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The paid mod feature may have been removed from Steam Workshop
Mystais replied to Erinaea's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Personally, I had no problem with a mod author putting their mod on Steam Workshop for pay... BUT only if they also kept the same version on Nexus for free. This way there was no pay wall. The community that paid for mods on Steam Workshop were most likely not the same community that use Nexus. Mod authors would have gotten some financial kickback from Steam while still being part of the Nexus free modding community as before. As the mod author would have already had his mod also on Steam, he/she would not have to worry about the mod being stolen and placed on Steam behind his back. There really needs to be some middle ground here. It would be nice for mod authors to receive some financial kickback for their hard work. The donation button is a nice idea but all these folks screaming for one... would you honestly be one of the donators or just sit back and assume others would do it for you? There's been a lot of bad blood created between some mod authors and mod users by this fiasco and just because this pay wall is gone does not mean damage has not been done. Now we have to figure out how to heal it.- 50 replies
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I am not sure it's a great idea to piss of Bethesda or Valve to the point of spitefulness. They don't just hold the best hand, they own the deck. To me this seems like a pretty solid solution to the issue at hand because I feel the Nexus modding community and the community that uses the Steam Workshop for their mod selection are pretty much two separate entities with not a lot of overlap. A mod author simultaneously hosting his/her mod (most up to date version) on Steam (pay) and on Nexus (free) would: 1) Possibly receive the extra income he/she desires and deserves. Remember the ones currently paying for those mods on Steam are most likely not part of the Nexus community (at least not a large part).2) The Nexus community still has free access to the most up to date version of the mod3) Doesn't force a mod author to pick a side. It becomes irrelevant.4) The mod author does not become a pariah to the Nexus community and we can all still be one happy family5) Mod theft is not really a concern as the mod author already has his/her mod on Steam Workshop already For Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=429403248&searchtext=The mod author even has a link on the mod description pointing to the free version on Nexus yet he has still sold over three hundred copies.
I, as are many here, am seriously concerned about the future of modding that we have grown to love over the last decade or more. So it got me thinking... To me this seems like a pretty solid solution to the issue at hand because I feel the Nexus modding community and the community that uses the Steam Workshop for their mod selection are pretty much two separate entities with not a lot of overlap. A mod author simultaneously hosting on Steam and on Nexus would: 1) Possibly receive the extra income he/she desires (probably not as much but much more than not). Remember the ones currently paying for those mods on Steam are most likely not part of the Nexus community (at least not a large part). 2) The Nexus community still has free access to the most up to date version of the mod 3) The mod author does not become a pariah to the Nexus community and we can all still be one happy family 4) Mod theft is not really a concern as the mod author already has his/her mod on Steam Workshop already Jeremy Klein an d Stilgrenare already doing this with their Watcher Staff mod on Nexus ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65021/? ) and Steam ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=429403248&searchtext= ) and freely advertise the mod at both locations. I must tip my hat to the both of them. Wouldn't this solution possibly allow this modding community a higher chance of survival in the long run?
Thank you very much for this information.
No. setrelationshiprank player 4 player.setrelationshiprank player 4 Make sure you have her targeted in console first.
Well it worked. My character is now married to Lisette and she is also a fully fledged follower, level updated and essential.
LE Marriage Expanded - eg divorce and able to remarry
Mystais replied to Awsomonium's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I think you'd use 'addfac 19809 0' as it is a flag and 1 is on and 0 is off. But there may also be a prohibitive setting on your character, not just the npc. -
Actually steps 1 & 2 should be all that is needed to marry her but the other steps are just icing on the cake.
Would make for some nice screenshots and even better if you could see it in 1st pov. Hard part would be knowing when to enable it and disable it (inside warm house vs outside in cold).
