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About Relios

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Soul Calibur 5, Warframe, New Vegas.
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Armored Core, Xenosaga, Fallout.
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Honsetly, I dont see the whole issue with the voicing. Quest mods wont be able to be voiced for the protagonist, sure that'll be insonsitent, but it wont be game-breaking. I mean, can't be worse than some of the quest mods here in NV that has forced-dialogue options with wording I'd never use for a character. Sure, the choices in the prompts shown to us in the preview are rather.... bare bones, and the bulk of the player-dialog is delivered as the voice with the prompt only showing the gist, but that doesnt mean you wont be able to, you know, write the whole dialogue choice to show up in the prompt. If anything, I feel some modders are really going to have a bit of a hard time with custom power armors. I mean, its great that powal power armor, ther armors are finally, like, actuings that turn you into a literal walking tank instead of just having you wear bulky clothing with higher stats, but that suit-up animation with the cascading theme, and extra meshing and textures for the inside. Really, it looks like the effort required for custom power armor, aside from just retextures, is gonna skyrocket a bit.
Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
Relios replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
This is rather worrying. I can imagine the C&D's being sent due to Workshop creators forgetting to remove mods from the Nexus, or WS modders suing the Nexus because a free modder uploaded something they felt is too similar to their own. The irony is that Ive seen more mods that infringe on copyright laws there than I have here. Hell, doesn't this community frown upon even those with pirated copies of games? As someone that has spent a good year skulking around on this site, I am genuinely afraid of what may happen. Any Fallout fan knows how ruthless Bethesda can be when it comes to copyright and IP acquisition, and now modders know too (Ive read that any modder that uploads something to the WS loses their ownership of the mod.) Not to mention the quality modders we can lose here that would prefer to be payed. Though, from what Ive seen from most, this might not be much, as some care more about owning their intellectual property more than making a 25% profit off of them. Money's a hell of a thing, huh. -
My three personal favorites; For female player characters http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51084/? For male player characters http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38221/? For all. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54460/?
Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV
Relios replied to SMB92's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Companions Weapon customization Ability to choose age in character creator. Ammo types as well, maybe expanding it further with a better crafting system. I just hope they at least reuse FO3's voice filter for Power Helmets, that face-rag replacement in NV was just.....egh. I feel the state of being well-rested is not grave enough. Personally, I'd like to see SPECIAL abilities expanded upon, giving gameplay changes other than simple numbers and probabilities. (Say, someone with a high agility can play the game closer to, say Mirror's Edge, if at least with just simple sprints, jumps and slides. Low intelligence actually affects the way you interact with the world, and vice versa once more, perception maybe actually affecting your fade distances, Strength giving you the option to kick down doors, break stuff open, etc, Endurance affecting your AP or stamina, if they choose to implement something of the likes, you know, stuff you'd expect.) -
Loved New Vegas - Will I also love Fallout 3?
Relios replied to teiscodelray's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Better atmosphere, better setting, more personal plot, decisions that actually impact the Wasteland beyond a single slideshow slide at the end, and the actual vibe that the creators used the resources available as something more than just a chore, youll love it. Companions are horrid, though, but the radio is much better, and used more often and creatively. Lack of iron sights puts some people off, but as a fan of FPSs before they became quickscoping competitions, I don't mind much, lets you concentrate more on mobility. -
You can't fail or break the main game's quest beyond technical issues or deciding not to play, period. This isn't Morrowind. If I remember correctly, Volare! is purely optional. Oh, and if you kill Pearl and Loyal, the boomers, as a group, will eventually just scatter and disappear, so I guess thats what you want. You can still complete the factional-sided main quest for any faction, the Boomers aren't necessarily important.
Which faction did you side with?
Relios replied to MissRedZelda's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
NCR Regretted it afterward If only you could do things akin to the Vault Dweller in the first game post-Fallout, pre-Fallout 2. -
Post Apocalyptic Wars - Practical?
