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Everything posted by sgtKraigO

  1. Your own words; I don't know if you'v forgotten your previous statements, misspoke or are moving the goal posts. You may believe that House designed, manufactured and stored 100s of Robots for the apocalypse with teh full knowledge that mud could defeat/immobilize them, but I personally think he's smarter than that and that securitrons can indeed handle the various terrains of the Mojave. I'm not sure what you mean here, are you implying that I said they were only limited to pavement? Because I didn't and none of the comments you quoted back up your implication or are you implying that I'm trying to say they can't be an offensive force what so ever? What I have been saying is their wheel is obviously designed for the pavement but that doesn't limit them to it. They can still go over dirt, up hills as long as they aren't steep, and other packed ground. I'm saying that because of their weight and their single wheel (which can't produce a lot of traction in certain terrain because of the tread pattern) that exerts a high amount of ground pressure they can't move through certain terrain. This is basic physics at work that have to be in the lore because there is gravity, but you're dismissing that because there is no wiki page written up on it. There's no wiki page on gravity, dirt, snow, and sand but they're still in the game and the lore. Put a door in front of a securitron in the geck and tell me it can conduct cqc operations. The securitrons size hinders their capabilities of conducting certain offensive tactics. They can't go through the average door, they can't go through narrow corridors, they have to go around obstacles that are roughly the same size or bigger than their wheel. All of this would reduce their effectiveness in an offensive role. Just because it has impressive fire power doesn't mean it's meant for an offensive role, there's more to fighting then who has the biggest gun. The only difference between the various terrains in-game is that there is elevation, depression, and different colours. None of them hinder your movement, or anyone's movement because the devs didn't factor that in, just like how they didn't factor in the traction of of a wheel when going up hill, just like how they didn't factor in the density of water when the player drops from certain heights. These are basic physics that must be accounted for because this takes place on Earth only in an alternate timeline.
  2. Is it possible to change how reputation is lost when killing a faction member so that there has to be a witness to the crime in order to permanently lose reputation? It bugs me when I wipe out a squad of troops only to lose reputation when there is no one around.
  3. That is your opinion, as is the assertion the wheel is made only for pavement, you need some evidence to support that opinion. The fact that there are inconsistencies in teh fallout universe isn't evidence. Stating that because something happens in game it isn't lore, once again isn't evidence for your point. Is it really so hard for you to believe the developers didn't intend the securitrons to be shackled to pavement and are as able bodied as any other bot in the various terrains of the Mojave? Look I can explain it too you over and over again, as I have already, but I can't make you understand it. I can continue to burn time I should be spending on modding addressing your points, or I can simply face the fact that your input has had diminishing returns at best. Instead of helping or contributing your posts have simply increased the noise to signal ratio. Is that really the role you want to play in this thread? I never stated they would be stuck solely on pavement, there are a lot of terrain they can go through it's just their wheel would hinder their movement through rough terrain and mud, lose sand, etc. Just because I said it was built for one role doesn't mean I think they can't do it, they just wouldn't be as effective at it. We know for a fact that this takes place on Earth in an alternate timeline. We know for a fact that there is gravity similar to ours. So this means that gravity would affect everything the same way as here on earth. Because of gravity securitrons movement would be hindered as I've clearly pointed out before. We know for a fact that they can't use cover properly. We know for a fact they can't be stealthy. Just because there are limitations or missing factors in the game engine doesn't mean that they aren't there in the fallout lore. There size is obviously a problem when moving through buildings as doors are made for humans so they can't clear a town of enemy hostiles. http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/fallout.gamepedia.com/7/7e/Securitron.png Their wheel is obviously made for pavement and smooth surfaces due to the tread pattern. Because of these limitations a defending force could easily use terrain to bog down the robots. But the WW2 statistics I stated before as an example should make it obvious that there is a lot more to being a soldier than just simply attacking the enemy.
