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Everything posted by Deleted6919211User
No friendly fire/melee on companions
Deleted6919211User replied to DarkSylux315's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Even with the Inspirational perks, we still hurt our companions with melee AOE. The companion invulnerability that is supposed to come from activating the second level of Inspirational only seems to apply to ranged weapons. Please, don't even try to tell us it has anything to do with timing. :dry: Piper could be behind us and we still damage her with that AOE when using melee weapons. It's total BS. :down: -
Cannot manually add mods to Fallout 4
Deleted6919211User replied to Deleted6919211User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Thanks for the suggestion, but to be honest- we've been trying to keep Boris at arms length. :pinch: We used some of Mr. Vorontsov's work on Skyrim and found it to be more trouble than it was worth. Eventually we will scrape together the money to upgrade our CPU and GPU and hopefully things will be a little more crisp and smooth when that ship comes in. For the time being, we will bite the bullet and deal with the low res and occasional lag. Welcome to the club, eh? LOL :laugh: Not our first rodeo, JRJ... Nexus member since 2013, member of the club of life since 1973. Not yet a dinosaur, true... but certainly not a spring chicken by any means. :tongue: There is always room to grow. -
Cannot manually add mods to Fallout 4
Deleted6919211User replied to Deleted6919211User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Thanks, Jimmy... but that was the 1st thing we checked. Windowed mode is not checked and borderless is not available. The native resolution of our new monitor is 1920x1080 but our system is old and cannot run the game at that resolution without completely tanking the fps. True, when we set it to 1920x1080 the game starts full screen, but we had no problems running/starting the game at 1280x720 for the 1st week... it always loaded up the full screen before yesterday. It's more of a mystery than anything. We realized hours after starting the topic that we could just right-click on the F4SE launcher when it appeared in the tray at the bottom of our second monitor and that would get our new gaming monitor to go full screen. We're just trying to learn and understand the whats and whys behind all of this. We've had no formal computer training... heck, we bought this PC for gaming... before we realized that you need to build your own to have a proper PC gaming experience. Everything is trial and error for us. -
Cannot manually add mods to Fallout 4
Deleted6919211User replied to Deleted6919211User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
We don't see an option for "windowed mode" under the Options tab of the F4SE launcher. There is cursor size, which is set to small, buffer size: 50, number of buffers: 4, and Edit options : insert mode. No idea what any of this does... never touched any of these things before. -
Cannot manually add mods to Fallout 4
Deleted6919211User replied to Deleted6919211User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
OK... never mind. Solved the mod problem. For some reason, updating the IObit Malware Fighter software must have invalidated/corrupted our F4SE desktop launcher. We deleted all existing f4se files and reinstalled the latest version of F4SE. After that, we discovered that the Fallout 4 folder on our desktop was not a shortcut to the currently used FO4 main folder, but a copy. We deleted that and added a mod directly to the current main FO4 folder and the mod showed up in the game's built-in mod manager. So that's fixed, it would seem. but now we can't log in to Betheda.net through the game. :wallbash: whatever... :dry: We'd rather use Nexus mods anyway. But after the 1st successful loading of the game after reinstalling F4SE and having it go directly to full screen (as it should) we added the mod (which worked) and discovered that the new monitor reverted back to its prior issue of starting in a windowed mode. :confused: Not sure why its doing that. -
For over a year now, we've been using mods from Nexus and manually modifying our FO4 by adding the mods to the Fallout 4 > Data folder and activating the .esps in the game's built-in MODS section of the start menu. FTR- our system will not accept the requirements to use more recent versions of the NMM. We tried everything, so let's move past that. We also know that there's a LOT of hate out there for the built-in mod manager that Bethesda implemented for FO4, but we prefer to mod manually anyway, so let's move past that as well. Thing is, just days ago we were able to add mods to that built-in tool and that had always been a successful manner in which to modify our FO4... until today. No, we haven't reached the 255 mod limit. Everything is up-to-date. Only recent changes are a new monitor and an updated version of IObit Malware Fighter Pro. For some reason, clicking on that desktop tool failed to run it, so we downloaded the latest version and ran a scan. After that, our monitor no longer opened directly to full screen; we have to click on the (F4SE)FO4 thingy at the bottom of the screen when it appears to get full screen to work. Also, when we went to try out a new mod today, we discovered that the last mod we added to the load order had been disabled without our consent. We removed that mod and tried to add another by placing its .BA2 files and .esp into Fallout 4's Data folder (as per usual) but the .esp did not appear in the MODS section of the game's start menu (the built-in mod managing tool.) Oddly enough, the game will allow us to use mods from Beth.net by choosing them from the mod selection menu in the MODS section available through the game. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Any suggestions?
