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Posts posted by macmert

  1. "I think this might help..." Mac takes a look at his pack and produces a paper and a pen..."I will try to map put the place as we go...Lets put the boy back to his bed, since he is invulnerable, we can t use it as leverage if something happens to us... I still suspect the parents may be involved but one can never be sure..."


    Mac takes out a blank paper and marks the bottom part of the paper as the starting point, he draws lines and turns as the party moves on...

  2. "Lets choose a path and get on with it, Ritz, you take the lead, Esha you get the boy and get behind Ritz, you two will be able to make out our way, Druce, you watch our back, we wouldnt want those beasts on our backs, I will cover the flanks, lets stick together and mark the corridors as we go, that way maybe we can work our way..."


    Mac draws his short sword and whispers a little prayer to any god may hear and maybe favor them in any way possible...


    "We have come too far to be beast fodder people, lets show these abominations what we are capable of..."

  3. Mac feels the very fibres of his courage is threatened with this mind chilling howls, he tries to gather himself and takes a look around...


    "Alright people, someone grab the boy, lets stick together and light a torch or two... I wonder where our hosts are? I hate to tell this but kid might be our ticket out of here if our hosts are behind this..."


    OOC>Sorry I was away for two or three days...

  4. "We would like to have a word with you if you are available..." says Mac, glancing around, trying to figure out what exactly is going on in there...


    "We would like to know more about you and your son... He is an intriguing fellow, with his ability... By the way, I dont want to meddle but what are you researching in here?"

  5. "Doesnt he has friends? probably from the village near here? Why keep him locked up here? why not try to teach him how to control his powers? With his powers, he can be a great help to a lot of people... He is a child I agree, but maybe you can help him have a...at least a sociable life..."
  6. "I am sorry for the troubles you have been through, but sometimes tampering with the unknown attracts too much attention from dangerous people, or worse, ignorant people..."


    "I would like to ask a few questions if you dont mind, I see that he is quite... extraordinary... when you see a boy fall, you expect something fatal happen... "

  7. "I couldnt help myself but be impressed by the greatness of your place... I dont want to sound a bitter guest but I would be glad to hear the tale of this place, and my hosts too..." says Mac with a little smile on his lips, he tries to be friendly but he knows that he fails miserably...
  8. "Alright then, Druce and I will talk to the mother and you two may join this young man and head out for the tunnels?"


    Mac turns to the boy and says "Boy, will you take us to your mother then? After that you can take these ladies to the tunnels..."


    Mac gets closer to Druce and speaks nearly in a whisper "Lets try to find out what the hell is this place, and if this is the boy we are after, we will be in neck-deep trouble..."


    OOC> Dude get well soon, teeth operations can be quite painful...

  9. "We are not here to hurt your boy..." mac takes a look at the boy and the women


    "Your boy is an impressive lad, extraordinary, why would we seek to harm him anyway... We saw him trying to climb up the cliff and we wanted to help him anyway possible..."


    Mac takes a look at the woman and wonders if she is invulnerable like him, and with the bolt that destroyed the boat, if they do something stupid, they will fry where they stand...

  10. "Kid it is obvious that you can't go up there climbing those rocks... How did you end up here anyway? Did you fall down from the castle wall or something?"


    Mac glances around to see if there might be another way to the castle somehow...


    "You fell down here didnt you? What happened kid?"

  11. "No problem, when he falls down again, lets grab him..." Mac is surely amazed by the boy's determination, takes a few steps forward and shouts at the boy "Get down here boy, we would like to meet you..."
  12. Well if you ask THE turn based strategy game, x-com it is... In fact I still play ufo enemy unknown (though I need to run several programs in the back to slow it down :D) the HoMM series were good, Also there was this great Warhammer game, warhammer Chaos Gate, I still have it but cant get it working and dont know why...


    Also there was this great TBS/RPG hybrid, jagged alliance series... Especially the second game, Unfinished Bussiness was great, the graphics were simple yet enjoying, the characters were fun (there were many to choose from)



    Ohhhh...I really can't believe I forgot about Jagged Alliance II...damn now that was a cool game. Even if I was getting constantly killed in some mine (don't remember which one).


    And also spending money on hiring more mercenaries until I got bankrupt and had to start the game again ;).


    Nice game...kinda difficult but great!!!


    Cheers :thumbsup:




    Lol yea it was damn tough game, I never finished it on medium difficulty... There was one little trick thou, after you find night goggles, you would make operations at night, with a few flares, drop a flare near the enemies and take them out from afar :D


    I still play the game from time to time, I just loved to hit a guy with a sniper and watch him fall from the roof or making a headshot and watch the guy's head pop up :D


    I am emberrassed to forget the Sid Meier (God bless him) and his many turn based masterpieces, Civ series and Colonization :D

  13. "what the hell... my eyes playing tricks on me or that boy's skull is cracked in two?" says Mac while looking at the small boy...


    "Can he be the healing kid we're after? He looks fine for a boy whose brains are washed on the rocks..."

  14. Having witnessed nature responding to mankind before, mac looks at Druce with little suprise, turns to Esha "I'll take the first watch, you seem a little shaken from our journey on water, you need a little rest..."


    "We can try that door tomorrow, looks like rusted and stuck but maybe I can give it a try and open it up... Hey Birdman, why dont you ask your fellow companion if there is any imminent danger around us, such as wild animals or other humans? It might be good to have eyes in the sky..."

  15. Well if you ask THE turn based strategy game, x-com it is... In fact I still play ufo enemy unknown (though I need to run several programs in the back to slow it down :D) the HoMM series were good, Also there was this great Warhammer game, warhammer Chaos Gate, I still have it but cant get it working and dont know why...


    Also there was this great TBS/RPG hybrid, jagged alliance series... Especially the second game, Unfinished Bussiness was great, the graphics were simple yet enjoying, the characters were fun (there were many to choose from)

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