  4. Just because the securitron can remain balanced, move forward and backwards, and conduct turns doesn't mean that it can go over every type of terrain. As I pointed out before gravity would have an affect on securitrons and its wheel is designed obviously for pavement. The only reason they don't get stuck in-game is because of AI path finding and how the ground is set up. There are multiple events and inconsistencies throughout the fallout games and the graphic novel, which are not considered to be lore. Just because it happens in game doesn't mean it's a lore. Just because a secuitron can make it up a 50-60 degree incline in game doesn't mean it's lore because, again of how the devs set up AI path finding. This is a universe that is based off our own, we have to apply basic laws of physics to it. I'll give you an example, in skyrim you can have your horse do this http://cloud.attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/skyrim-physics-horse-ps3-dawnguard.jpg Now does that mean ALL horses in the elder scrolls lore can do that? No.
  5. Mr. House even states that the securitron army's primary use is defense. But essentially what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what basic laws of physics are in the fallout universe, that are observable in game, it's not mentioned so therefor it's not important. Edit: Side note; what are the plans for Bullhead City? In real life there is a dam there and the NCR has control of it. It's not far from NV so I'm assuming it would be apart of the NV state. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davis_Dam
  6. As I've stated multiple times before I am not saying they will make poor soldiers, I'm saying they have limited offensive capabilities. There is more to being a soldier than just attacking something, 16 million Americans served in WW2 and less than 1 million saw serious combat, and it's been stated that only 3 out of 10 soldiers fired their gun while in combat. I understand perfectly that this is a fictional world that we are talking about, but it is based off of our world and just like our world, there are basic laws of physics at play. But just because it's a game and not real life doesn't mean that basic physics don't apply. You have to have some basic ground rules on how things operate, otherwise a giant radscorpion that flies at Mach 1 using only its legs could be lore and no one could argue against it. I wasn't trying to claim I know the exact weight of the securitrons, I was making a point that they are most likely fairly heavy given their size and what we know they're carrying around. Add to the fact that the securitrons only contact with the ground is through a single wheel, it's safe to say that securitrons exert high ground pressure. Exerting high ground pressure means that if it were to go through mud or soft ground the robot would most likely get stuck. That's why I mentioned tanks in the previous comment, sorry I wasn't clear enough. When it comes to steep hills/inclines; as the robot moves they have to shift their weight forward in order to counter act the movement of the wheel, this would make it rather difficult to gain traction while going up steep inclines. Plus the wheel they have is meant for pavement, not off roads. As for rocky terrain or obstacles, I'm not talking about pebbles. I'm talking about stuff that would hinder the robots movement i.e. anything that is slightly shorter than its wheel. Unless the robot is already moving forward and can steer around the obstacle there will be a problem. But if the obstacle is a railing, a short wall, a desk, a large rock etc. the robot will have to go around it, this can cause problems in combat. Imagine a securitron in a corridor and there is an object roughly the same size as the wheel, or even a little smaller, its only options are to pick it up, but now it can only fire its missiles in the confined space, or sit there blocking the path but able to fire, if the robot were knocked out of action then the next robot has to deal with the body as well as the obstacle, or it can back up and hope there is another way around. With cqc situations, the width and height of a securitron would stop it from even getting through the average sized door and going through the door is a pretty important step in clearing a building. The securitron is a good robot, in the right situation, those situations primarily being defensive ones. It can react quickly to any attack, it can patrol an area for hours on end and not complain, it can keep supply lines secured. You just have to keep them powered and armed and you have a good defence force. But when attacking sometimes you have to be stealthy, sometimes you have to go house to house in order to clear out a town, sometimes the enemy has forced you to move through poor terrain, and every combat situation you have to use cover. A big hulking, mono wheeled robot can't do any of those, and any decent commander would exploit that weakness. Now before you chop this up as BS consider that not everything that is lore is found in-game, and there is gravity in the fallout world, actively affecting things. Why doesn't the securitron doesn't get stuck in game, maybe because of how the devs set up path finding. They only tell the AI that they can or can't move through that area via nav mesh, it doesn't factor in what kind of terrain it is, what mode of transportation the AI is using, or how much it weighs. Oh and I came up with a few quest ideas that would involve the NCR fighting the Legion and I will post it probably tomorrow or later tonight. Also I never answered your question on whether or not we should be able to upgrade the securitrons. I think it depends on whether or not the courier is informed about the army at the fort and if the courier is informed what exactly the chip does. If there is no way around that or it's rather difficult then I think upgrading them should be an option. If it possible to remain ignorant fairly easily then I'm not sure if it should be an option or not.
