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Posts posted by chicky540

  1. actually me and some others mentioned it already before... hopefully one of the masters of the nexus read it, but i think i remember having read about it in an update-post from Dark0ne himself.


    edit: finally checked my logs.. last entry 27 Nov 2013. yeah, there was definitely a good dozen mods or more i dl after that.

  2. that would explain some stuff... i mean, i got now like ten pms that ask what is wrong with my mod because they cant endorse... told em i think it would be the nexus... all of those dudes (and me for the mods i wanted to endorse) download manual, now i know what its related to. if manual downloads dont get tracked its obvious what happens.


    guess the only thing we can do about it would be to delay uploads... which kinda sux. hopefully they fix it soon... *fingers crossed*


    edit: what i found most interesting was that you could pinpoint it to a specific date, quite frankly i didnt get the idea to check it yet, was busy working on my stuff :)

  3. youre welcome, yangodango, thx for the thx ... though... well, not seeing that its leather ... that was quite an arrow to the knee :D


    *runs from ppl trying to slap me for bringing up the arrow* ... cu around, have some fun :wink:


    oh, hey, heres some stuff especially useful for orcs:




    and this one for some fun:



    note to self --> *gotta figure out how to add my mod-links to my signature*

  4. i just love to join the post here, with another modified request... were-SQUIRRELS!! no joke, WERE-SQUIRRELS! ... advertising-slogan: they are bloodthirsty and out for your nutz :) ... i still got no clue about race-modding, maybe i will make it myself... *wonders* ...

  5. theres one mod that has a dungeon with lightable braziers etc, its the "hyborian age" mod... another dark dungeon is / was a "testing dungeon" without being related to any quest found in the mod "wyrmstooth" (still pretty awesome)


    this should help you out until someone thats more into the topic than me read this post :)

  6. oh cmon little buddy, never wanted to be mean. and in case you want some gold-weapons (without any scripts (quite tricky to be done)) theres already stuff like that out there for sure. i guess the retex that andythelegend offered would be your best choice for the case you have like some swords or other weapons youd really love to see in game in gold :)

  7. well, my current 2 cents: the speed has been greatly increased, it runs as smooth as it could... buuuut....


    theres still the thing about manual downloads not registering correctly (makes endorsing files impossible). tried again on the potadagger (attempt number.. uhm... 6 or so now this weekend). i downloaded manually, the 15 minutes pass, and it says i cant endorse because i didnt download the file.

  8. NMM 0.45.7 was running 60+ Frame per second, update to NMM 0.46 now running 15 Frame per second on my computer, using intel Quad Core i7 - 4770k CPU @ 3.50 GHz and 16GB memory. WTH';-;' ';-;' ';-;'


    you dont seriously think that a simple program like the nmm is dependent on your computers setup now, do you? its the connection. jeeeeeez. :wallbash:


    (back to my berserk-mage-armor... i still got no clue what im gonna do about the helmet. a circlet maybe? *wonders*)

  9. still the same problems with the endorsements. im tired of downloading mods dozens of times in the hope to give someone an endorsement if it doesnt work at all.


    and i also got kicked several times, i cant download because im not online, but the top right says "chicky540's account" = i AM logged in, it even offers me to "log out" ... and i just noticed, because i tried to download the "potadagger" again (less than 100kb in size), i saw that the servers are synching... and wanted to take a look at my own mod, which i cant, because im not logged in, even though i am logged in. i could check the bunny-mace (less than 2 mb) and saw that also there the servers are synching (again) ... which i dont get, because it synched all servers last night, and i didnt upload any update.


    i got no clue what ppl are doing in the background, but it gets worse by the hour.


    if one of the posters before is right, your only way to force ppl to stop using the old nmm is by finding a way to make the old version simply unusable, the guy that said most guys dont read anything here is definitely right. you have to force them... use force, guys, not THE force, simply force :wink:


    ps: what did zelda tell link to do when he couldnt open the door to her room? ... TRI FORCE, LINK! :D

  10. i surrender for today.


    lost connections, 502s, cant enter chat (and dont have any messages and didnt get punished, nothing on my profile and nothing on the "strikes / bans"-sections of the nexus forum), no pm to the mods gets answered(i thought this was the way to do so), changes of my mods descriptions take like 3 attempts minimum before they work, the upload of my bunny-mace-mod (lousy 2 mb) took like 4 attempts last night, changes of the screenshots dont work at all (like you resort them) or if then only after like a dozen attempts, not to mention all the endorsement-disaster, and just now i once again had a message from a dude that tried endorsing my stuff and will try again later, since he claimed he has to redownload my stuff AGAIN im pretty sure its the same "downloads-dont-register-correct"-thing that i face myself.


    its a chance i didnt release my newest more sophisticated babes yet, this is a mess, with an average / general low endorsement-rate i really cant expect ppl to visit my stuff over and over again just to gimme a "thumbs up". this is quite demotivating.


    i still wonder how the new nmm was able to dos the server some days ago... anyhow. good luck, guys.

  11. Has the problem I posted on the last thread about endorsements not working been fixed?


    yeah, well i also made up a post about this, its a real pain in the.. you know. so, is it fixed? ... its more than frustrating having to download a file like 4 times just to support another modder with an endorsement and the damn popup still appears telling me i didnt dl the file yet. it completely ruins the dl-endo-relation here. *sigh*


    MAYBE important edit: i only download and install manually... can it be that the manual downloads dont register correctly?

  12. actually theres nothing wrong with gold-weapons. but the way this mod is described makes his idea so confusing that even if i would start working on it id have no clue about wtf he is talking about. oh, and


    for example: damage ebony class, but not op... some lines later: dragon class .... its like i would ask for someone to make a silver armor that looks black. and of course it has to be pink.


    anyhow... what about this one...


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44371/? --> includes 60 kickaxx weapons... dl, install, and use it with my optional "predator yellow" retex... dont forget to endorse ;) ... *considers this mod realised*

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