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Status Updates posted by MuteSignals

  1. Almost 3 years of modding, gunna clear out some of my archive of broken WIP mods
    1. MuteSignals


      not on the Nexus ofc
  2. Folks on this public bus got no idea i make skyrim boobie game mods lol
  3. My tiny mute girl icon is a tad outdated, may need an updated drawing.
  4. Picture this. 10am, I wake up and leap into action. Down the stairs onto my rig and just power through a 12 hour session of nonstop mod production, blasting Jet Set Radio or whatever else I got on the playlist at the time. Full Blown Design Factory.
  5. Funny thing about me being a modder, my parents liking modding too! Except it was modding motorcycles not video games.
    1. nemesis200767


      Nice! Tricking them out? What kinda bikes?

      It's what I do with my car too

    2. MuteSignals


      Well. When I say bikes, I really mean Vespa Scooters with more with 6 wing mirrors.
  6. Imagine if I opened a patroen to encourage me to release unreleased mods.
    1. MuteSignals


      Still might not do it
    2. nemesis200767


      Well, it will get you a few $$. Put your name and skills out there if you want that. Is there a career path here, is it just a hobby and fun creative outlet for you?


      What else might encourage or motivate you to release your other works? What is holding you back?

      You are talented ofc. We are lucky to have such a skilled modder. I suppose it where you want to put your energy

  7. Lonesome road content seems to be my most popular WIPs.
  8. My WIP mod archive is awful. Semi broken, unfinished, files missing. I’m gunna have to do a big salvage mission and actually upload some stuff.
  9. Think I'm going to set a new rule, If you ask for a mod from me then you must provide some cool screenshots in trade.
  10. Realised one of my old mods was featured in an AlChestBreach video all the way back in 2018! 'Short Thermic Lance', not my best work but it was certainly a life achievement.
  11. Alright now im taking a break. thats like 3 months of modding.
  12. been tracing leopard spots all day
  13. working on a body type, release a lingerie mesh with it I guess.
  14. Putting one of the RE8 witches into new vegas with a new outfit and body type pog. bit annoyed about another image getting removed but thats alright.
  15. Even though I haven’t hit the dizzying heights of one of my mods in 2015, got 10k DLs and 100k views. I’m pretty comfortable with the standard I’m creating with now.
  16. Just donated my copy of Fallout 3 on PS3 to charity. It's actually sort of worthless now but lets just pretend I did a good thing.
  17. I had fallout 4 since release but only 40 hours.
  18. Working on belly jiggle physics
  19. with every new mod, I only gain more powerful
  20. Clearing out some old mods back when I lacked rigging/modelling knowledge.
  21. yet again, making another armor
  22. Was due for a new profile picture. It’s still pretty dead money orientated but with a twist.
  23. Taking a mini break to focus on professional stuff
  24. I've cleared out my inbox. If I deleted yours by mistake, just message again.
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