  7. "The RobCo PDQ-88b Securitron model 2060-B is a security robot created and mass-produced by House Industries via its child company RobCo Industries and H&H Tool Company." the very first sentence http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Securitron I'm not saying they can't be soldiers, I'm just saying they're combat effectiveness would be limited to primarily defensive roles based off of facts. In real life tanks require wide treads as it distributes the weight of the vehicle more evenly and over a larger area. If the tank has narrower treads they will be more likely to sink in soft terrain. Now I can't imagine the average securitron weighs as much as a light tank but they carry multiple missiles, grenades, ammo, and who knows what kind of electronics in a metal casing all balanced on a single wheel, so it's far from light. In muddy terrain the securitron will get stuck and this is just simple gravity. A securitron wouldn't be effective in rocky terrain and cqc because of it's size and how it has to navigate around rocks and obstacles. It won't be able to use cover effectively unless it's larger than the robot but even then they wont be able to fire at the enemy from cover. If it has to move it won't be able to climb over rocks or obstacles in it's way, it will have to turn and go around it since it can't move sideways. They wont be able to go up steep hills properly because of the wheel and their center of balance. As for victor he may have no limits so that way he can actually be helpful to the player, otherwise he either wouldn't be able to get up a steep hill or have to take the long way and miss the fight. His role is to persuade the player to help out house.
  8. I personally upgrade the securitrons, but that's me. There could be a quest where a high ranking officer or an engineer in charge of maintaining the robots contacts you and asks if you could find a way to upgrade the securitrons any further. If the player hasn't upgraded them they can choose to say there's no way of doing so and that's the end of the quest but no rewards, or the player can go to the Lucky 38 and upgrade them and collect their reward. Alternatively the player can go to the fort and choose to destroy/upgrade the bots there, then go back and tell the officer/engineer about the extra bots and collect an even bigger reward.
  9. Oh no, they can be very effective soldiers because of their heavy armament (and area affect weapons), communications (wireless network), they can't be routed and a multitude of other reasons. You don't want to make the argument that they can't be soldiers anymore than you'd make the argument that sentry bots can only be sentries. Which reminds me I forgot to address a comment from your previous post; Victor is a great example showing that this isn't hte case at all, they'r fully capable of navigating throughout the various Mojave landscapes. Might be best, but I would be curious if anyone thinks any existing NPC would be a promising candidate. I strongly disagree. One of the cool things about supporting a faction is rising in it's ranks and acquiring perks from doing so. In addition fallout is all about choice. Now that's not to say the courier is railroaded in any way, shape, or form, but that it is an option. While this applies to all three choices, in hindsight it would probably be better to axe the political option as I don't think I could create a compelling enough story line to interest any players other than very hard core RPGers. The ranger path though has a lot going for it. Popular among players, brings some nice perks, has a great potential storyline, reinforces the option to integrate into your faction, are special forces that work outside of conventional methods and restrictions, some great role playing opportunities/comradeship among your fellow squad members etc etc. Makes sense as they appear to have modeled it on the US gov. I'll check it out. In re: to the Legion (a large part of this mod), I think I'v learned how to clone a worldspace which opens up the possibility of creating Sedona AZ from Zion. I'm also looking for other ideas where future NCR/Legion wars will be fought. Many of these are obvious (places of current conflict in the wiki), but I'd love to hear some outside the box thinking on Legion locations (and Legion targets, ie NCR). One idea I was playing with while reading up on the wasteland wiki's entries on rangers, was the Ranger citadel. The lore on desert rangers is pretty sparse in fallout, it has some basic outlines of their history and a homage to Tycho. There is much more extensive lore in the wasteland games (in re: to desert rangers), but also considerable divergence (much, much earlier timeline, the great war's antagonist was primarily Russia, Rangers originated from a company of U.S. Army Engineers, and many other differences). But I think some of it could be adapted as back story in general and as a specific setting in re: to Ranger Citadel and other locations. Ranger citadel <crib notes version) was originally guardian citadel (guardians have some similarities to teh BOS) but later in wasteland 2 becomes the home of the Desert Rangers. The Desert Rangers were a very influential faction in wasteland 2, and I think the Desert Rangers of fallout could have reached teh same levels before the Legion began to overwhelm them. So the Legion could hold Ranger Citadel in the present as well as Ranger Central (formerly Arizona State Death Row). Despite the differences in the two universes, there is a lot of good lore that can be adapted to create a history and depth for the Desert Rangers before and after the Legion invasion/occupation. The