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Everything posted by AncientGamer65

  1. Well, that's a bit more than I expected. :P I'm able to place items in-game, modify stats...yah, this is above my pay grade...lmao. Ah, well...thanks for the advice, folks; I'mma leave this one alone. :)
  2. I've got a mod with something I'd like to fix/add on... I'm running the "Nora Spouse Companion" and am liking it tons, but there's a couple areas that it falls short on and I'd like to know what I need to do to change this. MIND YOU: We're not talking uploading anything to the Nexus here...the mod is years old and apparently abandoned (and I'd love to be proved wrong on this, but the posts there say it's been years since the creator of it posted anything), so I'd have zero permissions...we're talking about making some changes to MY copy of the mod for my PERSONAL game and use. That out of the way... There's two things I find this mod lacking in...there's no way to give Nora a Stimpak if she gets knocked down in combat, and she has no sleeping animations. Stimpaks: Either I'm missing the mark when I try, or there's no way to get her back into a fight if she falls during combat. Just need to know how to make this happen. Sleeping Animations: I went digging a little bit with the GECK on this, and it seems like she didn't have any sleeping animations built in to begin with. Is there scripting involved, or can I copy/paste animations from other companions? I'd like the sleeping to kick in once full affinity has been reached. If that needs extra scripting, then just sleeping when I do in the same bed is fine. Any and all help appreciated...thanks!
  3. So....I just got a better gaming computer with an SSD. I hear that loading times, freezes and a bunch of things are lessened if not eliminated by moving from an HHD to an SSD. I'm on board, but need to know what to move to the solid state drive. Is it just the DATA folder, or do I need to move over other folders as well? I know where to change Nexus Mod Manager (not doing Vortex...I need to adjust my load order myself) to get it to see the files again, but want to be sure I'm moving everything. Do I also need to mess with the "Virtual Instal" files? Bottom line it for me folks...what needs to be moved to the SSD? Thanks for any and all help!
  4. So...I have two weapon mods that use a certain type of ammo (.22LR)...each mod introduces in their own nod to the ammo, but only one has it craftable. I'd like both mods to use the same 22LR ammo so I can craft it. How do I go about that? It would be some kind of patch, yes? FO4Edit? And just for the sake of stating it...just before posting this, I stopped by both mods and a patch of this type doesn't exist. Thanks for any and all help!
  5. So. You're talking with a complete noob on this particular part of modding, so if I'm asking "Does 2+2=4?", be kind. :) I've found the instructions for using FO4Edit to make ESP mods into ESL's and have proceeded to do so. I can even see the ones I've flagged myself showing up as as "ESL" after a reload of NMM...but I also see my "Active Mods" listed as having 255. Can I install other mods and not break my game? I also see that "Active Plugins" are listed as "181 (216)" and "Total Plugins" are listed as "216"...do I have space for more ESP's and I'm just being scared about it?
  6. I can mod my game with a certain level of competence...I can make stat-changed weapons, place them in game, change something about a mod if I don't like it (if a mod places power armor in Goodsprings and that messes with my immersion [lol], I can move it to Hidden Valley in MY game)_but when it comes to scripting, complete noob waiting to be pwned. :P I need assistance with something. The Dead Money collars, specifically. I enjoy running Dead Money as it is...it's very challenging and unique. But the dang collars...there's one section of the vault, right before you confront the holograms, that takes 11 or 12 seconds to run, it seems, and collars are timed to 10. I know, I know..."noob...git gud", etc, but I'd like to modify the script for the collars to explode at 20 seconds rather than 10. There's a few mods on the Nexus that completely wipe out the cloud and the collars, but I don't want that...and one that says it does mod the collar explosion time, but it just seemed like it was the same for me...I used it and kept dying in the same spot I was before. How would I go about changing this? Seems more GECK than FNVEdit...but where in the Dead Money section would I look for the specific script? Any help would be appreciated. :)
  7. Well, good...that's what I thought. It must've been the two other mods that were causing my crashes because I'm still crash-free since removing those two and putting NVAC in FO4. It's nice to be mistaken once in a while. :)
