In response to post #118721838. #118722318, #118736613, #118750988, #118758088 are all replies on the same post. I assume so, unless I'm confused about what you mean... anything you can do with a backup of the game, you can do with a renamed copy. This just allows you to exempt that copy from forced updates, unlike renaming directories with a batch file which is what people used to use. If you wanted to, you could keep as many copies of the game as your disk space allows and have all of them playable via Steam; e.g. a copy of both 1.32 and next-gen in vanilla, then 1.32 with all your preferred mods as you have them now, and finally a next-gen copy to experiment with new mods on. Just make sure you keep the next-gen vanilla as the one Steam recognizes. It's quite easy to tell - the non-Steam games will have no pictures, achievements, links to the forums/guides, etc. Those are the ones that will be exempt from updating.