securitron was deigned and built for the purpose of being a security guard while the sentry bot was designed and built for the purpose of serving in the US army. Yes they could be soldiers but they wouldn't be a very effective offensive force as it would be difficult to maneuver especially in close quarters, mountainous regions, muddy, or forested areas, add to the fact that they're large targets and can't use cover. Maybe if the conditions (Terrain, enemy numbers/defenses, enemy awareness etc.) were right they could act as a shock trooper that rushes the enemy then followed up by regular troopers. But even Mr. House acknowledges that they are a defensive force when you upgrade them. As for Victor I assumed he followed the same route you're supposed to take to NV. But since he's a random robot traveling the wastes and not a traveler with valuables on them, any raiders hey came across simply stayed out of his way as the risks were to high for something that doesn't have any value to them. In the vanilla game you never join the NCR, you just fight along side them and help them reach their goals. I feel that the courier can aid the NCR far more when they don't have to follow their laws. But as for becoming a ranger, I'm not completely against it, I will post an idea for NCR/Legion battle that could involve the courier as a ranger later as it will be fairly long. But I feel if there is a main quest line in the mod then becoming a Ranger should be a reward near the end or up to the players choosing as to when they want to join (I'll explain more later).
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54107/?
  11. Agreed, I think it would be best placed in the small court yard of the embassy. Now my question is, what would it be made out of, sheet metal like the ranger statue, or something else? Limestone is an option. I would also like to clarify something. I'm not disagreeing that the securitrons are a good force multiplier, in the right situations, primarily defensive roles they can be really good at what they do. I do see their value as it frees up troopers/guards for other jobs and they never have to rest, eat, use the toilet, they can't be bribed, etc. they're good guards and good at patrolling in and around settlements. But they aren't soldiers, hence their name. We're on the same page, I mention frontier state to differentiate them from the core region states (not to imply *only* NV). The reasoning being less settled/urbanized states will have more fires to put out, and be easier to bargain with (as opposed to core states which wield more power and influence, and are assumed to be more "settled"). I don't mean to imply that only frontier states could be influenced, but frontier states are easy to set up plot lines for, with existing assets. You could certainly have some great story lines/quests for the core regions taht involve political intrigue and wheels within wheels, but it's harder (more work) to simulate those heavily populated areas than states that are less sparsely populated like NV (IMHO). Also related to this point are NV Senators. Typically in the U.S. you have to be a resident of the state your running for, I'm curious if the same applies to NCR politics (I suspect it does), and if so, who the lucky SOBs would be. It could be a sort of crossroads for the courier. At this point in time (assuming s/he continues to bear the NCR standard/flag), it could be; 1. the start of the couriers political career by vying for the office of senator. 2. Or it could begin the start of a NCR military career (two choices, standard military vying for rank, or special forces, ie rangers). 3. Just a facilitator to safeguard NV with the assumption that the NCR is the choice of lesser evils and a decent steward of the city. The courier stays above politics and the NCR in general. Essentially a sort of special ops asset, called in for specific problems but not really enmeshed in teh NCR. I'm also curious if anyone has seen any mention of a lower house in teh NCR or is the senate the only legislative branch in the wiki. I think it would be best to create new characters for the NV politicians coming from various towns/areas of the Mojave. Some could be interest in bettering the Mojave as a whole while some are more in favour of bettering their home town or helping the casinos. It would be best for the courier to stay out of politics and the army for the most part. Sure they can do jobs for them and there and cast their opinion on a subject but they get more stuff done and are at their best when they don't have to answer to a higher up. In a single moment they get to decide whether or not the NCR needs a new president, who inside the NCR has that sort of capability? As for the government structure "The Congress is a bicameral parliament, which consists of the lower house (House of Representatives) and the Senate. Representatives are elected in popular elections by citizens of the Republic." first sentence, second paragraph under Politics http://fallout.gamepedia.com/NCR
  12. Why would the NCR embassy and tram station be heavily fortified? I figured the embassy would be turned into a town hall while the tram station would remain the same and the sniper nests seem a bit overkill and unneeded. As for the Securitrons they aren't the be all end all people seem to imply, sure they have powerful weaponry but they're a large target, they aren't stealthy, and their maneuverability is limited as they only have one wheel and wouldn't be able to fight in rough terrain. They would be best suited to defending military bases and patrolling trade routes, freeside, the strip, westside, and other soon-to-be NCR towns.