  8. I think this might turn out lengthy, so I'll preface it with a TLDR: TLDR: If you use New Vegas Anti-Crash in Fallout 4, will it do anything other than take up space? Story: Whenever I try a "performance" mod, it seems to create many other problems for *MY* games...New Vegas Anti-Stutter, for example, causes crashes for me, likely mostly due to my ineptness in being able to tweak the ini properly, I'll admit that. I've seen hundreds swear by it, but for MY game, it causes crashes. Every performance mod EXCEPT New Vegas Anti-Crash (NVAC), that is...heck, my Fallout 3 game was in such a sad shape that it'd crash after 5 minutes of running it (no joke), but when I put in NVAC, it stabilized out to the point that I could even run the last regular quest, walking Liberty Prime over to the Enclave, with zero crashing, and that was crashing even BEFORE I got into modding and had a completely vanilla installation. So you can say I'm a bit of a fanboy of NVAC. :P Everything I've added it to has worked brilliantly and kept my games from crashing...both Fallout 3 and New Vegas have it in them and they simply don't crash for me anymore. Recently, I tried a couple of "performance" mods for Fallout 4...the one to improve frames in Boston and "FAR"...and my game has been crashing a bit more since. With my history with "performance" mods (I once installed a "remove unnecessary objects" mod for Fallout 3 and lost a large portion of the Eastern map...lol), I was quick to blame the two performance mods I installed and removed them...but then had a wacky idea: Could NVAC help Fallout 4 any? I realize it's about the same as asking "Can an XBOX game play on a Playstation?"...different engine, different generation of games...there's no logical reason why it could help, right? But what the heck, I installed NVAC into Fallout 4 at the same time I uninstalled the aforementioned performance mods...and my game isn't crashing anymore. :/ Am I going nutty, or is NVAC helping my FO4 game? I need folks with more experience and modding knowledge to explain this one to me...I know I'm nuts, but can it actually be helping? I suppose I should end this with this thought: this post is made in NO WAY to slam "Performance" mods. I know for fact that they help people and it's just my lack of modding skillz that keep them from helping me...in no way, shape, or form am I saying "don't install the mods I mentioned or performance mods in general". Performance mods do great things...they just haven't helped me out so much...lol.
  9. I'm a complete noob when it comes to Outfit Studio...apologies if this turns out to be a completely dumb question. So, I've been playing with Outfit Studio and have made an outfit or two for my character, but am having some weirdness when saving. The tutorials I've watched on YouTube say that when you're done to save the outfit over the piece that you start the mashup with...I've done that and it works fine, but like I expected, when I go to craft that specific item, I get the whole outfit again. Meaning: let's say I mashup an outfit using shoes, pants and a shirt, but start with the shirt, saving over the shirt's file...I can still craft the shoes and pants OK, but crafting the shirt gives the whole mashup. How do you save your mashup in a way that allows it to be rendered in game, and allows all the individual pieces to still be crafted? Thanks for any and all help. :)
  10. Yah, figured it'd be somewhat complex...lol. Sounds a bit outside my skillz level, but I may try it someday on a lark. :) Thanks for responding!
  11. So I'm playing through Nuka World and have "Fizztop Grille Enhancements" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22091) running...an excellent, brilliant mod. :) It's got a feature that I'd like to move back to the Commonwealth at large, but am unsure about how to go about it...looking for help. :) The Nuka World Mixing Station that the mod adds is self-contained, meaning, it only uses the supplies that you put into it. It isn't linked to the other crafting stations around Fizztop Grille, so you can put all your Nukas into it and start crafting mixes as soon as you start crafting. I'd like all the Mixing Stations that I craft, wherever I craft them, to be this way...unlinked from other stations; how do I go about this? I'm thinking it's a GECK project, but am unsure of how to proceed. Any advice/directions? And before it's mentioned...I did do a search of the Nexus and didn't find any mod that accomplishes this...tho it's definitely possible that I just overlooked it. If anyone knows of a mod that achieves this, that'd be fantastic; otherwise, how do I make this happen in my game? Thanks for any and all help. :)
  12. Hello, all. I'm a modder of what I would call "medium-level" aptitude; my weak point is definitely scripting. Just started playing New Vegas again, and finished a run through Dead Money. I'm one of the probably few players that enjoys the challenge of the bomb collars and their proximity detonators (I'm a nutter...I like Cazadors, too. :P ), but want to increase the time it takes before a collar'll explode. I've seen a mod on the Nexus that increases the timer from 10 seconds to 20 seconds, and I like that idea...only problem is the mod also alters a lot of other things I'd really rather not alter. Hence my writing in now. Like I say, scripting is a weak point for me, tho I know how to go into the scripting using the GECK, I don't know how to modify just this particular thing. Can someone explain to me (in talking-down-to-a-child kind of terms...lol) where to go using the GECK to make this change? I'm assuming that once I have the correct script, all I'd need do is change the "10" to "20" in said script; I'm just unsure of how to get there. Much obliged! AncientGamer65
  13. Just wondering if there's a "Fallout 4: Sole Survivor's Edition" or a "Project Boston" or some such thing in the works for Fallout 4. I get that the aims (or at least, this is how *I* was perceiving it) of FWE and Project Nevada was to bring the older games into a more modern perspective (grenade hotkeys, better crosshairs, etc), but partially what those mods did was to add things that were felt to be missing, and my thought here is that maybe the folks involved with those projects found other things that they felt needed fixing and were creating an overhaul for this game, possibly...? Just curious.