Relios replied to LordPariah's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Practicality was thrown out the window when a pack of tribals using spears and rusted scraps as weapons while wearing plastic sports equipment and cooking utensils as combat armor became one of the two most powerful factions in the Wasteland. -
Why I believe the NCR is the best option
Relios replied to scottym23's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I went for NCR my first playthrough, then, after some insight, I wished I had gone independent. Don't get me wrong, I dont think the NCR are inherently bad, they're damn better than House and Legion, thats for sure, I just think a Messiah courier would be leagues better to lead the Mojave than NCR. NCR's good is entirely on its citizens and soldiers. Their leaders are another story.... NCR gives off the image of putting the people's vested interests as their main priority, this is not the case. In fact, in many instances, its obvious to me now that NCR is really written as an extreme towards the stereotypical negative aspects of a modern democracy. One instance, as you stated, is the corruption. This really irks me, it just shows that when finance is involved, the higher-ups lose all semblance of justice, even when its at the expense of its own citizens (Case in point; nonviolent ending to Cass's arc.) A system isn't trustworthy when it can outright ignore your existence for the sake of extortion. The excessive taxation is also questionable, as they don't really do a whole lot for even those under their flag. Another is a bit of a 2-in-1, as I don't really know what to chalk it out as. In terms of leadership and command, NCR is either utterly logistically incompetent, or just ridiculously indifferent towards anything that wont net them a direct profit in either capital or image. Take the very presence of troops in the strip. As soon as you walk in you just see drunken soldiers stumbling around in a stupor, a group puking on a sign from drinking too much, and MPs just barely keeping an eye on them. I don't have a problem with soldiers taking a bit of R&R, but when it's wartime and there are innocent bystanders being slaughtered in the land you're trying to liberate, I doubt its very efficient to keep what looks like a platoon of soldiers drinking their livers off and gambling away their paychecks in the strip, much less so when your excuse for not correcting plenty of messes is "we dont have enough men." What was stopping NCR from cutting a couple vacations short to help the stone miners of Sloan from the peak predators of the wasteland? Primm's hostage situation was left alone until your intervention due to a lack of manpower, yet, if you side with the Powder Gangers in the NCRCF quest line, you'll see that theres a bit ("bit") of a gross over-allocation of both troops and equipment. With how numerous and well-armed that little ("little") strike force was, you could've split them in half, and still have enough to wipe the floor with the Powder Gangers in the prison, as well as the convicts in Primm. The only real movement of soldiers is from Camp McCarran to Camp Forlorn Hope, and aside from a hostage situation in Nelson being performed by a handful of legionnaires (Which are already being shadowed by snipers) the only thing those soldiers are shooting at are Bloatflies, and even then, you'd think they'd send at least a scouting party to even see the one spot where Legion soldiers are spilling into the Mojave, one of only two single locations where the riverbank is level with the land around it, Cottonwood Cove. Going back to the incompetence, isn't it a bit disheartening when instead of working together towards like-minded goals, the NCR's martial and civil departments are too busy disagreeing and infighting? The only real thing NCR has going for them is sheer numbers (contradictory, I know. Blame the writers,) and image, seeing as, technologically, they're as tribal as they were in the early days of Shady Sands. Considering how their way around Power Armor training is stripping the armor of its joints' gyro-motors and the strapping of an AC unit on the back instead of actual research (meaning that the wearer is really only wearing 40+ lbs of just metal which, with the existence of armor-piercing rounds, only makes the wearer a larger-massed slower-moving target) and that disaster waiting to happen named Mr Fantastic was being trusted to completely run Helios 1, It is terrifying to think what what they'd do with Hoover Dam. It is shocking how they managed to acquire and utilize a working vertibird without turning it into a bighorner wagon. Just like how the only good Legion characters are the outcasts(Ulysses and Joshua,) the only good NCR characters are the ones being beaten down and abandoned by the system (Boone and Cass,) the system itself is garbage. I guess I supported them so much in my first playthrough because the wool was pulled over my eyes due to my love of Lyon's chapter, with NCR being the closest thing resembling them in NV, but eh, guess now I can only hope it's canonly acceptable to pretend that my Messiah courier kicked NCR and Legion out of Dodge, cleaned up and united the Mojave, and opened relations with that glorious pack of white knights in the Pentagon. -
The divide was hospitable and, thanks to the courier's (your) frequenting of the area, it was seen as a viable trade route and was promptly annexed by the NCR. It's a throat-cutting, merciless hell-on-earth because the nukes that went off, underground and one-by-one, from the ICBM that the Courier was carrying "anti-terraformed" the area. The Deathclaws most likely moved in later, as they often migrate.