If I had any clue how to make a mod... this would be my first. But I don't! So I'm posting this idea for the community, in hopes of it being found by someone with the skills to bring it to fruition. Countless times while playing FO4, I've experienced irritating instances that I wished could have been prevented by simply having a weapon drawn. Not only would such a mod prevent stealth-breaking interactions with furniture and workbenches, it could also potentially prevent the player from drinking filthy water whilst trying to harvest meat from those darn floating mirelurk hatchlings. :mad: Many times I've accidentally clicked on a piece of furniture or a workbench when trying to retrieve loot that has either fallen close to, clipped through or been placed by an interaction trigger point, including the bodies of fallen enemies. Sitting down unintentionally or hammering away at a workbench in the midst of covert ops is a real facepalm situation. :facepalm: What's more, it would be nice to harvest plants and meat in water without fear of accidentally sucking up handfuls of sewage in the process. Anyone who has tried to grab the meat off a mirelurk hatchling in the water while its convulsing in its death throws (and had a deep draw from its habitat) knows exactly what I'm talking about. :pinch: :yucky: :sick: Very much like the wearing of power armor prevents the wearer's ability to sit, craft and drink, wouldn't it be handy if having a weapon drawn could do the same? I sure think so. :yes: Just say NO to sitting, sandboxing and slurping with weapons drawn. :down: That's the idea, anyway. You get the picture. Honestly... it doesn't have anything to do with the weapons themselves. I'm just looking for a way to prevent certain things from happening at certain times and having a weapon drawn seemed like a logical & viable way to set a condition. Of course, I realize trying to harvest and loot with a Gatling Laser waving about in front of you isn't ideal. Perhaps a setting that prevents these actions while sneaking would also work, if having a weapon drawn is problematic? Seems feasible enough with a pistol or a dagger, IMO. But not everybody uses smallish weapons.
LE Progressive Thu'um Proficiency
Deleted6919211User replied to Deleted6919211User's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Thank you for your response, EgoAltar! I was not aware of that mod by MadCat221, but I am familiar with other mods by that author. I like their work and very much appreciate the link. Its a pretty interesting mod; a variation on the theme I'm reaching for, albeit a more personalized and complex vision than my own. Although MadCat221 and I would probably agree on several points, there is one opinion we do not share on the matter, which can be identified by this quote from that mod's page: "If you want to belt off shouts every half-second, break your game balance on your own. :P" Whereas MadCat221 believes having 0 shout cooldown time is OP, I think it is justifiable. Consider how many hours a player can put into procuring the entire Thu'um collection. Its quite an investment. Having 0 cooldown does not, in fact, break anything literally. Personally, I don't like sacrificing a slot to that silly amulet and never liked the idea of a slavish reliance upon a shrine for a daily rebuff. If "The Way" was Christianity- the Dragonborn is the incarnation of JESUS. Imagine Jesus putting on rosary beads and going to church for absolution. That seems about as silly as Sheogorath paying homage to himself at his own shrine in Cyrodiil! :wacko: Jesus was known first as a carpenter, right? Becoming divine was a process. And what about freedom of choice and religion? I realize those liberties might not exactly be thematic in relation to the setting of the game, but the Amulet of Talos and his shrine are very culturally (and to a degree, even racially where most Nord beliefs are concerned) specific. And these limitations are placed in a RPG that supposedly favors diversity in character creation. They could have put the cooldown reduction associated with the Talos shrine on the Akatosh symbol. Akatosh is revered by most (if not all) cultures on Nirn. But noooo. Even Kynareth (who, according to legend, persuaded Paarthurnax to teach the Thu'um to humans) has a shrine that could have bestowed this minor blessing. But that is beside the point. Would it make sense for a Dunmer Dragonborn to put on an Amulet of Talos and pray at his shrine for better shout cooldowns!? Or how about an Orcish Dragonborn? Or an assassin Dragonborn that serves Sithis? I am well aware of the significance placed upon Talos worship in the context of TESV. But it caters to a very narrowed range of specific roleplay and forsakes the rest, IMO. Using a mod like Skyrim Unlocked makes good sense to me, because it removes some of those limitations Bethesda saw fit to place upon character building