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Posts posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. Yeah, about the Laser/Loser thing...

    That's the way it's done on the album cover. It's supposed to be like that.


    Fridge logic and whatnot.


    Here's a slightly edited version. Is it better?


  2. I've always envisioned combining Fallout 3 with Resident Evil or House of the Dead.


    I mean, there are already Ghouls, so Zombies isn't too far off. Then add the S.T.A.R.S team, and you have a great game. Imagine a buttcrapload of zombies slowly stumbling across the open wasteland, eating anybody in their way. The few settlements there are would protect you from them. Tenpenny Tower would be one of many such places. The Vaults wouldn't be so bad anymore.


    etc etc.

  3. I once had a dream about video games that seamlessly blended Resident Evil, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Starcraft, and the Legend of Zelda into one realm.


    I was the Champion of Cyrodiil (Oblivion) that lived in an apocalyptic wasteland of Earth (Fallout) filled with zombies and the Zerg (Resident Evil, Starcraft). In order to cleanse an area of the major creature population, I had to go to certain locations and eradicate some...thing inside of it. The one place I saw in the dream was JUST LIKE the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time.


    Apparently one of my partners was Rebecca Chambers, and she later dies from Infested Terran gunfire. I used the V.A.T.S to shoot all of them in the head. It was ridiculous.

  4. Hear me out here.


    Most of us can agree that the developers of Morrowind and Oblivion have basically raped the Lore of the Elder Scrolls world back and forth, inside and out. Okay, so that's an exaggeration.


    My point is, there isn't much of a continuum here, and the direction of the Elder Scroll games seems to have been flawed from the very beginning. I know the stories weren't really supposed to connect in a lot of ways, but THIS is ridiculous! Thus, my question: would it be better to try to amend this error within the series (via retcon, future games), or to drop ES and start anew?


    I think that the latter option is best for BethSoft, to create a new series much like Elder Scroll, only actually putting time and effort into it. I'm not asking for PC exclusivity, but just more time and effort. The rushed feeling of Oblivion did not help the Elder Scrolls franchise. Morrowind was a grand effort, but in today's market it doesn't really do well. Oblivion was a step away from the grandness, the exploration, the action, the story, the people within. It delved more and more into the hack & slash realm, a realm that doesn't really fit the Elder Scroll games' appeal.


    We play TES because of the immersion, the expansive gameworld, the myriad of characters, their personalities, the action and the exploration combined. Oblivion was gutted of everything that made Morrowind what it was.


    What I'm offering as an idea here is a different series that moves more into the sandbox game world, but still retains everything that Morrowind had with Oblivion's accessiblity.


    What are your thoughts on the matter?

  5. My first language was English, and I hope to become very refined in that regard.


    But my second tongue was Korean, and I'm kind of fluent in that.

    I also took 4 weeks of German, and learned a surprisingly large amount.

  6. When you express your love for a girl that is 180 pounds and 5'5.


    Oh wait, I think I had a beer or two then.



    Nah, just messin. I'm actually super tired right now, and I've constantly been making mistakes on this assignment thingy. Even though I'm practically copying right out of the book.

  7. Traditionally, the Imperial City IS in a great position to defend, which is probably why it was situated there in the first place. There's really only one way to enter the city, it's surrounded by water, and is divided into sections, making it easier to defend even IF the enemy enters.


    I'm pretty sure the sewers would be sealed, and not many people know about them. Even so, there should be an Imperial presence in the sewers themselves. The Blades might take care of that?

    And even if they knew about it, the sewers are not very easy to navigate through. You'd have to have an insider.



    The basic defense of the IC is that it's surrounded by water, making a surprise attack hard. You'd need boats, and those would be spotted rather quickly and taken down. If an invasion force was spotted, I'm pretty sure the first thing the Empire would do is send a couple of ships into Lake Rumare to defend it. The bridge can be destroyed, a tactic that was common in WW2 and even happened in the Korean War. It's a big thing especially when it's the only bridge across a body of water.

    If the bridge remains intact, the Imperial City still lies on higher ground. Catapults can only do so much damage, and trebuchets the same.


    It wouldn't be too surprising to see the IC having its own supply of catapults and trebuchets. They would fire back, and it would turn into Kingdom of Heaven right there.


    But let's say that this "enemy" manages to punch through a wall or the main gate. Again, the city is divided into sections, so blocking off the enemy's advance wouldn't be too hard.




    The second best defensible city would be, IMO, Bruma. It's cold, it's brutal, and they have Cloud Ruler Temple. Using Jarl's secret entrance requires previous knowledge of it, and the backdoor is in a very bad position for attack anyway. They'd have to go all around the city, risking detection by the Cloud Ruler Temple and spotters just to get to it. Just my two cents.

  8. Yeah, I've played through the Golden Crest, and yes, it was a pretty decent mod. But as you said, it's not as piratey as I was hoping it would be.

    The Pirate Isles BETA had the right idea. Only the guy who made it didn't decide to finish it, apparently.


    And, well, yeah Ferryt. I HATED the Dunbarrow Cove DLC because it was completely useless.


    As for fleets, I wasn't exactly expecting moving ships. I realize how hard that is in a game where, as you said, large complex objects weren't really meant for moving. I wanted to borrow from Pirate Isles again and do it that way, just more polished. In where, you would decide to move somewhere, and along the way you would meet a fleet of pirates/Imperial ships, almost like sleeping.


    I don't think scripting it would be very hard.

  9. I'll hit play on the launcher, and then the game will load and immediately crash. Turns out my video card can't handle Fallout 3 because it's barely incompatible.


    So is there anyway to make the game require a less new card, or something? Because I REALLY want to play, but the game won't effing let me.


    If not, well, then I guess I have to upgrade, no?

  10. I'm talking moving away from the hack and slash aspect of Oblivion and turning it into a more of a... life simulator.


    The thing about it is that the difficulty setting doesn't help at all. It doesn't make the AI smarter, it doesn't make them do things differently.

    The NPC's just take about 150% more hits than usual. Which is completely idiotic!


    A good difficulty setting would radically change the AI from just standing and hitting to moving around, blocking, bashing, etc. Deadly Reflex REALLY helps in this aspect, but I've found fights to STILL last only 15 to 30 seconds because the AI is too, well, dumb. Raising the difficulty only makes it longer, but I will always survive unless I'm outnumbered greatly.


    But one thing that IS fun is the outnumbered battles, when you have like 4 people against you, two archers and two fighter. It's hard to constantly avoid the arrows by keeping the fighter between you and the archers. Then after you take the fighters down, you have to be smart about using your shield to protect against the arrows.

    It's things like this that make the game fun. Deadly Reflex makes you think more about fighting, but it doesn't change things THAT much, just adds a couple more moves.


    The AI should be smarter, period.

  11. What the hell, people notice me around the forums?

    I'm mostly lurking and not really contributing here and there. I mean, yeah I've started a couple of topics, but some people are pretty observant. Hot damn.


    Just, I don't have a lot to share with you guys for some reason. School, social lives, working out, etc all take me away form forums.

    I will browse a long time at a time, though. Mostly when I'm waiting for something or have nothing to do.


    But these forums are pretty nice... though I rarely see opportunity for real discussion.

  12. I don't want to slash at somebody 15 times just to reduce his health down to half.


    In reality, the fight should only last like two or three slashes, and that also depends on where you hit.

    It shouldn't only apply to the NPC's either! I want to be dead after two or three hits, and that'll encourage me to block better and not be an idiot!

    I thought Deadly Reflex would help with this, but it doesn't as much as you'd think.


    What do you think?

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