A simple shortcut to this would be to simply use the CS to set a door at the end of dungeons "connected" to the entrance (such as the exit). I'd do it but I severely lack the patience to scan each and every single dungeon in-game to do so.
You'd think that Tamriel's technological prowess would advance at a much higher rate, seeing as they have magic assisting them (Just look at the Dwemer.) Musket-like weaponry should've been around since Morrowind, let alone just barely having crossbows by the fourth damn era.
Forgot to add the political factors xD I absolutely adore the Followers, I just dislike the fact that they're pacifists. And I wouldn't worry about conflicts of interest, seeing as nobody would be forced to join, and the only real members of this group would be like-minded individuals, people that believe in the needs of the many over the few. Someone would want to join Prodigium for the same reasons someone would want to join the Followers, out of a personal want to improve the wasteland. Only difference would be, say, the Followers would attract Daniel-type people, while Prodigium would attract Joshua Graham types.
I love these types of threads, and quite frankly im surprised I haved seen this topic flying around, so, for all you Glorious Leaders out there, I ask you; If you were given the opportunity to create your own faction into the wasteland, what would it be, what would it stand for, and what would it do? Feel free to go as long and descriptive as you want :D I'll keep mine short -Name: Rogation -Flag, Symbol or Insignia: http://i61.tinypic.com/24fh855.png -Creation: November 23, 2194 -Created by: Various members of a Florida vault -Specialization(s): Technological & biological R&D, vigilantism. -Allies: East-Coast Regulators - Followers of the Apocalypse - Lyon's Chapter. -Enemies: Caesar's Legion - Raiders of all kinds - The Enclave -Capital: The Serapeum (Formerly known as Kennedy Space Center) -Description: A cabal formed from the former inhabitants of an off-shore vault. With the vault's orientation being towards medicine and engineering, its inhabitants had left with a thirst for field and practice after knowing nothing but theory their whole lives. Having been enticed by tales and holotapes towards one of the bridges to humanity's final frontier, their gateway to celestial discoveries, the former dwellers made their pilgrimage towards Kennedy Space Center from Cape Coral, bearing witness to the horrors of this new world along the way. Arriving and fighting off raiders that had been occupying KSC, the pilgrims had agreed that their birthrights would best be used in a manner other than simple research. The group's leaders organized to form a tribunal that would govern their group into three specializations; The Seekers, the group's agents, trained extensively in adapted, scavenged texts ranging from combat to survival. They're the scavengers, recruiters, and the group's main fighting force, should the need arise. The Watchers, who manage the welfare of both the group and human elements surrounding them. They manage the logistical work to keep themselves running, assign Watchers to promising individuals for covert, selective recruitment, and manage relations with surrounding groups to promote symbiotic associations. And finally, the Dreamers, the bulk of their R&D department. They prioritize in developing weapons, equipment, even vehicles and robotics inspired by the surviving wealth of knowledge found within the Serapeum, which includes records of alien tech, as well as research, reverse-engineer and build upon the contents brought to them by Seekers. Their cause would have them slowly, but surely expand in not large, but reliable numbers, which would then be spread across North America to key locations, where they feel their hand is needed most. Though not the most numerous, nor the most charismatic by far, this group takes pride in its self-proposed laws to utilize their strength and intellect to fight for the right side in the ethical battle, and aid in driving humanity forward.