potential. SU would be a perfect accompaniment to what I have in mind here. Bethesda has this all-encompassing way of trying to either persuade, trick or blatantly force a whole spectrum of roleplay onto each character we build. You have to be rather conscious and clever to avoid their faction snares. Otherwise, every build churns out a great deal of inevitable similarities. Putting Word Walls in places where you will only find them via faction access was just their latest ploy to pull the completionist gamers into situations that otherwise might bear no appeal. It was an absurd thing to do from a roleplay perspective. Do you think a Templar-style Mage/Cleric (being played by a compulsive completionist) would murder an old woman to get access to the Dark Brotherhood hideout only to complete a Thu'um? Here's another example- A Green Pact Bosmer who is also Dragonborn. They have sworn themselves to Jephre and vowed never to shapeshift for fear of being taken by The Ooze. Do you think that Bosmer would join The Companions (a group of traditionally nord warriors who originally banded together to slaughter elves) for the sake of having that missing part of the Fire Breath shout... only to find out later that they would have to forsake their religious beliefs and become a werewolf? Or be left with a questline they could never complete? Utter nonsense. :down: *Disclaimer* - Folks, I'm not looking to start a holy war. I was just using Jesus as an example. Please don't start hurling accusations or quoting scripture. :facepalm: What I'm hoping to see with this mod idea would be much more simple, with no frills, no MCM menu and hopefully... no scripts. Just a gradual and permanent decline in cooldown times, until we reach 0. :tongue: Such a mod would cater to the needs of both completionists and roleplayers of all types. I'm currently playing an educated and skeptical Nord who looks askance at the very idea of Talos and all the inconsistencies of legend and history that surround Tiber Septim aka Hjalti Early-Beard. She views Talos worship for what it really is- a "Cult of personality". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality Do you think she wants to go touch his shrine for a shout cooldown reduction? That would make about as much sense as a Muslim going to a Catholic parish to worship Allah because there were no mosques in the general vicinity. :ermm: When in the north- do as the Nords do? Ummmm.... I don't think so, Todd. -
Greetings! After watching the Skyrim fan movies parts 1 & 2 by YongYea on YouTube and seeing how his own Dragonborn progressed, I couldn't help but feel my own characters were getting the short end of the stick. I watched in awe as his character rifled off clever shout combinations with impossible speed and thought to myself, "Why the heck can't I do that!?" Well, I could do that... if I simply opened the console and typed playersetav shoutrecoverymult 0 And as I set off to get the last two remaining parts of the Cyclone shout in Solstheim, I'm thinking that might serve as a just reward. But it doesn't feel very sporting... simply typing a code and VOILA! :rolleyes: So, as a long-term Skyrim mod enthusiast I ask the question: "Is there a mod for that?" :geek: If not, then imagine a mod that progressively reduces shout cooldown time with every new Word Wall discovered and its ancient knowledge unlocked with a dragon's soul, eventually reaching a cooldown time of 0 once all the shouts are available! The only setback to this idea is the short list of Word Walls that are quest locked and/or faction specific. But regardless of those few discrepancies, such a progression would still make anyone's Dragonborn feel more appropriately capable of becoming a virtual Thu'um Master (even if they're still short a word or two) :thumbsup: I also think this would add greater incentive to revisit the Greybeards and seek out every Thu'um attainable, which would give us more reason to go adventuring and contribute more hours of gameplay by simply enhancing the emphasis on mechanics that already exist in the game. Any thoughts, supportive comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Better yet- MAKE THIS A MOD PLEASE! :dance: Sincerely, Dallesse :kiss:
I thought that disabling and then marking corpses to be deleted was safe in Fallout 4... but I've had multiple CTDs since I started doing it and I don't think its a coincidence. According to this informative page (which actually comes from Bethesda) I was removing these corpses in the proper manner. Obviously, this cannot be trusted. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=MarkForDelete
I'm with you... I've been searching everywhere for an R&D compatible Bosmer menu mod, but to no avail. Such a shame that we are the only two expressing an interest in this level of role-play! There are some cannibalistic mods out there, but that's not really what I'm after.