  14. I THINK this is the right place to put this...if I'm wrong, would the mods kindly move it to the preferred forum? Thanks. :) So. I have a Chinese Stealth Suit mod and LOVE it, but am not using it right now because when I wear the suit and fast travel, about 90-95% of the time, the loading screen that pops up is the one related to the suit. Much as I like the slide, I'd like to see others from time to time and it's a tad annoying. I'd like to do one of two things (and I have the Creation Kit and FO4Edit available to me to do either with) and just need the technical knowledge to do it with...either: remove the loading slide altogether (I'm that sick of it...but this is the lesser-preferred thing I'd like to do), or, what I'd really like to do, is just reduce the frequency of which it pops up to almost nothing. The mod that I have for "That Gun" has a fast travel loading screen that pops up almost never...I've had that mod installed for about two weeks and in all my time playing, I've maybe seen it twice, and that's what I'd like to have happen for the Stealth Suit. I'm just looking for procedure here...how do I go about changing this?
  15. I have a mod that adds the DKS-501 Sniper Rifle to my game (firing 5.56 ammo), and the numbers on it, meaning, the DPS and Damage, look a little low for my Project Nevada enhanced game to me. I'd like to up the numbers in FNVEdit, but would like to do it FAIRLY...and since I haven't played the games that the DKS was originally introduced in, I have no basis for comparison. Sooooooo...can anyone tell me how the DKS compares to the Vanilla Sniper Rifle so I can make changes appropriately? And just for the sake of saying it, yah, I could just do this myself and call it good, but I'd always feel like I was unfairly spiking the thing, and I'm not interested in doing that...I wanna do this RIGHT, in other words. From my game: DKS: DPS: 74 DAM: 41 Vanilla Sniper Rifle: DPS: 109 DAM: 58 That "41" on the DKS just seems low to me...unless, my lack of knowledge about the gun is showing and these are proper numbers here, in which case I'll just drop the whole thing. :P I get the 74 DPS, as the DKS IS slower to fire. Am I just underknowledged on the weapon, or is there a need for bumping up the numbers?
  16. Jokerine, you keep makin' those mods...you're brilliant at it! These things can be taken in doses, actually. In my first post, I mentioned not liking my equipment being taken away...I can stand this if it's done well. At the Pitt, for example, your stuff is taken from you, but all you have to do is go through the Mill and gather steel ingots and you find enough equipment to make you reasonably equipped to handle the rest of the DLC. Same holds true for Dead Money. I mentioned a mod where all my equipment was taken and given just a stat modified Combat Knife? That was pretty much all you got to get through the area. Not a fair challenge, in my opinion. With all of these things,I believe, it's just a matter of how well they're done/not done that makes or breaks them.
