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Posts posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. The higher your level goes, their default weapon upgrades and their default outfit get replaced with different looking outfits, maybe they just have more armor on them or something.


    You know how Diablo 3 followers change appearance as you progress in levels?


    Same thing.


    This would be dope. I'm just too lazy to constantly find new armor for my companions, and I like their original aesthetics when we find them. Piper's trenchcoat is too cool for her to give it up for some dingy armor. Nick can't even wear armor. MacCready's Duster looks dilapidated as hell.

    But can Piper really make it through the Commonwealth with the Sole Survivor with a measly 10mm pistol? Shouldn't she upgrade to something much more hard hitting when you've leveled up significantly?


    Just an idea. I know most people out there probably outfit their companions on their own.


    But I think a default progression system would be cool too.

  2. Well, you could emulate any that were released on consoles.

    That sounds really nice too. Don't know much about them though :S (Does a brief browse through emulator-zone.)

    Do most emulator programs require having control devices beyond the mouse and keyboard? (I.E. joystick, and other devices). Do you know if there are emulators (or maybe plug-ins) that can make do with just a mouse and keyboard?


    If it's a console that doesn't use analog, then there's really no need for controller.

    Otherwise, yes, you need a controller.

  3. Am I the only one who sees the humor in people getting sheep avatars?


    They are becoming their own label. It's funny.


    You daffy sheep. Just go jump off a cliff right now.

    Before I call in the nuclear strike.



  4. I've been looking at this Sapphire Vapor-X 5770 1GB card for a while.

    Does anybody know of it/is it any good? The rest of it I thought of getting some generic stuff, but this is the card I really want.




    I have one. Its not bad. Runs Vanilla FO3 and FNV real well. Though the various population mods I have added have dropped the FPS enough that I may need to get a new card. I'll probably get a Sapphire Toxic HD6870, the new model 100314TXSR. Though I may be better off getting another Vapor- X 5770 and running them in crossfire mode.


    I was thinking about just getting two Vapor-X 5770's and running Crossfire, too. When I found out what crossfire was, I was just like, "woah,no way".

    Think it's worth it?

  5. Eh, hoofy.

    Doing this one was fun, but for some reason my creativity button wasn't working.


    Hope you like it anyway.



    Again, if you don't like it, I'll redo it. No problem.

  6. Hey hoofy, I've decided to make your sig vectored, and basically that just means that it will take a long time, but it'll end up looking pretty neat.


    Are you familiar with vector art? Something like this:



  7. Will do guys. Thanks for the advice.

    And yeah I just saw that the motherboard is out, too.


    I know about the case, and I already looked at a couple. I can get that here easily, I just need to order the parts.

    Monitor is the same issue.


    Also, it's probably a better idea to get somebody to build this for me rather than try myself, right?

  8. http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=14748732


    The wireless adapter is the only problem as it's out of stock (recommend a different one?), but the rest of it looks pretty solid, right? Also, on the subject of wireless adapter, how the hell does the internet work when I'm building a computer. I don't even know. This list was given to me by somebody else.

    Some help needed, I'm a complete noob. I'm looking to be able to at least play Skyrim, with or without high-end graphics. Anything is an improvement over this old piece of slag. Not looking for THE most amazing computer, just something that'll help me along for a while.

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