Dear Friends, Have any of you wanted to play as a female Sheogorath? I was pleased to be able to do this in Oblivion, thanks to Spike4072. Consider this: a 1-2 piece outfit like this that covers the body from neck to wrists/ankles does not need to be very body-mod specific to include a weight slider... or at least a mid-range, believable shape to work for females. All it requires is more contour and perhaps a bit of lace. Of course, improving the resolution would also greatly help! Would anyone ever please consider making a nice female version of Sheogorath's Outfit? It would be nice to bring this idea to Skyrim! http://i.imgur.com/WNAdW4v.jpg
Player gets stuck after feeding in Dawnguard
Deleted6919211User replied to StygianImagery's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I've struggled with my vampire characters freezing after feeding ever since I downloaded the Legendary Edition for PC. :facepalm: First of all, a common sense suggestion- always SAVE before feeding. Now, here's how I've overcome the glitch: Once you've become stuck after feeding, activate the feeding animation again while trying to back away from the victim by holding down the S key or pulling back on the directional lever of your controller whilst holding down the E key or A button on an XBOX 360 controller. After attempting to retreat/feed 1-3x, this usually breaks my vampire free. Granted, I feed nightly and primarily on sleepers after doing a little B&E... if you know what I mean. :thumbsup: It works on both 1st and 3rd person animation freeze-ups... for me, at least. I will test this method on standing cattle and seduced victims, purposely trying to get stuck just to see if I can free my vampire using this technique. I hope this helps my fellow vamp fans! *UPDATE* I've now tested this workaround on both cattle and seduced victims. I managed to (intentionally) get stuck during both tests. I added one vampire cattle to my location, via console. Unlike the cattle in Castle Volkihar, this vampire cattle came out of his trance-like state after my second successful retreat/feed maneuvers. Then he attacked me, which was amusing. :tongue: I added the Vampire Seduction spell to my character and tried it out on a shopkeeper. The first attempt worked perfectly. The second attempt ended when the seduction spell ceased... I broke me free, but I also set the shopkeeper into a rage. OOOPS! :ohmy: The third casting of Vampire Seduction to simply execute the retreat/feed animation maneuver proved successful yet again. I also discovered that I didn't have to retreat backwards; to either side works just as well, I'm happy to report. :dance: Done and done! Yay!!! Finally overcame that horrible issue! And now back to being a proper vampire- drinking straight from the source and NOT from a bottle! :yucky: Tru Blood, anyone? LOL :rolleyes: I realize (of course) that this fix might work only for me, but it is my sincere hope that it will work for others who struggle with this same issue. BEST OF LUCK!!! :woot: -
I second this... but for UNPB.
Start over with same character, Possible?
Deleted6919211User replied to jacey04's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I have been wanting to do this too. I have a character I just love and spent over 400 hours on her, but now all I can do is run radiant quests for factions... it gets old. I've restarted more times than I can count. I've made countless characters over 10,000+ hours of gameplay. I could console add anything, that's never been an issue. Agreed, the starting over of major quest lines with quest resetting manually is problematic. That's why I sought a mod like the one we're describing. As far as I know, there is no way to change your stats (like # of kills or accrued hours) on a new character build. At this point- I don't want a "new" character. I want my old character --> in a new game! I've written down all the slider settings and turned older characters into newer builds that I was more fond of, but it doesn't really work the other way around. I wish it did. I'm going way back for this one, but there was a time when I played Champions of Norrath. (Yes... I'M OLD.) One of the greatest things about that game was that all you needed to do to accomplish this desire was to simply start a new game and then "import" your older character into the new game save. Granted, you couldn't carry over stats in that game either... besides character skill level, stats were never a thing in CoN. But they are in Skyrim and I couldn't just pretend that they weren't. Heck, you could even import a character from CoN 1 into CoN 2! I would have attempted backflips if Bethesda had managed to make it possible to bring Oblivion characters into Skyrim, but then you have that 2 century gap to consider. I don't have a lot of faith in the possibility of landing a gifted mod author randomly via forum posting. Especially not with so many Bethesda fiends gearing up to shift over to FO4. BUT, if anyone specifically knew of an author they thought was possibly willing and able to create a mod capable of importing seasoned Skyrim veterans into a new game saves, or even making a mod that had an MCM which would allow you to choose some quests to restart- I will personally PM that person. -
Good luck... you're going to need it.
In response to post #28805459. #28807169, #28807474, #28807489, #28809154, #28809529, #28810269, #28811029, #28812189, #28812314, #28813549 are all replies on the same post. "Brave souls"... I'm so flattered, Dark One! I'm glad you continue to pay attention to what I have to say. Borrowing my words is a compliment. ;)
My thanks to all you brave souls who were willing to have their games trashed in order to test the functionality of this new version. I also give thanks to my gut instincts, which told me to ABORT!!! when I read that big red prompt during the installation process. I have @ 200 mods, and I am surely not as talented with the whole process as the majority of these poor dears who have posted their woes in this comment section. I sincerely hope you get these lumps ironed out and simplify this process, guys. I also hope you will not decide to base all dependencies and further updates on a version that wreaks this much havoc. Otherwise, it will not bode well for the future of Skyrim mod collecting. :( Best of luck, all my fellow Skyrim fans.