  17. "...and don't run into an area designed for level 30 at level 2." I actually have a lot of fun with that. :tongue: LOL...seriously tho, to get the "Underground Hideout" mod opened early in the game, you have to leave Goodsprings and head up Red Rock Canyon way...by leaving Goodsprings via the North path, right through what I call "Cazador Alley". At Level 1. Right past the "Do Not Enter" signs. Makes for a good challenge. :tongue: Also makes me glad I downloaded Millenia's Remington 700 mod...sniper-shooting the Cazadors is a lot easier than confronting them. You die a LOT...but getting to the Underground Hideout once finished lends a feeling of satisfaction. :smile: But yah, I get you about the armor. "It looks SO GOOD!!" But it protects you so LITTLE...why wear it?! Talking about armor, here's another: Stripper-Wear with 35 DT. There's no valid reason a string bikini should protect a girl character more than Power Armor other than "I (the mod author) want my girl to look sexy!!!" I'm male enough to like a Type 3 body lookin' fine...but there's limits. :/ Props to the OP for starting this topic...been a very nice conversation! :smile: (EDIT: I was referencing RoyBatterian from the bottom of Page 1, by the way. Should'a quoted the whole post; sorry for any inadvertent confusion.)
  18. I'm seriously surprised no one mentioned Quest Mods that say, "No Companions Allowed". My serious biggest pet peeve. I also get why authors DO it...but I still dislike them to all heck for it. :tongue: Annoying. Bullet-Sponge Boss characters with a million hit points or more (exaggerating for comedic effect) also piss me the heck off. Completely unnecessary. "1) Almost any kind of lore-breaking, affects my immersion (yeah yeah, I'm a nerd). That's why I love New Bison Hotel and Saxxon Quests so much, dont even looks like a mod." This one's big for me too....only I take it to extremes...the T-60 mod was seemingly made by a British team as every reference to "Armor" was listed as "ArmoUr"...I spent about an hour-and-a-half going through that mod with FNVEdit removing every "U" I could find in that word. Looking back on it, I feel like it was excessive of me, but it REALLY ruined my immersion for that mod. The armor was made in the US, and we say "Armor" here, simple as that...if this game were set in the UK and a character said, "Remove the stuff from the TRUNK ("boot") of the car, take it up the ELEVATOR ("lift") to my APARTMENT ("flat")", it'd be completely out of place. No offense to any Brits reading this, but the game IS set in the US, so characters should speak like we do here and naming of articles should follow, unless, of course, the character is British itself. (shrugs shoulders) Mods that remove all your equipment annoy me too. I remember a quest mod that literally took EVERYTHING from me and provided me only with a stat-modified Combat Knife...wound up fighting 4 Lakelurk clones ("clones" meaning they were Lakelurks, but named something different in the mod). I somehow won, but was reduced to literally ONE HP...found a Medicine Box, but it was locked...and the mod took all my Bobby Pins away too. All-Locks-Force-Open-At-100%-Mod for the WIN!! :tongue: Mods where characters say something different from what's captioned on the screen. I run my game with captions turned on in case I miss something someone says, I then see it in print on-screen. Or if a voice actor talks too fast or unintelligible, I can read it and still know what's being said. It's annoying when the voice actor says, "Meet me out behind the dinosaur in Novac.", but the caption on-screen says, "I'll be waiting by Dinky; don't make me wait long." And yah, it can get that bad. :/ Finally...mod authors, PLEASE use Spell-Check. :P Tho it DOES make Al Chestbreach's mod reviews on YouTube all the funnier when he pronounces the words WITH the misspellings deliberately. :)
  19. I just found a SWEET gun from an apparently dead mod on the Nexus that I really love...the problem with it is the creator of the mod didn't iron sight it; matter of fact, the creator had the "Do Not Use 1st Person Animations" flag turned on, and when I turned it off, the gun sits about 6 inches below center screen...for a handgun that seems strange to me and I'd like to fix it. I'm not here slamming on the author for doing that...if I could even PRODUCE a weapon mod, I would prolly do the same thing out of lack of knowledge. PLEASE don't take this post as me bitching; furthest thing from the point. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to learn. My GECK/FNVEdit/NifSkope knowledge is middle-of-the-road at best and I'm always interested in expanding it. At this point, I know nothing about NifSkope and even less about Blender, which is why I'm reaching out now as these are the tools I'll need to get the job done, I understand. Can someone here explain, in the absolute simplest of terms, how to iron sight a weapon? And before anyone responds to this with "Google is your friend"...I have in fact searched this up. I've read the tutorial here on the Nexus about iron sighting and it threw me for several loops. I need it broken down a little more than that, please. Thanks for any and all help! :)