  13. These are meant to be politicians from other states, but I can see there being a few new politicians from NV trying to make a name for themselves. I would imagine any politicians from the Hub would be rather difficult, if not impossible to sway as the Hub is the state that brought back the cap based currency. For the person who gives you the quest, he could originate from Redding. As for the raiders a while back I had an idea that some of the surviving fiends who still wanted to be in the gang have moved up to the Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch and Horowitz Farmstead and were conducting more daring raids against traders and westside due to them not getting enough chems. As for the mines/industrial buildings here's a list. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Brooks_Tumbleweed_Ranch http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Horowitz_Farmstead Gypsum Train Yard which is infested by blind deathclaws, but it has some mining equipment (possibly for limestone). http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Gypsum_Train_Yard Searchlight North/East Gold Mines (considering how we are talking about gold, these would be highly sought after) and Coyote Mines. If Nelson were to be repopulated I could see it being a small mining town. One of the Searchlight mines might be irradiated so if they were to be reopened, the one with radiation could be manned by super mutants and ghouls while the rest could be manned by super mutants, ghouls, and humans http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Coyote_mines http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Searchlight_North_Gold_Mine http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Searchlight_East_Gold_Mine Southern Nevada Wind Farm, this could help supply power to Nelson and Novac while being owned by the NCR forcing Novac to pay for the power if they want it. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Southern_Nevada_Wind_Farm Walking Box Cavarn and Dead Wind Cavarn. If Nipton is repopulated then you could turn these into mines. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Walking_Box_Cavern http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Dead_Wind_Cavern Samson Rock Crushing Plant and New Vegas Steel. These could work if Vault 3 was inhabited by NCR citizens. You could even explain that the crushing plant helps increase Quarry Junctions and possibly Gypsum Train Yards production. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Samson_Rock_Crushing_Plant http://fallout.gamepedia.com/New_Vegas_Steel H&H Tool Factory. Gamepedia states that the NCR can make tools[1] http://fallout.gamepedia.com/H%26H_Tools_Factory Black Mountain. This could be used to help boost the signal of some radio stations in the core region and help any new radio station that pops up around the mojave. I believe I mentioned having two new radio stations in the past so I wont go into to much details but basically one being an small independent radio station that looks for the truth and the other being pro-NCR station that skews the facts (basically an NCR version of Fox News) http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Black_Mountain Black Rock Cavarn. You could turn it into a mine as there some black minerals[2][3] that are used in jewelry. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Black_Rock_Cave http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hematite#Jewelry Bloodborne Cave has the same rock formation found in Vault 19. You could open a mine in there and have them mine sulfur. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Bloodborne_Cave Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. It could be turned into the HQ of a new brewing company (NV needs to get it's booze from somewhere). You could even have the brother of the guy who ran the Brewer's beer bootlegging shack. For the bottlecap quest I think if the HQ is occupied the quest is failed as I'd imagine the back room would be cleared and Festus would be removed. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Sunset_Sarsaparilla_Headquarters http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Brewer%27s_beer_bootlegging There's also Silver Peak Mine, Charlestone Cave, and Ruby Hill Mine but with these being close to Jacobstown I could see the super mutants mining it. Ruby Hill mine and Charlestone Cave are partially flooded, but there are minerals that form in and around water[4][5][6][7][8]. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Silver_Peak_Mine http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Ruby_Hill_Mine [1]http://fallout.gamepedia.com/NCR second sentence, in the second paragraph under Economy [2]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augite [3]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hematite [4]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amethyst [5]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agate [6]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opal [7]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malachite [8]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turquoise