Using mods from Steam sometimes disables mods added through the NMM from Nexus. I won't use any mods from Steam at all for this reason. I agree with Thaissa.
The thing that pisses me off is the way altmer females address me when I'm wearing college of Winterhold robes. More specifically, the Archmage robes. Niranye has the nerve to suggest that I stole them from a "real wizard". Hate her!!! :mad:
Oh, how I wish someone would make this happen! The current state of things is grossly unacceptable. I have always struggled to get past the inexcusable blockiness of the provided faces; not even the finest replacer mod authors address these matters. It is completely beyond me why noone with the talent to make a decent body replacer like those which are available hasn't made any effort to correct these problems. What do they do? Ignore the jagged lines!? How could they? As the old saying goes "The problem is as plain as the nose on your face." Under these circumstances- it is a wonder anyone has the courage to take any close up pictures of their characters at all! But who will care enough about quality to fix it? There are those who clearly have the talent for applying the provided mesh... but how to motivate them? There's the real mystery.
Unrelated issue, my friend. Read the post in its entirety. The answers lie therein.
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Unless you downloaded newmiller's "Short Dress for CBBE" and ran it- you'd never see these issues. They are directly linked to some problem the outfits caused. Maybe that's why he pulled it so fast. I warned him, but by then it was too late. Now I only experience the problem with the Leather Armor, be it a replacement retex or vanilla. I suspect he used that for his template.
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- missing textures
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http://i.imgur.com/cjZyTyr.jpg I love you, Apachii!!! This wondrous, and highly-esteemed artist and author is so prominent- you can't possibly play Skyrim w/o knowing who she is and yet- this great woman took the time to explain EXACTLY how to determine where the problem was AND how to solve it! Between her and Emma... I'd swear ANGELS came from SWEDEN!!! I also owe much thanks to M48A5 and his logical suggestion. Re-verifying Skyrim's game cache via Steam righted the wrongs I'd committed by cleaning Bethesda's .esm files with TES5Edit. That, and the removal of two different corrupted mod versions and reinstallation of manual downloads of Nikitaa's & Apachii's mods FIXED two issues that disturbed me, greatly. HOORAY! But I still need to go check Delphine's knees... LOL! It is typically inappropriate to place blame on anyone else for a problem you, yourself, are having. But under the circumstances, blame for triangular incisions appearing on the insides of women's knees falls squarely upon NEWMILLER! Sorry, buddy. You burned the ladies- now I'm burning you. I can't say I blame you for hiding, ducking out and blocking communications. You are a naughty, naughty boy. Tsk tsk. Can't blame it on Buffalo Bill, now can we? ;-) (The OTHER bad guy from "Silence of The Lambs"). But enough about that for now. I tire of ranting, (believe it or not). I just have little to no tolerance for crappy modding! And I know that seems hypocritical, coming from someone who has yet to brave that challenge. Not all of us were meant to mod. But hey, I've done good by my fellow gamers, right here. I could have just taken my solutions and walked thanklessly away from this post. But no. I explained how the solutions were obtained, because I love the community. I really do! I know not every one of you reciprocates that love, but I am slowly learning to do THE RIGHT THING for non-selfish reasons. In fact- the moment a human brain ceases to learn... it is, in fact, DEAD! Go Ponder that! :-p With Unabashed Love, Dallesse
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http://i.imgur.com/F0TmTj7.jpg I'm just going to save precious time and plagiarize myself, because that's my prerogative. My comment on Nikitaa's mod page: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11764/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D11764%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D592605&pUp=1 Well, now I have managed to fix that problem, with some considerate tutelage from Apachii! Also, I think re-verifying my Skyrim game cache restored Bethesda's own personal master files, which I incidentally cleaned with TES5Edit, because they were dirtier than a stray's backside! I would advise others not to do the same. Is there a need for these .esm files to remain DIRTY!? Apparently. Bethesda will ALWAYS get away with crap that others cannot. Surprised? Not really. Disgusted?? You're darn right, I am. Shame on you, BETHESDA! There you have it. C'est la vie... eh, Nikitaa? -Dallesse
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- missing textures
- leather
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