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Everything posted by ArsenicRoses

  1. Hey... Even if Bethesda did cave and add a romanceable Valentine to the mix, all the dialogue you've put together doesn't have to go to waste. I'm sure you could still release just a dialogue mod for the DLC, and add onto whatever new dialogue Valentine may have.
  2. BetteCorvega... You are WONDERFUL. The dialogue sounds so great. I wish I could help out, but I'm no modder... :confused: I could provide some more input for dialogue if you need it, though.
  3. ... We could always just call up Mr. Russell and ask him nicely to voice some romantic dialogue. :P
  4. A romance Nick Valentine mod. And also an improved Workshop system. You know. More variety in the structures, perhaps the ability to put windows on the walls... And then there's the enemy markers on the compass deal. But mostly the romance mod, for me.
  5. Or, perhaps somehow creating a mod that makes non-romanceable companions into romanceable ones...? Just a thought...
  6. Yes, for the love of God. A million times yes.
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