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Everything posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. Oh...my gosh. I totally didn't think about that. I'll get on that right away. Thanks for helping!
  2. I had recently installed All Natural and Immersive Interiors, along with Brotherhood Renewed, Tamriel Travellers, and some other stuff. I installed and ran All Natural without Wrye Bash, even though it said I needed it. Immersive Interiors ran fine. I tried to enter Bruma, but my game crashed. OK, so just load it up again. Tried again, crashed. Dammit. So I disable All Natural and Immersive Interiors, and it STILL crashes. So i disable Brotherhood Renewed and Tamriel Travelrs, because both could still affect Bruma. Loaded up again. STILL CRASHES. What gives? Anybody have a clue out here? Will reinstalling help? Can I keep all of my mods and saves if I reinstall?
  3. Marching band is no joke. It's very tiring, no? And don't worry about not being able to lift. Everybody can do it, only everybody has to start somewhere. Like me, I first had trouble benching 60 pounds. The bar itself was like 40, and I had 10 weights on each side. I just kept moving up. But marching band is raw in it's own way. Keep it up, really. Band geeks rawk. i take a mixture, but its based on tai kwon do and im a first degree, going for second in a year Do you guys spar in class?
  4. I was playing unpadded football and got tackled from behind. Landed on my shoulder and broke my collar bone. I didn't know it then, and tried to keep playing for a bit. The sheer lack of water then just added insult to injury. Another time when I was at the weight room, I loaded up 275 on the squat rack, confident that I could do it and raise my max about 50 pounds. Big mistake. All I will tell you is that I had very large bruises the shape of the barbell for about two weeks. I'm lucky I didn't break anything then. But the one that stayed in my mind the most was in the 4th grade. I was out in the wild having fun, and happened to skip under a wasp's nest. Got stung in the head, ran home crying. I could've sword I was dying.
  5. I started at 14. From then until like 5 months ago, I basically kept doing it non-stop while taking the regular supplements and trying to eat as healthy as possible. You'd be surprised to see how much improvement you can make in the timeframe of about 6-8 months, especially with regular protein supplements. It's only now since I started playing football that I haven't really had the chance to go to the gym. @Calliton 45 minutes? Eh, I can see getting a workout in that timeframe, but just curious; Do you do anything outside of that? Extra push-ups, sit-ups, weights, anything?
  6. It's good if you tell us WHERE this Wayshrine is.
  7. I'd like to believe that we are not all nerdy, forum-game playing, video-game-only loving nerds who stay home all the time. We all have hobbies besides games, right? One of my hobbies is weightlifting, and I just want to know if any of us here also weight lift. If so, well then, feel free to post stats and workout routines. Offer advice here and there, ask a question or two. So, who's with me? As for me, I love to weightlift (hate running), and it really helps with football and wrestling. I'll go to the gym after practice every other day to add something to my workout that day. So, without further ado, my stats. Max Bench: 265 pounds Max Squat: 330 pounds Max Clean and Jerk: 180 pounds Regular Routine (all weights include the bar): Bench: Starting at 160 pounds, go into 3 sets of 5, moving up 10 pounds each set with abdominal work inbetween. Squat: Starting at 180 pounds, go into 3 sets of 5, moving up 15 pounds each set with abdominal work inbetween. Clean: Starting at 140 pounds, go into 3 sets of 5, moving up 5 pounds each set with abdominal work inbetween. Standing Military Press: Starting at 15 pounds, go into 3 sets of 5, moving up 10 pounds each set. No abdominal work. Bicep curls (dumbell): 30 pounds each hand, 8 sets of 5. Bicep curls (barbell): 40 pounds, 5 sets of 3. Arnold Press: 50 pounds, 5 sets of 5. Shrugs: 80 pounds, until muscle failure. EDIT: I weigh 215 pounds at 6'0. I eat like a...something that eats a lot. And increased my bench 10 pounds, but my squat and jerk have remained the same. Strange. But still feels good man.
  8. Here are some that I've done in the past. http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/request-kainwind.png http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/request-raisin.png http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig24-1.png http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/request-cronolink.png Hmmm, I notice that my sigs lack any sort of border similar to the ones here. No matter, as I generally prefer a more simplistic look anyway.
