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  1. You'll have to do it the hard way, I'm afraid. Turn mods one mod, start Skyrim, repeat (starting from the last mod), until you find the culprit (i.e. stops crashing). It's always a mod (in my experience) that does the 'crashes at start.' I only have 126 mods installed and it's still occasionally giving me issues. *sigh*
  2. Probably not. Personally haven't experienced flying mammoths. I still occasionally experience flying companies that fly off at mach 1 speeds. But that's a minor issue from the Convinient Horses mod. Just be sure to use save frequently (normal saves, not quick saves). The game is still riddled with bugs (not counting bugs you get from mods and mod clashes). Despite the patches.
  3. I just use the Convinient Horses mod. Never had any major issues with it. Can tell the horse to follow or not, set a home location, etc. Playing vanilla is too much of a pain.
  4. To Leonidus (eh, shouldn't there be a reply button here somewhere? o_O ) I'm using the same CBBE mods. Managed to change all the bodies of NPCS in Skyrim to the type I want (yeah, no athletic/oversized bods) and overwrote all the default bodytypes. So I've got that part covered. Just that nothing is jiggling. Though other idle animations seem to work. I've heared about that sliding bodyweight to 100 thing in the forums. I don't think I've tried it yet for whatever reason. Oh, I have LOOT installed separately. Not sure why I'm keeping it (since it's useless to me). Did fix all those annoying LOOT messages outside of Vortex. I think I'm lucky since I haven't encountered any issues doing that. Still no idea what SSEEdit is for. Clicking on it via Vortex just shows a DLL not loading correctly error message. Up next: Trying to figure out why two NPCs in Whiterun aren't moving 24/7. Just when you think you've solved all the bugs. *sigh*
  5. It my experience, it's usually a mod. You'll have to disable one mod at a time. Start by the latest mod you've installed and go from there. Yeah, it's a freakin' pain.
  6. Anyone experiencing this phase? I've started playing Skyrim again after a 20 year hiatus (didn't have time to play that often then). After several months yet again trying to figuring out which mod is screwing up my game, I think I've just about had it. And now just when I'm happy with the selection of mods that don't give me error messages, faced with yet again another quest bug. Every. Single. Time. Oh, well. Dang it, Sweetroll fox, why can't I click on you? -_- What I little I have learned so far: - If Skyrim crashes at start, it's because of a mod; - If Skyrim crashes when you're running outside of Whiterun or anywhere else, it's a because of a mod; - If it's a quest bug, then it's still Bethesda It's been 20 years, dang it; - If the loading screen takes way too long, it may be because your'e missing a master mod another mod needs; - Try to avoid any mod that requires more than 2-3 masters, it'll screw up your game sooner or later (i.e. you install a new mod); - Be suspicious of mods that haven't been updated for years; - Be suspicious of mods that just have been updated ; - Be aware that using one mod may screw up another mod, and sometimes the order won't fix it; - If your save game becomes corrupt, it's because you disabled too many mods at once; - If NPCs get brownface, it's because of a mod; - Unofficial Skyrim mod screwed up the steal tag on items (er, I think); - Relying on quicksaves will make you hate Skyrim; - Took me forever to learn how Bodyslide works, because Vortex used the wrong installation directory; - Learning LOOT and fixing all those LOOT messages doesn't help fix Skyrim issues when you already have a mod manager; - Neither does Smashed. Doesn't come with an uninstall feature either; - Common sense rarely works when trying to identify a troublesome mod, once had crashes due to an underwear mod ; - The only reliable way to find what what's making Skyrim crash/whichever error is disabling one mod at a time. Yes, all 200+ of them. -_- And boobies still won't bounce. /end rant
  7. Eh? This is a Skyrim LE only forum? Didn't know. *scratches head* Well, I'm using Skyrim SE anyways. Storing items in public places have never been an issue for me until said mod. Items only re-spawn when you don't visit them for awhile. So public containers that you frequent generally aren't problematic. Meanwhile...Lydia is suddenly floating in midair and kicking her legs. Well, that's new. And I haven't installed a new mod for a week. o_o
  8. Just in case anyone had the unfortunate experience of finding out that Adrianne is selling all of your items stored in those two barrels outside of the Warmaiden shop...where attempting to buy said items may result in an immediate crash, it's due to this annoying little mod: Sexy Transparent Swimsuits. How or why it has anything to do with barrels outside of Warmaiden is beyond me, but disabling it surprisingly fixed it for me. The mod didn't even work for me (i.e. no swimsuits). Cheers.
  9. Solved. Was this annoying little mod called "Little Sexy Apparel Replacer with LSAR Addon." Looks like the internet was right, it was an NSFW mod. Must've missed it. Now I have to turn on all those mods again and hope one of them didn't corrupt my saved game. Yes, I'm looking at you, Diverse Dragons Collections SE. :D Cheers.
  10. Well, after scowering the internet, it seems I'm the only one who has this error. That's impressive. :D Currently in the process of de-activiting one mod at a time to find the culprit (Vortex and LOOT was no help). Re-installing SKSE correctly as most of you may know, does nothing to resolve the issue. Despite what the internet says. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this error message before? EDialog doesn't seem to be a mod or plugin I have (there's one mod called Edialog, but I haven't installed that). No idea what Estrus is. Internet says it has something to do with NSFW mods, but I turned those off already. Cheers.
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