  14. So I had an idea for an side quest that involves the NCR currency. Currency The NCR introduced its own money around the turn of the 22nd century and initially it relied on coins minted from gold. By 2241, the economy of NCR dominated the West Coast and coins became universal currency, used by the three regional powers: NCR, Vault City and New Reno. During this time bottle caps had become worthless in these regions. During the conflict with the Brotherhood the Republic's gold reserves were destroyed by Brotherhood raids to the point where new gold coins could not be minted and paper money could not be properly backed with gold. NCR citizens panicked and rushed to reclaim the listed face value of currency from NCR's remaining gold reserves. Since the NCR was unable to realize these withdrawals, particularly towards the frontier, faith in their currency considerably dropped. To protect against actual economic collapse, the NCR government abandoned the gold standard and established fiat currency, not payable in specie. Since then many wastelanders lost faith in it as a medium of worth, both as a result of it not being backed by anything but the government's word and the inevitable inflation. In response to the loss of faith, merchant consortiums of the Hub re-established their own currency, the veritable bottle cap, backing it with water (exchanging a standardized measure of water for caps). By 2281, the NCR dollar is valued at about 40% of a water-backed cap and only 10% of a silver Legion denarius. In the Mojave Wasteland, these notes can be seen in the $5, $20, and $100 denominations. The notes are issued by the Republic Reserve Bank located in Angel's Boneyard. In 2281, the current Treasurer of the Republic and head of the NCR Treasury is John Michael Henderton; his signature can be found on the front face of all NCR notes found in the Mojave Wasteland. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Ncr I thought it would be rather interesting if an important person in NCR politics were to attempt to reinstate gold back currency again. A small quest could go like Step 1: player receives an invitation to meet the person at a casino on the strip where they're staying at. Step 1: Player listens to them as they explain their want for changing the money and that it's currently a close vote in congress but they're currently down a few votes. pros: it could allow the NCR dollar value to increase above the cap, for in-game changes it could allow merchants around the Mojave to have more money to barter with. It will also give more influence to the Redding representatives in the NCR congress, you could also mention Redding is wanting statehood and this would help them out. Cons: if the NCR gold reserves were ever plundered again they would be forced to switch back to fiat currency. But with the Legions defeat, retreat, and distance from NCR gold mines and reserves, and the Brotherhood of Steel hiding in their bunkers and on the losing end of the war there doesn't seem to be any major threat. Step 2:The NPC then tells the player that there are some politicians visiting New Vegas now that it's an NCR state and the NPC wants you to try and convince them to side with the NPC. This is where some speech checks could come into play and possibly intimidate a politician and/or the player could dig up some private information on another and blackmail them. Step 3: The player goes back to the person who gave them the quest and they will get their reward (potentially some money if the player bartered for it). The NPC will tell the player the vote should pass when it goes to vote in a few weeks once they're back in Shady Sands. As for game effects it could take a week to change. We do have a name for the Treasurer of the NCR so you could possibly work with that or you could just come up with a politician. http://fallout.gamepedia.com/John_Michael_Henderton
  15. Could someone make a mesh of an M24 Chaffee light tank and NCR and BOS inspired textures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M24_Chaffee Edit: I'd prefer the mounted .50cal being swapped with a light machine gun with extended mags and remove the hull mounted machine gun.
  16. I tried downloading this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57955/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D57955%26preview%3D&pUp=1 for a personal mod I'm making but it doesn't show up as a plug-in. I downloaded it using the NMM and manually but neither worked. Is there anyway to fix it?