  9. Seems to me like you're over-doing it a bit. Even if it IS a retreat for the Emperor, it's a retreat, not a mansion. Also, some of the furniture placement seems questionable to me. Such as that shelf in one screen. Other than that, it strikes me a lot that the place has no windows. Moar windows.
  10. I've had this idea going on in my head for a while now. I've found a couple of pirate mods, but they're really just, well...badly made. I've had an idea going on in my head that will change pirate mods forever, adding lots to the game with new quests, features, perks, etc. This large scale mod would probably include the following: A ship that you can use to transport to Anvil, Bravil, Leyawiin, or the Imperial City Waterfront. A new island for Pirates; a pirate town, similar to the one in The Pirate Isles mod. More than one ship at a time. If you own a small fleet of 3 ships (which would differ in size), all three would follow you out on a mission. Different ship sizes. Frigates, corsairs, dreadnoughts, etc. Battles in ports and out at sea between the pirates, merchant ships and/or Imperial navy ships. A couple of new islands to explore, with a chance to find new treasures, battle undead hordes, conduct a sting operation on a pirate hideout, or raid Imperial Navy ports and island/coastal towns. These islands would be pretty durn big, about 1/6 of the size of the Shivering Isles. They could contain several towns for exploring. Or a single, BIG island can be used to contain all of these things. Each operation would merely take place on a different part of the island. The option to fight AS a pirate, or AGAINST the pirates in the sea. Working cannons. This is a completely optional thing, as I have no idea as to whether it could work or not. A simple spell could probably do it, as all it needs to do is send somebody flying unless they got a direct hit. Short storyline establishing your making as a pirate or a naval officer. I'll be willing to write something for it, if you wish. Now, for the finer details: In the actual battles, you would start out on your own ship, unable to board the other ship. You would engage cannon fire (mostly cosmetic probably - nobody would really get hurt) until you activate a couple of switches to lower the boarding planks, at which point you would board the other ship while cannon fire continued. No topside cannons, just from the hull. That way, it's automatic. If you finish a fight quickly enough, you have a chance to salvage the current ship and do either of two things: sell it, or keep it and add it to your fleet. Keeping your fleet together would drain your money, either automatically or manually. A good idea I think would be to have your first mate come to you occasionally to collect the shares for the fleet. I realize that having mutliple ships would create a problem, but think realistically here: Would a pirate captain really want to be jumping from ship to ship, helping to clear out the opposing forces? The same applies to a Naval captain. So yeah. Of course, you could do it. At first, you would recruit pirates by yourself. If you decide to be a naval captain, you would be given a small force of sailors to work with. Any people you first get will be ill-equipped, not very skilled, and will generally suck at fighting, leaving you to help them out. As you advance in position, you would recieve or recruit better sailors/pirates who, when you're really high up, would be able to fend for themselves. For size problems, I think a decent crew should be around 8-10 people per ship. You could probably have up to 15. Naval officers will find that they can manage their ships for free. However, their men will be less well equipped and less skilled than if you decide to fund your own operation. Pirates do not have the option of managing their ships for free, but they have a wider selection of fighters to choose from and will earn more money than an Imperial Naval Officer. As for Leyawiin, Bravil, and the IC Waterfront, a new port or something would need to be added to each. I can imagine the Waterfront working well, but Leyawiin and Bravil might not work, which is okay. And that's basically it. Let me know if it's a good idea or not, and whether it could be done or not. I've always wanted to see something like this happen. It would be absolutely epic to see this done. I might add more to this long list.
  11. Maybe some armor from Monster Hunter. I'd love to run around Tamriel with full Lagiacrus or Rathian armor on. Even Uragaan armor looks absolutely badass.
  12. Sup. Been playing Oblivion for several years now. I've got about 300+ hours logged total on Oblivion, mostly due to the fact that school takes up a lot of my time. I only play in like 2-3 hours a day, so, yeah. I got into Morrowind after Oblivion and beat it, but having been spoiled by Oblivion it took me a while to do so. I would play more Fallout 3, but my computer can't handle it and I don't have a PS3 or Xbox. I've never made a mod in my life, nor do I think i could make one. I'm not even going to try. Anyway, you'll be seeing more of me soon. :D More about me, uh. I'm a junior in high school. I like Photoshop, graphic arts, etc. And video games, of course. I live in Seoul, South Korea. Nice to meet you guys. :D
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