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Everything posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. Personally, I'm diggin' Hobbes's grip on life. You? For those unaware, John Locke is the guy who said that all humans have equal rights as humans, including life, liberty, and the happiness thing. Thomas Hobbes is that guy that said humans basically are awful and that they give up their freedom to be less awful. Take your pick.
  2. Gothic was good up till 3 honestly. The only consistent problem was lag, lag, and lag.
  3. My character is a female Moonshadow Elf named Silver. She specializes in mostly heavy melee, her weapon of choice is either Umbra or a Fine Steel Claymore. She is a Vampire that tried not to let that come in the way of her saving Cyrodiil from Mehrunes Dagon. She is skilled with any type of weaponry, from blunt to unarmed. She is humble and lives in a small shack in the Imperial City Waterfront, sometimes spending day after day after day in there agonizing with her curse and struggling with her inner self. Just like Janus Hassildor, she is noble and kind, but must still satisfy her needs. She prefers to avoid confrontation with the law and feeds as discreetly as possible, mostly upon the homeless, in the dead of night. She fears the sun but has learned to overcome that fear through much determination and practice. She is probably one of the most powerful vampires around, defeating Umbra in an epic swordfight and then taking down Mankar Cameron with relative ease. She is a master of Destruction and other magical schools. She hunts down other vampires who would do harm, and seeks to cleanse Tamriel of all evil creatures of Daedric nature.
  4. Yes, I've downloaded the latest driver for my graphics card. If that's the problem, then I won't be playing Fallout for a while, I guess. Hell will freeze over before I buy a new video card in the near future.
  5. Yeah. I'm not sure why it is, but it is. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it 5 separate times, but still each time I try to run it, it just CTDs. I've tried installing the latest patch, updating my video driver, but nothing works. Running Windows XP, btw.
  6. It's just not a Gothic game anymore. It's really just like every crappy action-RPG.
  7. Let's not forget machinery and technology as installation art.
  8. Wow. I pray that this just doesn't happen in real life.
  9. If I wanted to play video games on consoles all the time, I wouldn't have gotten a Wii. No, I'm mostly a PC gamer. PC Master race, nyah.
  10. I've got a ATI Radeon X300 with 2gb of RAM. When I run Fallout, though, it just crashes. I can play Oblivion fine on medium settings.
  11. Just finished with it. What do you guys think?
  12. God I wish I had a computer capable of running something as graphic intensive as this game will be. I've been thinking about building a new computer, but since I still am a minor and live with my parents who control my financial assets, I've been unable to do so. I'm going to live in agony while this game comes out. Anyone else in the same hole I'm in? Crap computer, no money, wanting the game?
  13. I think I'd probably never return back to the life I had. I'm not exactly happy with it and would like a fresh start. If the institution let me go, I'd assume that they have my new background and identity covered, so I could start anew. There's also the question of how much longer I can live now, and if I can receive and sorts of booster treatment to stay younger.
  14. The Dark Brotherhood quest was the very first for me. The first thing I did was kill random people.
  15. Yes. Unarmed combat adds a lot of variety into fighting, such as the situation described up there. See Deadly Reflex. Shield bashing is not so different from unarmed combat, it is simply that you are using your shield, a blunt surface, rather than your sword. Using a fist is not so different, especially against fleshy enemies or certain weak points. I also say that unarmed combat should be extended not only into using your body, but using your surroundings. In a building, picking up a chair and swinging it for massive damage is a VERY viable option, as is using a rock to bash a creature or human's brains in. Throwing rocks or other objects should also go into unarmed combat, because for all matters, you ARE unarmed and forced to use whatever you can. I'm very FOR this unarmed combat stuff.
  16. I think everybody has forgotten that Israeli special forces use Crav Maga, which is the most useful and effective form of unarmed combat. It's not just punches and kicks, it's all types of grappling and throws, fitting the Israeli special forces operations and any Mossad operations, too. We've also forgotten that even the US military has unarmed self defense classes, which directly translates into bayonetting. Sure, punching a guy with a steel helmet in the face isn't smart, but what about using his weight and leverage to take him to the ground? Unarmed combat doesn't just mean kicks and punches, guys. I also like the idea of armor or fist weapons. Maybe you could even use claws or katars to increase damage, or have enchanted gauntlets to do more damage, or spells that add fire to your fist.
  17. I dunno, man. There are several RPG's out there that at least include a Scandinavian-esque region, such as Gothic or even Mount and Blade. But yeah, I'm ready for it too. I've always waited for this, TES style.
  18. Old .gif is old. But those quotes are pretty nice. 7/10.
  19. There have been lots of discussion on the detrimental effects that weed might have on society, and people often use that sort of example to justify the legalization of weed - that people are in control of what they do with their life and what they do with weed and because of it is their business. That it's not weed that destroying their lives, it's just them. But that makes it seem like the government doesn't really care about society, because everybody can just do what they want to now, at least from my point of view. Also, that justifies tobacco use and alcohol use to some extent, because it's the user's decision to go out and buy those products and use them. It's plain idiotic, or unprofessional at least, to completely (ahem) weed out marijuana as a detrimental effect on a user's life. That's just my two cents.
  20. Haha, it's not bad. Also, we're both 최씨, ㅋㅋ.
  21. When OOO and other overhauls are installed, you won't be scoffing at the difficulty anymore. No more charging into groups of 10 trying to swing and kill them all. You can actually get hurt seriously. Even IF you're taking them all out in one or two hits, the damage they can do to you is almost just as deadly. Which is why I just cheat and use tgm.
  22. Yes, and eliminating it seems to have fixed it. Thank you. I don't know why I thought of that. Possibly out of frustration, since I had a clean install going on in a new hard drive, trying to install all of my old mods.
  23. There's no video popping up. And even worse, there's no file popping up either. No way to select a server, nothing. I'm trying to download Moonshadow Elves race for Oblivion, link here. Nothing will download. And a good question might be where these videos are coming from. Thanks.
  24. World War 3 won't be starting in the near future, as I can see it. The issue with North Korea can be isolated in just the peninsula and would just constitute a continuation of the Korean War, in which the RoK, USA, and allies will win. No matter what. The Middle East is another problem, but I can also see that problem solving itself in some years to follow. I'm talking about US involvment of course. Or it'll become more volatile, and somebody will step in and stop everything. It will happen. People will scream, "RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE," but the fact is that the whole region is just crazy and happens to be Muslim. I don't see WWIII happening soon. But when it does start, I suspect it will have something to do with Russia making another power-bid around the world as soon as their economy picks up again. Just you wait. Those Russians and that one scary Russian guy are planning things. (I'm afraid of Putin.)
  25. Try these on Youtube. Kim Tae Woo - Love Rain Park Bom - You and I 2NE1 - Can't Nobody
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