  17. Actually you're wrong about New Reno. By 2281 it is still one of a few cities in the Core Region that are not part of the NCR. New Reno Wiki Page Territory[edit] The New California Republic is a federal union of five states.[3][48] The NCR also has several territorial holdings that are prospective in becoming a state such as territories in northern California, Baja and the Mojave.[49] The list of incorporated states: Shady, incorporating Shady Sands, Vault 15 and neighboring NCR settlements.Los Angeles, incorporating Adytum and other settlements in the Boneyard area.Hub, incorporating The Hub, Junktown and other towns.Maxson, originally including Lost Hills, though the status is unknown, due to the ongoing NCR-Brotherhood war.Dayglow, incorporating towns south of the Boneyard.There are other cities aligned and/or controlled by the NCR, but as of yet not incorporated into an existing state or created as a state's capital: Arroyo[50]New Reno[51]Redding[52]Vault City[53][54][55]Sac-Town[56]http://fallout.gamepedia.com/New_California_Republic I trust Gamepedia over Nukapedia as Gamepedia requires membership in order to edit information which the admins look over. Also the admins at Gamepedia are the ones that started Nukapedia but moved to Gamepedia due to a business dispute. But if you're still having difficulties believing NR is apart of the NCR take a look at this http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Carter_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) How would the NCR have jurisdiction or even care about this guys crime if NR isn't a part of the NCR
  18. It's hard to say on the Vertibirds and the bomber. The NCR has held Camp McCarran for years and there doesn't appear to be any vertibirds at the airport. However there are some on the long 15. Although they are crashed I assume that's from the nukes and that they were previously operable. Why a "minor military base" (as per the wiki) has some vertis and not a major base (McCarran) might be due to developer oversight, dumb luck (they were refueling or just in the area when the nukes hit) or something else entirely. Similarly they'v had access to the planes at McCarran, but haven't gotten them repaired and running. I can't say if that is a lack of resources, knowledge, will or something else entirely. So my guess would be that if it's already up and running due to the Boomers, the NCR can take advantage of it (station appropriate pilots here, keep it maintained etc). I'm not too sure how long it would take to have capable personal transferred and if they would require significant simulation time in the pods first. There's very little info on the NCR in re: to fixed wing vehicles or their nautical capability. One problem with McCarran that people seem to over look is that there is a giant wall between the runway and terminal. As for Vertibirds I'd say 3-5 with 1-2 being worked on, plus a possible working bomber. If they do have a working bomber though I could see them moving some of the larger planes from McCarran to Nelis to see if they could get them worked on or use them for spare parts for the bomber.
  19. That information is likely from this http://fallout.gamepedia.com/NCR_history_holodisk "HOW BIG IS NCR? Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home." I would like to point out that any information the east coast BOS has on the west coast is most likely out dated as the NCR has expanded greatly since they left. Contact between the Western and Eastern BoS was only broken some time after the events of Fallout 2, in 2241, I can't imagine the population has exploded that much since then, the doubling time of populations is usually somewhere between 50 and 100 years, and the NCR has been suffering from drought and warfare in that period as well. And since then they have brought New Reno, Redding, Modoc, Gecko, Vault City, Arroyo, and Klamath into their territory. I'm not saying it's doubled but I would suspect it's around 1 million. Edit: Was just looking at the Fallout timeline. By 2277 all communications stopped (Same year as the 1st battle of Hoover Dam), so they would probably know about the NCR expansion, although I believe they wouldn't have a proper census of the NCR as west coast BoS is largely stuck inside their bunkers trying to survive.
  20. As for the vaults the only one that I can see having any military value is Vault 19 due to it's sulfur. Vault 3 and the surrounding area I would like to see repopulated and basically be a suburb, with a few stores. Some of the surrounding industrial business' could also be reopened. Vault 22 is too hostile for anything to come of value that hasn't already. Vault 11 isn't really good for anything. There's already 2 military bases nearby, and I can't see anyone really wanting to live in it especially since Novac isn't that far from it. Vault 34 is too irradiated and finally Vault 21 is already a hotel.
  21. I believe there is a lot of potential for both locations (Nelis & BOS especially would be a incredible cache of military armament) as well as some of the vaults. I'm primarily focused on the very short term consequences of the NCR ending at the moment, but it shouldn't be too hard to hook a variable, a glob or use a function like getDead (on primary or important NPCs) to determine if those locations are available. I would like to see Nelis become an NCR air force base with some vertibirds and possibly the bomber being rebuilt. As for Hidden Valley it has a lot of potential as a place where a lot of top secrets are worked on, but I would like to see the DERVISH system disabled and the surrounding area turned into a base. It's close proximity to the correctional facility would deter any riots if the prison was opened back up.The official role of the base could be to patrol I-18 and keep an eye on the prison, but unofficially they try to make new stuff.
  22. What are your plans for Hidden Valley and Nelis if the courier kills off the BoS and Boomers. I would like to see the NCR do something with iboth.
  23. I would just like to say one more thing before we move on. I have a difficult time believing that the NCR only has a police force in Shady Sands and no where else, especially considering how dumb it would be to have troopers, not trained in policing, policing civilians. As for the military police, I would like to point out that they are military police and not just NCR police. To me this implies they are in charge of military policing and there is a civilian equivalent.
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