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Everything posted by chocolambot

  1. This is a great idea! Wish i could mod Me too ):
  2. Yeah it'd be great if this mod was really big. But I would sit for just a few more murder investigations.
  3. You might all like this if you are Pilkington fans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FqZYld5NvI Let me know what you think.
  4. neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! ): I want to do this to Ulfric with my staff :D
  5. I think some people should watch Ralph Bakshi's LOTR for some epic fantasy artstyles :D I think you just made me want a ton more pics imported into skyrim now xD haha :D Yeah its amazing, I love the atmosphere in this movie. So creepy and dark.
  6. So skyrim is out, anyone think this is still a cool idea?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FqZYld5NvI THought this could inspire modders to make an NPC :D
  8. Can't wait to see how Noxy does in Skyrim :D
  9. Yeah that would be amazing, like imagine a murderer who actually was scripted, so you could witness a murder if you were around at the right time?!
  10. If almost every tree in a wide range looks the same on the ground, the grounds keep going up and down and there are attacks inside this foggy forest where shadows (day) or darkness (Night), created by the trees, hinder your sight and you have no compass or gps... and all the time having like hallucinations (distorting screen... glowing eyes through the darkness and howls of wolfs and ghosts) i think you are going to be pretty lost... Oh man, that sounds fun! Kind of like that forrest in the hobbit, umm Mirkwood?
  11. I think steam allows you to download different voice localizations, which probably means you could get english subs with japanese voice acting. Are you japanese born? If so, why do you need english subs? If you speak english, why do you need it in japanese?
  12. Other things = awesome But surely a small sword would wound and then kill almost immediately? I mean, they would be down and not able to fight thats for sure. Unless there was armour or something, which would be almost impossible for smaller swords to take on.
  13. Ok 3 questions: Can you poo? Can you actually kill people with an arrow to the head? Or a sword to the unshielded body? Can you make campfires for times at night where you can wait?
  14. I have a suggestion, have a major stamina bar, which dictates the speed at which your normal stamina increases. The more food, the faster your stamina increases. If you don't eat, your stamina hits zero and you start starving with all the added crappyness.
  15. I think it would be cool if there was a zelda mod, like a mini TC. It wouldn't need to have more then 1 questline and it could be pretty short. I just think Skyrim has all the assets to really make a cool version of hyrule (or a small part of hyrule). The mod could use remixed zelda music, it'd be fun to play with :D
  16. getting lost in the woods would be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
  17. In some places such a mod would be pretty awesome if this does not exist natural ingame... Ancient woods with giant trees and spider caves, werewolves, whatever else monsters like the dark... maybe even have clearings in those dark forest places... were dryads, uniquehorns and other friendly and magical lifeforms rest... for they are places with abundant pure magical energy... Precisely, almost like a dungeon, but still very much outdoors (multiple exits, no invisible walls to keep you in the forest, glints of sunlight through the trees)
  18. No its just to outsiders, it makes all gamers look like lame and juvenile people and I get a bit sick of that stereotype being reinforced by mods like this. I understand the individual right to mod ones own game, just keep it more private guys
  19. I think it would be great if there was a mod to make some forrested areas REALLY THICK and DARK (like trees blocking out the sun). So that hiding amongst the trees was a possibility and it added to the atmosphere of the game. The only tricky bit I can think of for a modder to do this would be the more finessed pathfinding requied, as the forest trees would be closer together in a thick dark forest. Other then this, it would be so fun to light up a torch and go adventuring into a dark forest, some new mobs would be cool to spawn in these areas too.
  20. No. 1. Because im not Juvenile 2. Because it's not very practical and any female characters I play as will be wearing protective and practical armour.
  21. Your avatar is an example of crappy anime, imho. So why do you say you don't like something you have as your pic? This is the first thread I have bothered for something like this, and I just thought I would say I think it is stupid and a waste of time that could be better spent on lore friendly mods. I just find it very odd, people's fascination with that style. Anyway, good luck getting your mod made.
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