LE Playable or permanently tamable Wolf
Mystais replied to kuroneko418's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
What would happen if you used these console commands on an animal (or even dragon)? (commands from http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim ) Addtofaction 0005A1A4 1 adds an NPC to the player ally faction, which will make a normally hostile NPC no longer hostile towards the player. player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> - used to set an NPCs disposition towards the player. IE "player.setrelationshiprank player 4" will set the selected NPC's relationship rank to 4 (the highest). If this doesn't help when attempting to add Follower dialogue to an NPC, as it didn't for me, try setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> and then player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value>. Coupled with the above faction modification, this works on all nonessential NPCs in my experience. Addtofaction 5C84D 1 adds an NPC to the potentialfollower faction. However, whether or not they'll follow you depends on their disposition towards you. Would be a hoot if you turned a dragon into a follower...or maybe even a bear or ice troll as a follower. I suppose a pet would not use the follower faction. Perhaps there is a pet faction? -
So in summary: 1) To add to the spouse faction: addfac 19809 1 ----------- 2) To improve favor ( from: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim) ): (Note that this step is only needed if there are no quests to perform for them which would grant you favor) setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> ex: setrelationshiprank player 4 player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> ex: player.setrelationshiprank player 4 <actor> being player <value> being 1 to 4 with 4 highest (4 probably best as 1 is acquaintance and 4 is lover) ----------- >> Amulet of Mara should now work on them. *fingers crossed* ----------- 3) To add to follower faction: addfac 5C84D 1 (It has been suggested that you use 'removeallitems player' on npc before adding them to follower faction. This way they have no base gear to compete with the gear you wish them to use. This command will move their gear into your inventory in case you wish to give it back after.) ----------- 4) To update their level to yours: Target the npc then part ways. Then use the disable console command then enable console command one after the other (no need to retarget or close console) to update their level to yours. You can verify by using 'getav health' (or sneak/marksman/onehanded/etc) on them before and after. Do this every so often to ensure this level is updated to yours. ----------- 5) Oh and if you want to make the follower essential (will not ever die): ( from: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61035163 ) "Get the first name of your companion. For this example, I'm gonna use my companion Aranea Ienith. Simply type the following into the console: ex: help Aranea 4 Replace Aranea with the name of your companion, like Lydia for instance (help Lydia 4). Once you've typed that, there should be a bunch of stuff that pops up, or a little, depending on the NPC name. The relevant bit is where it says "NPC_: (00028AD0) 'Aranea Ienith'. Once you have this code , simply type setessential 00028AD0 1 ^Do not forget the '1' at the end, and do not forget to use the code for your specific companion instead of 00028AD0." If all this actually works then you can turn a simple npc into a fully gear-up-able, immortal spouse and follower. Just be careful not to pick an npc that has a real purpose in the game or you may muck something up. So even if the favor part does not work, you can still have a fully immortal follower who will equip any gear you give... and match your level.
LE Marriage Expanded - eg divorce and able to remarry
Mystais replied to Awsomonium's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Well they do have beheading animations... perhaps make it a public spectacle, dragging out the spouse to the chopping block, kicking and screaming. :rolleyes: :facepalm: -
"Addtofaction 5C84D 1 adds an NPC to the potentialfollower faction. However, whether or not. " Very nice find. So now perhaps Ingrid the Younger and Sylgja (sp?) might be more useful. Now to find the setting that establishes 'favor'. Hmm...found this: I wonder if this may gain the favor needed. (console command with npc targeted) player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> - used to set an NPCs disposition towards the player. IE "player.setrelationshiprank player 4" will set the selected NPC's relationship rank to 4 (the highest). If this doesn't help when attempting to add Follower dialogue to an NPC, as it didn't for me, try setrelationshiprank <actor> <value> and then player.setrelationshiprank <actor> <value>. Coupled with the above faction modification, this works on all nonessential NPCs in my experience. Why oh why do I have to be at work now and unable to test this on lil Lisette?! If all these commands do work she could become marry-able and a full-fledged follower open to all equipment. Couple that with enable/disable and you can update her lev to yours as well... beauty. Only issue would be whether her bard faction would conflict with your adventuring. Would suck if she left everyday to go play at her inn... whether from home or knee-deep in a distant dungeon.
It's addfac 19809 1 while you have them targeted. Will not help with Lisette anyhow though as you also need to have done a quest for her to gain her favor but she offers no quests.
Very possible. My testing was all done on companions I had already dismissed, and it worked fine. I didn't try with an active follower. In fact, I could see it potentially bugging out the whole follower system if this was done to an active companion. So, yes, make sure to only use the "disable" "enable" code on a companion who is not currently following you. Guess I'll give it a go with my character's wife Annekke and my other housecarls tonight. What console command are you using to check their stats/skills? Getavinfo?