothing, then magicka doesn't become an issue. I never use enchantments to make my magic costs 0, thats just cheap. Also, if you have that perk that staggers enemies with fire spells, you can just stand back and spam the fireball spell and they will never get close. As for archers and far-away enemies in general, with the fireball spell you really dont need to be a good shot, as the spell is a radius spell. Get a ranged, staggering, radius, and cheap spell and you've got yourself an overpowered mage.


    Thats just talking about vanilla skyriim, though. With mods, you can basically change the power of mages in almost limitless ways. Thats what I love about mods, they are a way to personalize your game and make it as close to perfect as you can get it.

  2. Okay I have water in there but heres the problem: I want to make the water run down the stairs, but the water physics in skyrim don't really obey gravity. So I end one water piece at the end of the stairs, and start antother thats angled to the angle of the stairs. I set them together and try to make it look as neat as I can, but in game you can see the first layer of water with no difficulty! Ive tried working around this with dozens of different water types, so I thought if I changed the water height I could make the two pieces more hidden. I just dont know what to do.

  3. The mod you are suggesting wouldn't be as difficult as you might imagine. With the Creation Kit modding can be a pretty simple thing. Its also much easier than html is. Well actually scripting is harder than html but you get used to it after a while. Anyways, as for merchants, there are several mods that add dozens of shops to whiterun to make it the "trading center of skyrim" you mentioned. I dont know about any traveling merchants but it wouldn't be too hard. I'm sorry I cant undertake the project myself as I have a lot on my plate right now.

  4. So I am trying to add water to an iterior cell and I am having a few difficulties. I am placing the water from the activators section into the cell and It shows up but it has no depth. So I change the water height in the common data tab, click apply, and click ok. But its almost like the ck rejected my plea to make the water deep because when I open up the common data tab again the water settings have been reset to what they were. So I essentially cant change the depth of the water. Oh and also when walking through the water no sound is made and I was just wondering how I get the splashing to play as you walk.

  5. Usually I can play on medium settings without any difficulty but once in a while it lags a lot and loading screens last forever. Usually if I restart my computer skyrim will run fine again but now the problem is persisting. The game is on the lowest settings and it lags a ton. I don't think its any mod as I stay away from enbs and mods like that. Can someone please help me figure out whats wrong?


    Do you really need a mod to do this? All it really does is force you to do something that rightfully SHOULD be the player's choice.


    Just turn off all autosaves, save only when you're ready to take a break, and delete that save immediately after loading it.

    Well, some of us don't have that self control plus Skyrim could CTD at any time especially with mods so just playing till you take a break could mean you lose hours of play because of a crash.


    Then turn autosaves on, and use only one save for when you exit skyrim.

  7. I am going to make a mod where instead of having four seperate pieces of armor you can just make one for the complete set. So you just equip steel complete set rather than steel helmet, armor, gauntlets, and boots. My only problem is that know you can only have one enchantment rather than four enchantments on it. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I would solve that problem because I sure don't. :laugh:

  8. I can do that for you. Seems to be really simple really. Instead of adding a new perk I will add to the Dragon Armor perk instead. Should only make me a few minutes to make and Ill upload it when Im done.


    EDIT: It took a bit longer than expected but I will finish it up after work tomorrow.

  9. I think it would be funny if in every dungeon there was a "torch man" that would run around lighting all these random torches, lanterns and candles, throughout the dungeon. This would answer the question that at one point or another has crossed all of our minds: "Who lights these torches?" I'm pretty sure the draugr didn't do it! Also in caves with undead the torch man could be a ghost. It seems kind of lore breaking but if you think about it it is more lore friendly than vanilla skyrim because now the mysterious torches are actually explained!

  10. Wow thats funny, I was just going to post a thread asking that very thing! What I was thinking was a armor called shapshifter armor, that once equiped will bring up a menu for you to choose which armor you want it to look like. Hopefully It could also include armors from mods, too.

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