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Everything posted by PrincessOfFlorin

  1. I didn't realise I could or should do that. I'm so ashamed. :sad: I'm at work now, but I'll see if I can figure out how to make that happen tomorrow afternoon.
  2. I have no idea what is causing this, so I can't begin to guess how to fix it. I have skse 1.06.16 loaded, and most mods find it. However, SkyRE cannot. When I try to start a new game with SkyRE enabled, I get a CTD. I also tried to start a new game with More Perk Points per Level, and it said I didn't have SKSE installed, and once again, CTD. I don't really know much about how this stuff works--I just follow directions well. SKSE is currently loaded in the Data folder within my Skyrim folder. Is that where it's supposed to be? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
  3. You can. If you left click when you have the weapon or spell highlighted, it hotkeys to the left hand. If you right click, the right hand.
  4. If one is interested in playing this way, then yes I agree that Altmer, Bretons and Orsimer are the strongest. Personally, I create a character to role play my way through the game in a specific way, so that stuff doesn't matter to me. Now, if it gets to the point that I'm on my 8th play through or something, then yeah, I'm going to pay attention to this stuff. For now, I'm really liking my female Nord mage.
  5. Seriously? It's played in every. single. tavern.
  6. I'm not a modder, but I'm not going to allow Steam any more access to my computer than absolutely necessary. So, as long as mods are available here, this is where I will be getting them. And (I hope this doesn't get me in trouble) if I were tech savvy enough to figure out how to pry my game loose from Steam, it would already have been done. Alas, I have no clue how to go about such a thing.
  7. I wish the poll had been multiple choice. No Argonians, Khajits, Orcs or Elves for me.
  8. And what I'm saying is that the very idea that you must come to an agreement with anyone else about how you play a single player game is confusing to me. Why? Why do you care what anyone else thinks is abusive or reasonable? Set some boundaries for your play, and then start up a new game & follow them.
  9. It makes the game more boring to you. But since this is a single player game it's none of your business, or mine, how anyone else plays. Calling someone an idiot because you think they're having badwrongfun is out of line.
  10. I think that you should make whatever rules you want to give you the greatest enjoyment from this single player game. And I find it mighty tiresome when people accuse others of having badwrongfun in a single player game. Not saying you did that, it's just that your post gives credence to the people who have. :)
  11. I'm not xlr8films, so I can't be sure, but that looks to me like the fence in Windhelm.
  12. I right clicked on the .exe file and it told me what version it was.
  13. And if you do this, can you still play? The game doesn't need to phone home in some way? I got auto-updated too, contrary to the settings I chose. Now, so far it hasn't caused me any problems that I've noticed, but I do have some pretty serious concerns about the behavior of the Steam client. Nobody accesses my machine without my permission. If I won't let my boyfriend touch my computer, then I sure as hell am not going to let some anonymous company do it. I have never in my entire life pirated anything. Seriously I'm a freakin' Pollyanna. I really resent being treated like a criminal.
  14. What I think is that you should not post spoilers in this section.
  15. I bought one from that clothing vendor in Solitude.
  16. Yes, if the Redguard can successfully best the Altmeri, then so can the Nords. Right. The Thalmor agenda is appalling, and the empire is a willing puppet. Right, the systematic destruction of Nord culture by the Thalmor is not really up for debate. It's happening. And so, while some of the Stormcloaks might act like dicks, their dickishness is several orders of magnitude less heinous than the Thalmor's lust for genocide. The empire is a Thalmor proxy. And as such, the only way I could imagine playing a character who was an empire sympathiser is if I played that character as a Thalmor. Edit: and I agree that one of the best thing about this game is the fact that we keep talking about this issue. Bethesda did a great job of creating an engaging story and a knotty problem for us to chew on.
  17. The trapped soul will be deposited in the smallest empty gem you have that can hold it. So...you just need to be sure you don't go killing spiders with a bound weapon unless you have a bunch of petty soul gems.
  18. This, but my order is slightly different: destruction, conjuration, speech, alteration.
  19. I expect I'll finish the main quest in late March or early April. I play about 3 hours a day so doing the math I guess >400 hours.
  20. I was trying to mind my own business until I caught them murdering some peasants who were worshiping Talos at a shrine in the wilderness. I will not stand by and watch those arrogant foreigners grind my country into the dirt and butcher my people. Now, I kill Thalmor whenever I can. Mind you, a hero can't fight for her cause if she's dead or imprisoned, so occasionally I have to bide my time. Like that so-called adviser to the arch-mage? I have to tolerate him for the time being. But eventually he the time will be right, and he will be dead.
  21. This happened to me as well, and I finally figured it out. Go into the dungeon entrance. At one point, you run across a water filled room with some frost spiders. The guy who summoned them is up on a mezzanine. Beyond him there is a passage, and the route into the rest of the keep is up there---on the left, I think. Use your map to make sure you haven't missed it. Also, I had to pull out to 3rd person perspective to be able to really see where I was going. Another spot in there that was confusing was the room where you found Orthon and the wolves. There are three exits/entrances from that room! One is the way you came in, the other one is up a flight of stairs and requires a key. The third...is the way you need to go. :)
  22. So I have the HItting the Books quest from the Orc librarian in the college of Winterhold. I've been through the Fellglow Keep dungeon, and rescued the prisoner, but I can't get into the upper floors (where I need to go) either from the dungeon or from outside, because the door requires a key. So where is the blasted key? I *thought* I searched everything and everyone thoroughly...but maybe I missed something? Anyone know?
  23. Well, my dog's skin has spots just like his fur, so I imagine a Khajit would as well.
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