  20. Hi all. :) I picked up a weapon mod that was long abandoned and tried it out...I like it, but I modified it, and that seems to have damaged it a bit, so I need help modifying it some more. Let me explain. It was a weapon mod...I was looking for a silenced 10 mm submachine gun and found one. Problem with it was, it had a Enchantment that allowed knockdown with every hit...and you can imagine how well that went over for a SUBMACHINE gun. :/ Every bullet that hit caused knockdown, making my character "spider" all over the screen and made Raiders and Talons unbeatable as I was always picking my character up off of the ground every time they drew on me. Liking the guns (this mod included 10 mm pistols, and Assault Rifles, Chinese and American, as well), I decided to keep them, but went ahead and removed the Enchantment...which somehow wound up with Raiders and Talons getting the guns in their inventory without any ammo for them. (shrugs shoulders) I've seen it time and time again...a Raider will come up to fist fight with me, I'll put him down, and when I go into his inventory, he'll have a flashy new gun provided from this mod with no ammo for it. :/ I'd like to do either of two things, but lack the skill to complete it, hence my asking for help here. Either: Add ammo to any Raider or Talon receiving the guns OR Remove the guns from the leveled lists. I'm leaning towards just removing the guns from the Leveled Lists, but have never done this before...how do I go about this? Any and all help/advice appreciated. :)
  21. I'm having a brain fart. Feel free to throw any "NOOB!" comments you'd like at me; at this point, I feel so stoopid, I don't really mind. :P Searched the GECK site, searched here, and am turning up diddly. I'm officially turning in my "Google is your friend" badge, as my searching abilities have hit a rock. :P I've put a Ranger Sequoia at the NCR Safehouse for myself in my game (seems logical to me), but am having trouble putting it there at less than 100% condition. Everything else there is in less-than-perfect condition and I'd like the Sequoia I put there to follow suit. Feels like an even deeper cheat than what I'm actually doing otherwise. :P How do I put a gun into the game at less than 100% condition? Thanks for any and all help. :)
  22. ...whoa. Mind blown. :ohmy: Shows you my level of modding experience...I had no IDEA it would be that huge of a fix. :/ Well, color me out of doing this for myself then...lol. :laugh: This is so far over my head, I can't begin to even SEE it...I'll just have to wait, I guess. THANKS for the quick response! :cool:
  23. Apologies if I chose the wrong forum board...mods, please feel free to move this to the appropriate one if I did. :) Anyway, I'm running Millennia's Weapon Retexture Project, and occasionally, I run across other weapon mods that use vanilla models and mash them up...the WRP then winds up mish-mashing the textures of the mod, causing the gun (or the gun with mod attached) to look like I need to toggle Archive Invalidation. The most recent example of this is the "Custom Winchester 1873 Lever action rifle" currently in the Top Mods section...the gun is fine in my game, but when I apply the scope, the textures are horrid on it (just the scope, mind you, not the gun itself). :/ I'm not complaining...no mod maker should have to make a mod with others in mind, but I would like to be able to use the scope for this gun. Tried the direct route and asked at the gun's thread with no response (hopefully there will be one soon), but I figured I'd try another approach as well.. You've heard the expression, "Fish for a man and he eats today, TEACH a man to fish and he never goes hungry" (or some wording like that...); I'm looking to be taught here. How do I go about making patches so that WRP and my modded guns play nice? There's two cases where this happens for me. One is like the scope issue with the above (the gun by itself is fine, but when mods are applied, the mod's textures wind up wonky), or other cases where the gun itself is a combo of other vanilla guns and doesn't go well in my game (the one I'm thinking of here is, I believe, the "Lamprey" mini-missile launcher...I love that mod, but as it combines several vanilla guns, in my game it looks awful). Just for the sake of any who might suggest, "Just remove WRP and all your problems will go away"...true, but then my vanilla guns will look...well, vanilla. :P WRP is amazing and I'm not going to uninstall it for the sake of a few modded weapons; this doesn't happen often, but when it does, I'd like to have the know-how to fix it. I'm a modder of low-to-middle experience level, so please...the more detail you can give me, the better. Thanks!
  24. AAAAAA!! I looked for this script for HOURS...THANK YOU! This'll make things easy! :)
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